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Friday, 31 October 2014
Re-advertisement - Area Office Coordinator 6 duty stations (6 posts) -(Open to Myanmar National Only) - Sittwe (Rakhine), Myitkyina (Kachin), Hakha (Chin), Mandalay, Mawlamyine (Mon) and Taunggyi (Shan) - (Applicant has to specify duty station in order of priority)
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Morgan Hunt: Major Gifts Specialist
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Reviser, Chinese
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Local Short Term Expert on Efficient Prevention Tactics for Improving the Services of ISFs - REF: (LSTEPT /CO2014) - Home-based
University degree in Social Sciences or Public Administration;Higher degrees in Social Sciences or Public Administration will be an asset (Master, PhD).Experience:
At least 5 years of professional work experience;Experience in conducting interviews with public officials;Publications on EU accession (especially comparative studies) of Turkey will be an asset;Publications on public services/policies will be an asset;Experience in working with public institutions will be an asset.Language:
Fluency in English;Fluency in Turkish.Notes:
Internships (paid/unpaid) are not considered professional experience;Obligatory military service is not considered professional experience;Professional experience gained in an international setting is considered international experience;Experience gained prior to completion of undergraduate studies is not considered professional experience;If the candidates cannot meet the requirements, assets will not be evaluated;Only candidates who met the requirements will be contacted and will be requested price proposals.Reporting Line:
The consultant will be responsible to Inclusive Democratic Governance Programme Manager, under the direct supervision of the Chief Technical Advisor and Project Administrator of the Improvement of Civilian Oversight of Internal Security Sector Project Phase II for the completion of the tasks and duties.
Reporting Language:
The reporting language is English.Title Rights:
The title rights, copyrights and all other rights whatsoever nature in any material produced under the provisions of this TORs will be vested exclusively in UNDP.
Timing Duration:
Contract Start Date: 15 November 2014;Contract Completion Date: 24 January 2015;Total expected w/d to be invested: 16 days.Duty Station:
Duty station of the expert will be home-based.
Terms and Payment:
The international short-term expert will be hired under an Individual Contract (IC) or a Reimbursable Loan Agreement and be paid in USD upon submission and approval of the all deliverables listed above. The international short-term expert shall provide IC timesheet together with the deliverables in order to proceed with the payment.
The amount paid shall be gross and inclusive of all associated costs such as social security, pension and income tax. Duty station of the expert will be home based.
Contracting Authority:
Contracting Authority for this Assignment is UNDP, and the contract amount will be provided through UNDP.Contracting Modality:
IC – Individual Contract of UNDP;
RLA- Reimbursable Loan Agreement.
Tax obligation:
The subscriber is solely responsible for all taxation or other assessments on any income derived from UNDP. UNDP will not make any withholding from payments for the purposes of income tax. UNDP is exempt from any liabilities regarding taxation and will not reimburse any such taxation to the subscriber.
Services and Facilities Provided by UNDP: N/A
Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work;Provide a brief note about the proposed approach and/or systematic to be followed for the achievement of the outputs of the Project;Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references;P11.Financial Proposal:
The candidates will be requested to submit ‘Financial Proposals’ upon completion of technical evaluation.
The financial proposals shall be submitted in UNDP’s standard format which will be communicated to successful candidates. The financial proposal shall specify the daily fee, travel expenses and per diems quoted in separate line items, and payments are made to the Individual Consultant based on the number of days worked.
The International short-term experts will be paid in USD on the basis of the number of days invested for each deliverable, as approved by UNDP;
The International Short Term Experts shall be paid upon submission and approval of the above described deliverables. The Experts shall also prepare a timesheet that shows the number of days invested for each deliverable.
The amount paid shall be gross and inclusive of all associated costs such as social security, pension and income tax. Assignment-related travel and accommodation costs outside of home base will be borne by UNDP upon submission of documentation.
Applicants meeting the minimum requirements listed in the Terms of Reference will be short-listed and asked for price proposals. The selection of the Consultants will be made in accordance with the quality- cost based selection method (70 % technical component and 30% price component). Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
For P11 (Personal History Form) please click
Proposal should be emailed to no later than 30 October 2014.
Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the address or e-mail indicated above. UNDP will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
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International Consultant (Team Leader) for Review of National Plan for Disaster Management 2010-15 - Dhaka (with field visit outside Dhaka)
The purpose of the assignment is to review the National Plan for Disaster Management (NPDM) 2010-15 and develop the draft National plan (2016-2020) based on the findings of the review.
The specific objectives are as indicated below:
To take stock of the implantation progress of NPDM so far and their sustainability;To extract lessons learned and best practices related to NPDM implementation;To undertake a gap analysis in terms of strategy, operational framework, institutional alignment (MoDMR and beyond) and implementation of actions as well as the future possibilities;To identify the cost/finance and prioritization aspect including fiscal perspectives (i.e. NPDM’s alignment with mid-term budgetary framework-MTBF, mid-term budget projection-MTBP, etc.);To develop recommendations for the future direction, strategies and areas of possible focus for NPDM 2016-20;To develop a resource mobilization strategy for financing the proposed actions.Scope of Work:
Based on the specific objective of the assignment the scope of work will include:
Developing an understanding and capturing the current context Disaster Management in Bangladesh including the community level risks (through the analysis of the CRA reports and other documents/resources available with the government and other sources);Reviewing the National Plan against the evolving context (for instance- the emergence of DM Act and other policy developments) of the country for achievements, lessons learned and future scope based on gaps identified;Undertaking Stakeholder consultation including the government, development partners, civil society and vulnerable communities in the rural and/or urban setting;Drafting all identified documents including the draft report jointly with key stakeholders especially MoDMR;Develop a strategy for mobilising resources against a framework of costed actions.Review Process:
A dedicated task force for this review will be set up. This task force will be chaired by the Secretary, MoDMR (or his nominated senior & competent official) and comprised of other MoDMR/DDM officials, UNDP (CDMPII/ERF) officials, 2-3 Development Partners and a Civil Society Representative. The task force, involving different stakeholders, will provide advisory and strategic guidance to the process of review and drafting of the next plan.
Three Consultants will be engaged in the review. One International Consultant (Disaster Management Expert) will work as Team Leader and two National Consultants will work with the International Consultant. Among the national consultants, one will focus on macro-economic analysis of the current NPDM to identify gaps, development areas and means of improvement. The other national expert will focus more on inclusion issues, i.e. marginalization, vulnerability, equality, disparity, gender, etc. The review will be jointly conducted by all three consultants.
The team of consultants will be contractually accountable to UNDP. However, the issues related to process and deliverables (outputs) needs to be endorsed by the dedicated task force set up for the review of the NPDM.
