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Saturday 27 December 2014

Expert National chargé du Suivi-évaluation et Partenariat - Bujumbura

En février 2014, le Bureau d’Appui à la Consolidation de la Paix a approuvé le Plan Prioritaire de Consolidation de la Paix pour le Burundi (PPCP-III) pour la période allant du 19 février  2014 au 18 février  2017. Financé par le Fonds pour la Consolidation de la Paix (PBF), le PPCP-III qui couvre 4 thématiques, à savoir : (i) la cohésion sociale et le dialogue nationale, (ii) la participation des jeunes à la vie politique et sociale et dans les initiatives de réconciliation, (iii) l’exercice démocratique des droits humains et (iv) la résolution pacifique des conflits fonciers, est aligné aux priorités du Gouvernement du Burundi tel qu’exprimées dans ses documents stratégiques notamment la Vision Burundi 2025 et le CSLP-II. 

C’est dans ce cadre qu’un Comité de Pilotage Conjoint (CPC) des projets de consolidation de la paix a été mis en place dont le rôle est d’approuver les programmes et projets de consolidation de la paix, donner des orientations stratégiques pour leur mise en œuvre et évaluer les progrès réalisés vers l’atteinte des résultats du PPCP. Il sera appuyé par  un Secrétariat Technique (ST) chargé d’apporter un appui technique et logistique pour assurer une bonne  mise en œuvre PPCP, à travers un