The Consultants will prepare the work plan to conduct the review. The work plan will outline how the review will be carried out and identify the responsibilities of each of the Consultant. The work plan will be agreed by the task force at the beginning of the assignment. The work plan will address the following elements:Timeframe;Literature review;Data collection and analysis; andReporting arrangement.The Consultants will outline in the work plan how they will liaise with MoDMR and other supporting agencies and departments to gather the information required.
The intended outcomes deliverables are:
Work plan and methodology to be followed for the review;Draft Report of the review;Final Report;Draft National Plan for Disaster Management 2016-2020;Resource Mobilisation Strategy.Supervision And Performance Evaluation:
The Consultants will work under the guidance of MoDMR. UNDPs role will be hiring Consultant. Approving the review plan and methodology to be followed for the review will require endorsement of the task force. The task force will sign off the review report after incorporating the feedback of the concerned stakeholders within and outside government identified during the review process. The draft of the National Plan jointly developed with MoDMR will be handed over formally for its finalization by the GoB.
Timeframe and Deadline:
The review will take 45 working days (over 3 months) including submission of detailed action plan, desk review, interviews, consultations and analysis, drafting report and plan, presentation, discussion of findings and finalization of all documents.
Tasks and Days required (Total 45 Days)
Submission of detailed action plan - 02 Days;Desk Review/Documents Review - 05 Days;Meeting, consultation, interview with stakeholders - 17 Days;Preparing and finalizing the report - 06 Days;Preparing the draft National Plan for Disaster Management 2016-2020 - 09 Days;Preparing the Resource Mobilization Strategy - 06 Days.Documents:
The Consultants will prepare and submit the documents mentioned above at the end of the assignment. The format for all three documents (review report, draft plan and resource mobilization strategy) should be agreed at the beginning of the assignment and cleared by the task force. Further work, or revision of the documents, may be required if is considered that the report does not meet the TOR, there are errors of fact or the document is incomplete or not of an acceptable standard.
CDMP-II and/or ERF projects of UNDP Bangladesh will provide office space and transport for the consultant as required and also arrange meetings, consultations, and interviews and ensure access to key officials as mentioned in proposed methodology. In addition, CDMP-II will bear the cost of arranging consultation meetings, FGDs, debriefing session and other events as required. However, other than transport, subsistence costs during field trip outside Dhaka require to be paid by the individual consultants.
Proposed Payment Schedule for the Consultancy:
1st Payment (30% of the Toatal Contracted Amount) - Upon submission and acceptance of the Work plan and methodology;2nd Payment (30% of the Total Contracted Amount) - Upon submission and acceptance of the Review Report;Final Payment (40% of the Total Contracted Amount) - Upon submission and acceptance of the Draft National Plan/ Resource Mobilization Strategy.View the original article here
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Senior Humanitarian Affairs Officer
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Thursday, 30 October 2014
Kenya: Country Logistic Manager- Kenya
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 08 Nov 2014
ACTED is a French humanitarian NGO, founded in 1993, which supports vulnerable populations, affected by humanitarian crises worldwide. ACTED provides continued support to vulnerable communities by ensuring the sustainability of post-crisis interventions and engaging long-term challenges facing our target populations, in order to break the poverty cycle, foster development and reduce vulnerability to disasters. Our interventions seek to cover the multiple aspects of humanitarian and development crises through a multidisciplinary approach, which is both global and local, and adapted to each context. Our 3,300 staff is committed in to responding to emergencies worldwide, to supporting recovery and rehabilitation, towards sustainable development. (...)
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Kenya: East Africa Legal Analyst
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 03 Jan 2015
Private-sector style career development in a growing social enterprise
An excellent career development opportunity
Industry: Nonprofit/International Development
Function: Legal
Employer: One Acre Fund
Job Title: East Africa Legal Analyst
Job Location: Nairobi
Duration: Full time; minimum two year commitment
Organization Description
Most of the world's poor are farmers, representing the largest and most uniform group of poor people in the world. (...)
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Ingénieur en Genie Civile - Bamako avec de Fréquents Déplacements à l?Intérieur du Pays
Le Mali émerge graduellement de la crise la plus profonde de son histoire. La libération des régions occupées par les groupes armés et l’organisation des élections présidentielles et législatives ont mis fin à deux années de crise politico institutionnelle et sécuritaire. Cette période d’instabilité (2012 début 2013) s’est caractérisée par des déplacements massifs de plus de 585 000 de réfugiés et déplacés internes la rupture de l’ordre constitutionnel se traduisant par la suspension des institutions démocratiques, la fragilisation des administrations publiques et des collectivités territoriales.
Aussi, des infrastructures socioéconomiques collectives et des bâtiments administratifs déjà insuffisants, ont largement été endommagés par les djihadistes et alliés. Les archives ont en grande partie été détruites et les équipements pillés. La majorité des fonctionnaires ont abandonné leurs postes craignant pour leur vie. Les institutions juridictionnelles dans les zones de conflit ont été particulièrement affectées avec le repli des fonctionnaires, qui étaient exposés à une situation d’insécurité en raison de la nature de leurs fonctions.
A la suite de ces pillages et destructions commis par les groupes armés, la plus part des infrastructures publiques dans les trois régions du Nord ainsi que la partie nord de Mopti sont dans un état de délabrement sévère qui rend difficile le redéploiement de l’administration, la reprise des fonctions de l’Etat ainsi que la fourniture des services aux populations.
L’évaluation des besoins de reconstruction dans les différents secteurs avait été estimée à 101, 22 milliards F CFA (source : gouvernement du Mali) sur les quels, l’Etat malien a consenti des efforts pour la réalisation de travaux de réhabilitation de certaines infrastructures.
A travers l’Axe 1 du PAG, le gouvernement entend mettre en place des institutions fortes et crédibles, avec comme objectifs entre autres, la lutte contre la corruption et l’impunité, la refondation des administrations publiques, et la réhabilitation de l’institution judiciaire.
Ces efforts des autorités maliennes seront soutenus par l’Équipe pays des Nations Unies (UNCT) en collaboration avec d’autres partenaires, pour la restauration de l’État de droit à travers le rétablissement de la police, de la justice et des institutions pénitentiaires dans les zones libérées. Cet appui devrait prendre en compte les besoins suivants:
(i) la mobilisation de matériel et d’assistance financière pour la réhabilitation d’infrastructures-clé;(ii) la fourniture d’équipement (bureaux, matériel informatique et consommables);et (iii) le redéploiement de la police et de la justice sur base de la feuille de route du secteur de la justice.View the original article here
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Panama: Protection Intern/Pasante de Protecci�n - UNHCR Regional Office for Central America, Mexico and Cuba (via Reliefweb)
This vacancy is advertised by UNHCR
Duty Station: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Panama
Level: Contract type: - (More info about Levels and Contracts)
Closing date: 1970-01-01

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Apply to this job on the UNHCR site now!
The vacancy is online since: 2014-10-15
Days online: 9 Total views: 12
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Re-advertisement - Monitoring and Evaluation Analyst
This vacancy is advertised by UNDP
Duty Station: Gaborone, BOTSWANA
Level: NO-B Contract type: - (More info about Levels and Contracts)
Closing date: 1970-01-01

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The vacancy is online since: 2014-10-10
Days online: 13 Total views: 17
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Programme Management Officer
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Senior Political Affairs Officer
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Wednesday, 29 October 2014
UN Women: Private Sector Partnerships
This vacancy is advertised by UNDP
Level: Intern Contract type: - (More info about Levels and Contracts)
Closing date: 1970-01-01

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The vacancy is online since: 2014-10-10
Days online: 13 Total views: 22
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TrustAfrica Vacancy: Communications Officer
Suitably qualified individuals are invited to apply for a vacancy that has arisen at TrustAfrica.
Job Title: Communications Officer
Reports to: Executive Director
Supervises: Web Development and Maintenance Team
Liaises with: All staff
Job Location: Dakar, with regular international travel
Deadline for application: 15 November 2014
About TrustAfrica: TrustAfrica is an independent foundation that works to secure the conditions for democratic governance and equitable development on the continent. We work principally through collaboration and partnership with like-minded institutions and donors. Led by Africans, we convene dialogues, catalyze ideas and provide grants and technical assistance to organizations working to advance these goals.
Purpose of the position: The Communications Officer plays an integral role by communicating the relevance of our mission, disseminating the results and significance of our work and engaging a diverse range of audiences and partners. Broadly, the purpose of the role is to strengthen TrustAfrica’s reputation, deepen its resources and amplify its contribution to African philanthropy, good governance and equitable development.
The Communications Officer will lead the development and implementation of TrustAfrica’s communications strategy, aiming to:
Raise TrustAfrica’s profile and strengthen its reputation as a leader in its areas of focus.Mainstream a robust communications strategy across the organization’s programs.Integrate the different thematic databases into state-of-the-art electronic portals or knowledge hubs.Deploy new information and communication technologies to transform TrustAfrica’s databases.Develop a digital communications strategy that incorporates TrustAfrica’s website, intranet, and social media as tools for learning and engagement.Create a multiyear communications plan to support program implementation and institutional presence.Qualifications:
Passion for and expertise in how to use technology and innovation to further African agency and social justice.Big picture thinker with demonstrated practical experience in translating vision and strategy into coherent objectives and activities.An enabler, a connector, someone who is able to facilitate the communications process across the organization.A superb communicator. Strong writing and editing ability in English. Capacity to speak and write in French would be an added advantage.A team player, coach, a helper with ability to work sensitively and collaboratively in a collegial environment and with people based in various locations.A postgraduate degree in communication, media or related disciplines, preferably with a focus on one of TrustAfrica’s core program areas.Capacity to interact with new forms of media and audience engagement strategies as well as evaluation and analytics.At least 7 years of professional experience in communications, including experience in building, managing and setting the strategic direction of a team.Proven track record in developing high quality publications, articles, and different types of creative text related to TrustAfrica’s issue areas.Desired: Experience with a regional or international NGO or a knowledge-generating institution that works to influence policy.How to apply:
Interested candidates should submit the following application materials in English: a cover letter, a detailed CV describing your professional experience, and contact information for three references. Only complete applications will be considered.
Applications can be submitted to:
Please include your telephone number and Skype in your cover letter and indicate the job title in the subject of your email.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No phone calls please.
TrustAfrica is an equal opportunity employer. Women and individuals from Africa and the diaspora are encouraged to apply.
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South Sudan: Food Security and Livelihoods (market assessment) Consultant Maban, Upper Nile, South Sudan
Country: South Sudan
Closing date: 30 Oct 2014
The Danish Refugee Council has been in South Sudan since 2004 mainly working with returning refugees and internally displaced persons returning home after a long civil war. In 2012, DRC opened its operations in Upper Nile State (Maban County) to respond to the large influx of refugees coming from Blue Nile State in Sudan. In early 2013 DRC expanded its operations to Unity State, by setting up a new refugee camp, Ajuong Thok, to welcome refugees relocated from Yida as well as new arrivals from South Kordofan. Apart from building the new camp, DRC is responsible in Ajuong Thok for: Camp Management, Shelter, NFI distributions and Community Services. (...)
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Ghana: Chief of Party (CoP) – USAID Ghana Water, Sanitation – Hygiene (WASH)
Organization: World Vision
Country: Ghana
Closing date: 25 Sep 2014
This is your opportunity to use your managerial and operational expertise to help improve the lives and futures of some of the world’s most vulnerable children.
You can do this by joining World Vision (WV)–a global network of people committed to enhance the well-being and protection of children everywhere by empowering them, their families and communities to overcome the challenges of poverty and injustice.
The Chief of Party (CoP) – USAID Ghana Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)will be responsible for technical supervision and administrative oversight for the proposed $18 million USD project. (…)
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International Consultant to Develop Project Identification Form (PIF) for Integrated Natural Resources Management
This international organization is looking for an individual who is willing to work in Yemen. S/he must have a senior-level experience in drafting UNDP/GEF project PIFs and documents. Proven working experience in the field of biodiversity and land management in developing countries, and working the region is an asset. Arabic language skills are desirable. The incumbent will conduct extensive national consultations with national stakeholders, local donors and potential implementing agencies on national priorities in biodiversity conservation and land degradation. (...)
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Human Resources Assistant
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Hospitalist Physician BROOKLYN, NY
Job Title:Hospitalist Physician
Department:Department Of Veterans Affairs
Agency:Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration
Job Announcement Number:630E-14-VF-1200943
$120,000.00 to $235,000.00 / Per YearTuesday, September 16, 2014 to Thursday, September 25, 20141 vacancy in the following location:Brooklyn, NY
Salary to be determined by Professional Standard Board of your peers and based on your education and experience
Vacancy Identification Number (VIN): 1200943
Salary: Applicant's education and experience will be reviewed by a Professional Standards Board and Compensation Panel (for physicians and dentists) in determining the grade and salary of the applicant selected. The recommended salary may be at any point in the range listed for this vacancy.
OUR MISSION: To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise – “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” – by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s Veterans. How would you like to become a part of a team providing compassionate care to Veterans? The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) needs employees who possess the energy, compassion, and commitment to serve those who served our Country. Whatever the job title, every position in VA will give you a chance to make a meaningful and personal contribution to the lives of truly special and deserving people - our Veterans. VA professionals feel good about their careers and their ability to balance work and home life. VA offers generous paid time off and a variety of predictable and flexible scheduling opportunities. Working for VA is one of the most emotionally satisfying and professionally rewarding ways to dedicate the best within you to your Country's service.If you are transitioning from the military or a Veteran already, we invite you to explore the benefits of continuing your career at the VA. The VA is committed to hiring Veterans. The VA is much more than just another employer. It is an honorable, open and welcoming community of those who care. Gratitude is our motivation and service is our mission. The VA has adopted Core Values and Characteristics that apply universally across the Department. The five Core Values define “who we are,” our culture, and how we care for Veterans, their families and other beneficiaries. The Values are Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect and Excellence (“I CARE”). America's Veterans need you! To find out more, go to US citizenshipEnglish language proficiencyYou may be required to serve a probationary period Random drug testingPhysical standardsSelective Service Registration is required for males born after 12/31/1959MAJOR DUTIES: The hospitalist shall report to the Chief of the Medical Service, or his/her designee. The inpatient Medical Service provides comprehensive medical care to veterans of all ages with a wide variety conditions. The hospital has a broad range of medical and surgical subspecialty consultative services that support the General Internal Medical staff in meeting the complex needs of seriously ill patients. Under the Academic Affiliation Agreement with SUNY, Downstate, the inpatient units are staffed with trainees in the Internal Medicine Residency Program, and the inpatient units are an important component in meeting the VA’s commitment to education.
The inpatient Medical Service is currently composed of four Teams, and each Team is staffed by a medical Attending, who is an independent licensed practitioner of the NYHHS. The Attending is the physician of record for patients admitted to that Team. He/she is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of all patients admitted to that Team, and is responsible for overseeing the activities of trainees. The Team trainee staffing is usually one PGY-2 and two PGY-1’s, or two PGY-2’s, but may vary from time to time.
The residency training program falls under the review of the ACGME/RRC and all aspects of a trainee’s work must be in compliance with the RRC regulations. In addition, the VA has developed rules and regulations defining the requirements for documentation of trainee supervision, and the Medical Service must be in full compliance with those regulations as well.
The hospitalist shall attend on the wards nine months per year, making rounds daily with the house staff on his/her Team Monday’s- Friday’s, and on assigned weekend days. He/she shall work on a daily basis with the house staff on his Team and direct the diagnostic evaluation and therapeutic interventions for all patients on the Team. He/she shall be available at all times to assist the house staff, as needed.
•The hospitalist shall enter progress notes when there is a material change in the patient’s condition, or when there is a change in the level of care, such as transfer from the MICU to the floors, or transfer from ALOC to acute care.
•The hospitalist will meet on a weekly basis in a multi-disciplinary team meeting for discharge planning, and participate in the interdisciplinary note, documenting that meeting. • The hospitalist shall conduct teaching and work rounds during which he/she must demonstrate a sound fund of knowledge in the Evidence Based approach to diagnostics and treatment.
•The hospitalist shall work with house staff, social work, rehab and ancillary staff to develop appropriate discharge plans for all patients admitted to his/her Team.
•The hospitalist shall meet with the patient, his/her family or significant other, on an as needed basis to help define the goals of care and to facilitate discharge planning.
•The hospitalist shall strive for reductions in the length of stay and cost for such common conditions as CAP, and CHF.
•The hospitalist shall review discharge summaries and discharge instructions with the house staff to ensure a safe transition from the inpatient service to clinic.
•The hospitalist shall orient and serve as liaison with other Non-Hospitalist Attendings, who are on the wards. The orientation shall include:1. Participation in weekly interdisciplinary Team rounds
2. Participation in the morning Team huddle, for discharge planning
3. Performance improvement initiatives on the inpatient service, including initiatives in patient satisfaction, safety, reduction in LOS, and cost containment.
•The hospitalist shall work with the QA department and will perform concurrent review and evaluate the need for continued LOS, for patients on the Medical Service, under the management of other Attendings.
•The hospitalist shall complete VA sponsored training available through the NCPS and develop competency in root cause analysis and HFEMA methodology. The hospitalist shall complete LEAN training and develop, in collaboration with the QA staff, The Patient Safety Officer and Systems Redesign staff, various performance improvement projects to improve the day to day operations and cost efficiency of the inpatient Medical Service.
•The hospitalist shall work with house staff to develop PI projects involving the residency training program, and shall develop a teaching program for residents in” value and quality” healthcare.
The VA is an EOE M/V/F/HWork schedules may vary depending on the hiring facility.
DESIGNATED DRUG-TESTING POSITION: Applicants tentatively selected for VA employment in a testing designated position are subject to urinalysis to screen for illegal drug use prior to appointment. Applicants who refuse to be tested will be denied employment with VA. Applicants will not be appointed to the position if a verified positive drug test result is received.
U.S. citizenship English language proficiencyPhysical standards - All applicants must meet the physical standards for the position. A physical examination prior to employment may be required.Licensure and Registration – Current, full, and unrestricted license to practice medicine in a State, Territory, or Commonwealth (i.e., Puerto Rico) of the United States or in the District of Columbia. The Physician must maintain a current registration to continue employment with the VAEducational requirements - Degree of doctor of medicine or an equivalent degree resulting from a course of education in medicine or osteopathic medicine. The degree must have been obtained from one of the schools approved by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for the year in which the course of study was completed. Approved schools are:Schools of medicine holding regular institutional membership in the Association of American Medical Colleges for the year in which the degree was granted.Schools of osteopathic medicine approved by the American Osteopathic Association for the year in which the degree was granted.Schools (including foreign schools) accepted by the licensing body of a State, Territory, or Commonwealth (i.e. Puerto Rico), or in the District of Columbia as qualifying for full or unrestricted licensure.For residents, graduation from an approved medical school as described above is required.First-Year Residency (Internship) - Completed a first-year residency, or its equivalent, approved by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs for the year in which it was competed. For a VA resident, the appropriate Deans Committee and Resident Review Board may recommend appointment on the basis of the candidate's acceptability for residency training. Approved residencies are: Those approved by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals, American Medical Association, in the list published for the year the residency was completed, OROther residencies or their equivalents which the Professional Standards Board determines to have provided an applicant with appropriate professional training. The Board may determine that the residency requirement has been met if the candidate has completed 1 year of postgraduate education.The following requirements for this position are as follows:
· The Hospitalist must be Board Certified or Board Eligible in Internal Medicine.
· He/she must be a licensed independent practitioner of the NYHHS (New York Harbor Healthcare System), and meet all the mandatory requirements attendant on that appointment, including completion of all mandatory training.
· He/she must have a keen interest and skill in teaching, and must maintain an average house staff evaluation grade of 8, for overall proficiency as an Attending. In the event the house staff evaluations of the hospitalist fall below 8 for a six month period, he/she shall meet with the Chief of the Medical Service and develop a corrective action plan.
· He/she must be willing to take appropriate continuing education as required to maintain skills in systems analysis and redesign and have a strong commitment to performance improvement and safety.
· Credentialing in bedside procedures is desirable, but not required.
· The hospitalist must be a member in good standing of the Medical Service of the Brooklyn campus, and perform duties as assigned to him by the Chief of Medicine. He/she shall attend all scheduled Department meetings, and participate in the PEER review process.
· Vacation shall be scheduled only during the months not on service. In the event there is a need for unanticipated absence while on service, the hospitalist must meet with the Chief of the Medical Service as far in advance as possible, to ensure adequate coverage can be arranged for the absence.
References: VA Handbook 5005, Part II, Appendix G2, PHYSICIAN QUALIFICATION STANDARD, dated April 15, 2002.
Applicant's education and experience will be reviewed by a Professional Standards Board and Compensation Panel (for physicians and dentists) in determining the grade and salary of the applicant selected. The recommended salary may be at any point in the range listed for this vacancy.PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: The Hospitalist should be physically and mentally capable to perform the duties of the position including examinations, formulate the diagnosis and treatment plan and educate residents. Physical activities include sitting, standing (up to 4 hours) walking (up to 2 hours), heavy lifting (45 pounds or over), reaching above the shoulder, and repeated bending. The incumbent should be emotionally and mentally stable; and capable to perform the duties of the position.Experience refers to paid and unpaid experience, including volunteer work done through National Service programs (e.g., Peace Corps, AmeriCorps) and other organizations (e.g., professional; philanthropic; religious; spiritual; community; student; social). Volunteer work helps build critical competencies, knowledge, and skills and can provide valuable training and experience that translates directly to paid employment. You will receive credit for all qualifying experience, including volunteer experience.
PLEASE NOTE: Education must be accredited by an accrediting institution recognized by the U.S. Department of Education in order for it to be credited towards qualifications (particularly positions with a positive education requirement.) Therefore, applicants must report only attendance and/or degrees from schools accredited by accrediting institutions recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Applicants can verify accreditation at the following website: All education claimed by applicants will be verified by the appointing agency accordingly. If you are using foreign education to meet qualification requirements, you must send a Certificate of Foreign Equivalency with your transcript in order to receive credit for that education.
Veteran's Preference: When applying for Federal jobs, eligible veterans should claim preference on the Occupational Questionnaire in the section provided and provide a legible copy of DD-214(s) showing all dates of service as well as character of service (honorable, general, etc.). Additionally, veterans with service-connected disability of 10% or more must also submit a copy of their official statement from the Department of Veterans Affairs, or from a branch of the Armed Forces, certifying their service-connected disability and/or their receipt of compensation for service-connected disability.
Veterans with service-connected disability of less than 10%, nonservice-connected disability, and Purple Heart recipients, as-well-as those claiming derived preference for a spouse, widow or widower, or natural mother, should refer to and submit a completed SF 15, "Application for 10-Point Veteran Preference," and required documentation with your application materials. If the military member is within 120 days of separation and does not yet have a DD214, the member may instead submit any written document from the armed forces that certifies the service member is expected to be discharged or released from active duty service in the armed forces under honorable conditions not later than 120 days after the date the certification is signed.
For more information on Veterans' Preference, go to
Complete application packages will be reviewed to determine if the basic qualifications for this position have been met. A listing of candidates who meet the basic qualification requirements will be forwarded to the hiring facility where the credentialing and privileging screening process is completed.
Veterans and Transitioning Service Members: Please visit the VA for Vets site for career-search tools for Veterans seeking employment at VA, career development services for our existing Veterans, and coaching and reintegration support for military service members.
This position is in the Excepted Service and does not confer competitive status.
VA may offer newly-appointed Federal employees credit for their job-related non-federal experience or active duty uniformed military service. This credited service can be used in determining the rate at which they earn annual leave.
All applicants are encouraged to apply online.
To apply for this position, you must complete the View Occupational Questionnaire and submit the documentation specified in the Required Documents section below.
The complete application package must be submitted by 11:59 PM (EST) on Thursday, September 25, 2014 to receive consideration.
To begin, click Apply Online to create a USAJOBS account or log in to your existing account. Follow the prompts to select your USAJOBS resume and/or other supporting documents and complete the occupational questionnaire. Click Submit My Answers to submit your application package.NOTE: It is your responsibility to ensure your responses and appropriate documentation is submitted prior to the closing date. To verify your application is complete, log into your USAJOBS account,, select the Application Status link and then select the more information link for this position. The Details page will display the status of your application, the documentation received and processed, and any correspondence the agency has sent related to this application. Your uploaded documents may take several hours to clear the virus scan process.
To return to an incomplete application, log into your USAJOBS account and click Update Application in the vacancy announcement. You must re-select your resume and/or other documents from your USAJOBS account or your application will be incomplete.
Required Documents:
To apply for this position, you must provide a complete Application Package which includes:
1. Completed Online Questionnaire
2. CV or Resume
3. VA Form 10- 2850 - Application For Physicians, Dentist, Podiatrists, and Optometrists (Available at
4. Proof of current certification, licensure or registration
5. Unofficial transcript(s) (official college transcript(s) will be required before being hired).
6. Optional Form 306 - Declaration for Federal Employment (Available at .
Veterans must submit appropriate documentation as described previously in this vacancy announcement.
If currently employed in the VA system, include a copy of your latest SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action.
Please use this checklist to make sure you have included other documents required for your application, such as a copy of your transcript (if using education to qualify), documentation to support Veterans Preference claims, or ICTAP/CTAP documentation (for displaced Federal employees). You will not be contacted for additional information.
Faxing Applications or Supporting Documents: You are encouraged to apply online. Applying online will allow you to review and track the status of your application. If you are unable to apply online or unable to upload your supporting documents to your online application, follow the directions located at the following site: Fax Options. The Vacancy ID of the job opportunity announcement is 1200943.
NOTE: If you applied online and your application is complete, do not fax the paper application (1203-FX) as this will overwrite your prior online responses and may result in you being found ineligible.
You will receive e-mail notification as to whether or not you were included on the list of referred candidates. If you do not provide an e-mail address, your notification will be sent via US postal service within 2-4 weeks.
Important note: Applicants have the burden of producing all needed information prior to the closing of the announcement Thursday, September 25, 2014. If this requirement is not met and you are not referred to the hiring facility, you may contact the local HR office for Direct Hiring Authority options.
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Tuesday, 28 October 2014
4 kinds of questions you should ask in an interview

An interview is a big opportunity to make an impression on employers. One of the best ways to do that is to turn the tables and start asking the questions. Not only does this demonstrate to interviewers that you have a keen interest in the job, but it also shows that you are inquisitive and thoughtful. Here are four kinds of questions you should be asking at your next interview – because sometimes the best defense is a good offense.
Understanding office interaction
Whether you are applying for a position in one department of a huge company or stepping into the one-room office of a start-up, it is important that you understand how the company hierarchy and culture work. Questions about the office should focus on how different departments interact, who reports to whom and how employees engage their peers and bosses on a daily basis.
In terms of daily interactions, your questions should be nuanced – you want to know how your department is designed to work with others, as well as what the actual working relationship is. You should also get an understanding of how you are to report to your bosses, and what kind of rapport you can expect. Are bosses relatively congenial or is everything done strictly by e-mail? This kind of differentiation may also help you to get a better understanding of the office politics and the kind of environment into which you might be stepping. Not to overlook are peer interactions – is there a friendly team atmosphere or is daily engagement discouraged?
Related to the question of interaction is the pace of the office. Is there heavy workflow with lots of people moving around? Are people restrained to cubicles? Furthermore, are you encouraged to make suggestions for the company? Encouraged conversation, interaction, innovation and company-wide involvement in business goals are usually hallmarks of a good, engaging employer. You should work to find out how much your opinion is valued in the company. If the answer is not very much, then you may want to look elsewhere for employment.
Reading dreams, nightmares
Prepared candidates will have done research on the history and objectives of the company with which they are interviewing. The one-on-one conversation is a great time to show off that knowledge, while filling in the gaps that the company’s website leaves in question.
Business Insider provided a few great questions in this regard. First, what is one thing that is key to the company’s success that the general public may not know about? This question is incisive in that it immediately parses out company image from company reality, or at least how your interviewer sees it. Perhaps there is a failure in branding that accounts for the discrepancy, or maybe the way the company operates is a well-guarded secret. Either way, the question could get to the heart of a company’s operations.
Secondly, which competitor is the company most worried about? This question gives you a better lay of industry land, and could also reveal the company’s own self-perception. A great follow-up question is to ask how the position to which you are applying can give the company an edge over its competitor.
Finally, ask what the company’s overall business plan is in the coming months. This question will give better insight into the strategies employed by the company, suggests to employers that you can think in terms of the big picture and demonstrates that you are interested in the long view.
Turning the tables
You are sitting in a room with influential people of a company who want to hear what you have to say. Now is the perfect opportunity to find out what they think about the job and the company. You should not be afraid to ask them what they enjoy about their jobs and the business overall.
More importantly, though, you should not hesitate to ask what aspect of the job keeps them up at night, Business Insider suggested. The answer will give insight into the stress of the job. If the interviewer will be your boss, it also gives you a sense of what their focuses and concerns are.
You may also ask interviewers what kind of leaders they hope to be and where they see themselves in five years. If they once worked the same job you would be working, ask them what they liked about the position and how it compares to their current job.
Getting to brass tacks
At the end of the day, what you really want to know are the specifics of the job. Basic questions worth asking are the hours and stress involved, as well as what kind of rewards system is in place for employees.
These are all technical questions worth knowing the answer to. However, the more impressive questions are those that aim for a better understanding of your role in the company and what you can do to perform the best possible job. Determine what your responsibilities are. Also, ask how the job has evolved and how the employers see the job changing over the coming year. Finally, ask how previous holders of the job have been successful or even exceeded expectations.
Gauging the audience
It will likely be impossible to ask all of these questions, unless an interviewer has an entirely free afternoon. Prioritize your questions, starting with the three most important ones. Keep them broad so that you can get longer answers and better explorations. If they seem eager to hear more from you, then ask away.
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Project Specialist, Public Relations, - Astana
Functions / Key Results Expected
The Specialist has overall responsibility for management of UNDP outreach activities within UN Joint Programmes and support of PR activities of the GLD’s Government Portfolio projects.
Summary of key functions:
1. Formalize and manage the Programmes communication strategy, media/press relations;
2. Produce information materials, print and audio-visual for media, web sites, and other public outreach;
3. Provide advice and support to the Programme’s special events and campaigns;
4. Manage the website content (if applicable) and create and manage Programme’s pages on social media, including uploading of media materials;
5. Provide PR support to the projects of GLD Unit’s Government Portfolio.
1. Manage UNDP part of the Joint Programme communications:
• Media strategies conceived, planned and implemented to enhance the positioning of the Programmes with the media, with a special focus on priority areas of concern.
• Opportunities for press conferences identified; press conferences organized; and interviews with senior managers facilitated.
• Clear, consistent and timely responses to media inquiries; issuance of statements and corporate positions to media and other external audiences.
• Corporate contacts maintained and expanded with: broadcast and print journalists; media groups, organizations and outlets (audio, visual, electronic); and topics, background information, news-related developments and coverage of interest to each sector identified.
2. Produce information materials (print and audio-visual) for media, web sites, and other public outreach:
• Draft and produce press releases, advisories, background information, brochures, media kits, success stories to inform media and the general public.
• Identify and draft storylines for publications and articles within JPs for UNDP publications
• Draft material for corporate web site to provide up-to-date information on the Porgramme’s work in Kyzylorda and Mangystau Oblasts.
• Supervise the production of relevant video material on the Programme’s work, as required.
• Identify and use effective channels for dissemination of all information products to relevant target audiences and supervise distribution.
3. Provide advice and support to the Programme’s special events and campaigns:
• Conceptualize and organize special events, to prepare inputs to special events, with a view to reaching wider audiences using social media; and develop and compile relevant materials.
• Other duties as assigned.
4. Manage the website content, and create and manage Programme’s pages on social media, including uploading of media materials:
• Liaise with journalists and counterparts in the development and regular update of the website.
• Run Facebook- and Twitter-Accounts as well as possible other networking platforms.
• Liaise with UNDP CO Communications Specialist to ensure that the news related to JPs are timely presented on the corporate social media sources and website
5. Provide outreach support to the projects of GLD Unit’s Government Portfolio (not more than 20% of working time):
• Support preparation of PR materials of the Projects;
• Support dissemination of information on the Projects events;
• Liaison with media ensuring its participation at the events organised by UNDP projects and corresponding coverage.
Impact of Results
The results have a substantial impact on the effectiveness of UN Joint Programmes’ communications and outreach efforts, enhancing the visibility, raising awareness and understanding of UN Joint Programmes, their mission with the media and among the general public as well as enhancing publicity of other GLD Unit’s projects
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Gender and Business Programme Manager - Addis Ababa
To realize the vision of Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation Plan, and the role that a growing and dynamic private sector can play in its achievement, the Ministry of Urban Development and Construction and the Federal Micro and Small Enterprises Development Agency (FEMSEDA), in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ethiopia, launched the Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) in February 2013. The goal of the EDP is to foster the emergence of a robust and competitive private sector through the development of the micro and small enterprise (MSE) sector. EDP established the Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC), a semi-autonomous organization, to spearhead the implementation of innovative entrepreneurship skills training and customized business development services to new and existing MSEs in the country.
EDC is seeking the service of a qualified professional to assume the role of Gender and Business Programme Manager. The Gender and Business Programme Manager will be responsible for integrating gender sensitive approaches for the EDP implementation and propose initiatives that will mainstream gender into all activities. The Gender and Business Program Manager will improve EDP effectiveness and sustainability by ensuring a gender strategy is in place that promotes women entrepreneurship and supports the development of profitable women owned businesses. In addition, the strategy will provide women with an increased access to business opportunities as it relates to entrepreneurship and identify and mitigate gender-specific risks. The Gender and Business Program Manager will work closely with EDP staff to complete a gender analysis on issues affecting women entrepreneurs, including their limited access to business opportunities. This analysis will facilitate the design and implementation of the gender strategy.
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Administrative Assistant
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Local Government Finance Officer, GAROWE - UNCDF - (Open to Somali Nationals Only)
This vacancy is advertised by UNDP
Duty Station: Garowe, SOMALIA
Level: SC-8 Contract type: - (More info about Levels and Contracts)
Closing date: 1970-01-01

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The vacancy is online since: 2014-09-27
Days online: 8 Total views: 3
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Research Consultant, Professionalization of Evaluation - United Nations Evaluation Group - Home-based
Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to update the existing UNEG Competency Framework and to provide direction to the UNEG Executive Group on possible options to pursue for the professionalization of evaluation.
Working Group
The working group is composed of volunteer member participants of various UN agencies. The Convener (ICAO) and Co-Convener (UNFPA) facilitate the working group meetings and co-ordinate the activities. The Consultant will work closely with the Convener and occasionally with the Deputy-Convener and the Vice-Chair of the UNEG Strategic Objective 1. The Consultant will also be expected to participate at some of the virtual meetings of the working group.
Scope of the Assignment
Reviewing what has been done or what is developing in advancing the professionalization of evaluation:
Synthesize information on recent or ongoing developments in the professionalization of evaluation (competency frameworks, credentialing systems etc.) that includes the Canadian Evaluation Society, the Japanese Evaluation Society, the European Evaluation and the UK Evaluation Society, DFID, the World Bank/IFC etc.;Interview focal points on developments and summarize the developments.Benchmarking recruitment practices and job descriptions in the UN:
Conduct a benchmarking analysis of evaluator recruitment practices, including through summary analysis of the JIU study on the evaluation function;Conduct a benchmarking analysis of job descriptions for evaluators in the UN system.Revising the UN Evaluation Competency Framework:
Update and revise the UNEG Evaluation Competency Framework in consideration of points 1 and 2 above.Eliciting feedback from UNEG members via online questionnaire:
Elicit feedback from UNEG members regarding options to go forward in advancing the professionalization of evaluation;The feedback will be input to formulate a set of recommendations on the policy options to advance the professionalization of evaluation.Deliverables, Timing and Payment Schedule
The workload is estimated to be 30 working days. The consultant will submit to the Vice-Chair and Convener the following deliverables by no later than 19 December, 2014. Deliverable (i) should be delivered by 1 December, 2014:
Deliverable (i): Draft report (analytic review of issues identified, including a synthesis of the feedback elicited from UNEG and other stakeholders);Deliverable (ii): Final report;Deliverable (iii): Revised UNEG Evaluation Competency Framework;Deliverable (iv): Recommended professionalization options.Reporting
The Consultant will report directly to the Convener and in absence of the Convener, to the Co-Convener and/or the Vice-Chair. More broadly, the Consultant’s immediate client will be the UNEG working group. Once recruited, the Consultant should develop and deliver a clear time plan specifying the internal sub activities that will contribute to the expected deliverables. The Consultant is expected to engage with the working group through scheduled virtual meetings.
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Local Evaluator, Peru
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Consultant International pour la revue documentaire en vue de l'analyse des contraintes à l'investissement et à la croissance - Lomé
Avoir un niveau de formation universitaire minimum de Bac + 5 en économie, statistiques ou domaines connexes.Expérience:
Avoir une expérience professionnelle, au niveau international, avérée et reconnue d’au moins dix (10) ans dans les domaines de l’analyse économique, l’évaluation des politiques publiques et la planification du développement;Avoir au moins une expérience dans le cadre de la réalisation des études ou la formulation des programmes sous financement du MCA;Posséder une grande habileté dans la collecte des informations, de grandes capacités d’analyse, de rédaction et de synthèse.Langue:
Français comme langue de travail.Durée de la mission:
La durée de la mission est d’un (01) mois.Gestion de l’étude:
La mission sera réalisée par une équipe de 2 consultants, notamment un consultant international (chef d’équipe) et un consultant national.
Le Ministère de la Planification, du Développement et de l’Aménagement du Territoire (MPDAT) et l’équipe MCA-Togo sont commissionnaires de cette étude. A ce titre, ils seront régulièrement consultés par l’équipe des consultants pour répondre à leur préoccupation et valider les réponses apportées aux exigences de l’étude. La gestion logistique et administrative sera assurée par un membre désigné de l’équipe MCA-Togo. L’équipe MCA-Togo ainsi que les experts du MPDAT apporteront leur appui et conseil techniques à la conduite de l’étude.
Documents à inclure dans la soumission de la proposition
Les Consultant(e)s intéressé(e)s doivent présenter un dossier de candidature comprenant les éléments suivants:
Une Proposition Technique: (Enveloppe/Fichier N°1)
Note explicative sur la compréhension des Termes de Référence et les raisons de la candidature;Brève présentation de l’approche méthodologique (assortie d’un chronogramme) et de l’organisation de la mission envisagée;CV incluant : L’expérience acquise dans des projets similaires et au moins 3 références;P11 dûment rempli et signé (téléchargeable à l’adresse : Proposition Financière: Contrats forfaitaires (enveloppe/Fichier N°2)
La proposition financière sera soumise sur la base de l’approche forfaitaire.
La proposition financière prévoit un montant forfaitaire et précise les modalités de paiement sur base de produits/delivrables précis et mesurables (qualitatifs et quantitatifs) même si les paiements seront effectués par tranches ou en une seule fois à l'achèvement total du contrat. Elle doit être libellée en USD.
Afin de faciliter la comparaison des offres financières par le service demandeur, il est recommandé de demander aux candidats au Contrat Individuel de fournir une ventilation de ce montant forfaitaire. Les consultants doivent indiquer/détailler dans leurs propositions financières les coûts des billets d’avions aller-retour (if applicable), les honoraires, les frais de séjour et le nombre de jours de travail prévus. Le PNUD n'accepte pas les coûts de voyage qui excèdent ceux du billet en classe économique. Si un consultant désire voyager en classe supérieure, il devra le faire sur ses ressources propres.
En cas de voyages non prévus dans les TDR, le paiement des coûts de voyage (y compris les billets d’avion, l’hébergement, et les dépenses des terminaux) doit être convenu entre le Bureau du PNUD et le consultant individuel avant le voyage et devra être remboursé.
Par ailleurs, les candidats voudront bien noter que les paiements ne pourront être effectués que sur la base des produits livrés, c'est à dire sur présentation du résultat des services spécifiés dans les TdR et après acceptation du responsable désigné par le PNUD.
Les candidats pourront être invités ou contactés par téléphone à la fin du processus d’évaluation technique. Aucune note ne sera donnée à cet entretien, mais il sera utilisé pour valider les points donnés au cours de l’évaluation technique et permettra de mesurer/évaluer la bonne connaissance du candidat de l’objet des TDR.
Analyse cumulative (Note Pondérée)
Le contrat sera attribué au/à la consultant(e) dont l'offre aura été évaluée et ayant reçu la note la plus élevée sur l’ensemble préétabli des critères pondérés technique et financier spécifiques à cette invitation.
Pondération: la pondération retenue, pour l’évaluation des offres, est la suivante:
Seuls les candidats ayant obtenu un minimum des 49 points seront pris en considération pour l'évaluation financière. Après vérification de l'adéquation entre les propositions financière et technique, chaque offre financière recevra une note financière (Nf) calculée par comparaison avec la proposition financière la moins disante (Fm) de la manière suivante : Nf = 30 x Fm / F (F étant le montant de la proposition financière évaluée).
Pour finir, les propositions seront classées en fonction de leurs notes technique (Nt) et financière (Nf) combinées, avec application des pondérations (70% pour la proposition technique ; 30% pour la proposition financière) pour aboutir à une note globale (NG = Nt+Nf).
L’Offre sera adjugée à l’égard de la soumission ayant obtenu la note totale pondérée la plus élevée tout en tenant compte des principes généraux du PNUD (coût et efficacité). Le PNUD ne s’engage en aucun cas à choisir forcément le Consultant offrant le plus bas prix.
Principaux critères de sélection
Eligibilité pour l'évaluation technique (Oui/Non)
Etre titulaire d’un diplôme universitaire BAC+5 (MS, DESS, DEA, Doctorat) en économie, statistiques ou domaines connexes au champ d’études;Avoir une expérience professionnelle, au niveau international, avérée et reconnue d’au moins dix (10) ans dans les domaines de l’analyse économique, l’évaluation des politiques publiques et la planification du développement;Avoir au moins une expérience dans le cadre de la réalisation des études ou la formulation des programmes sous financement du MCA.Notation de l'offre technique (70 points)
Expérience professionnelle, au niveau international, avérée et reconnue dans les domaines de l’analyse économique, l’évaluation des politiques publiques et la planification du développement (20 points);Expériences de recherche en économie (collecte d’informations, analyse, rédaction et synthèse) (20 points);Niveau de compréhension par le consultant de la mission/Cohérence de la proposition du consultant avec les TDR et du planning de travail (30 points)..La Proposition doit être soumise par e-mail à l’adresse, ou déposée sous pli fermé au siège du PNUD (40, avenue des Nations Unies, à Lomé). La mention «Consultant international pour la revue documentaire en vue de l’analyse des contraintes à l’investissement et à la croissance » devra figurer sur le pli déposé ou en objet de l’e-mail envoyé.
Toute demande de clarification doit être adressée par courrier électronique à l'adresse e-mail indiquée ci-dessus.
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Monday, 27 October 2014
Consultant to Prepare and Deliver Regional Training on HW Identification and Classification for Custom Officers - Cairo
Specific Tasks to be performed by the Consultant
Identification of training needs and training agenda. The consultant will assist BCRC-Egypt in identifying training needs, drafting and circulating the training agenda based on information on the training participants which will be communicated by BCRC-Egypt.
Preparation of the training material. The training material will be prepared in due time before training start. Tentatively, the training material should be delivered at least one week in advance before training. It will contain both multimedia presentations (computer slides, hyperlinked electronic text as necessary) as well as 3 hardcopies of the relevant material to be distributed during the training. In the course of the development of the training materials, the information received by BCRC-Egypt on training needs will be duly taken into account to ensure that the training fits the specific training needs of the participants.
Preparation of materials and methodology for assessing training effectiveness; as one of the main difficulties of training is to ensure its effectiveness, a methodology for the evaluation of the training effectiveness will be established and submitted for approval of BCRC-Egypt before start of the training. This will include: a preliminary test, based on questionnaires with closed-ended questions specific for each training topic; a final test, based on desk exercises based on real cases as well as questionnaires; and a feedback form to be distributed to the participant for evaluating the trainers and for providing suggestions for improvement of the training. The evaluation material will be prepared along with the preparation of the training materials, however it will be obviously released only at starting of training activities.
Conducting Training and Training Content. 2 sessions, around six hours each, of classroom training shall be delivered.
Assessment of training effectiveness, including the performance of the trainers. Based on the outcome of the preliminary and final tests and exercitation, and adopting the methodology approved by BCRC-Egypt for training evaluation, the training effectiveness will be assessment. The assessment will include: quantitative increase in the level of knowledge of the participants, before and after the training, based on the analysis of closed-ended questionnaires; capability of the trainee to address e-waste issue and to elaborate e-waste policies, as from the exercitation outcome. On the side of trainer evaluation, the scoring and areas of weakness / strength will be assessed based on the analysis of feedback forms returned by the participants to BCRC-Egypt.
Reporting and certification. A final training report shall be delivered after training closure. It will include the preparatory material, training material, outcome of training need assessment based on questionnaire delivered before the training, assessment of training effectiveness, assessment of trainers performance, proposal for further improvement, and attendance sheets. A training participation certificate will be prepared by the consultant and released by BCRC-Egypt to all the participants who have attended all the three days training and who have participated and passed in tests and exercitation.
Deliverables of the Consultancy:
Training workshop plan and agenda;Training materials;Three days Training workshop;Workshop Report including test and assessment results.View the original article here
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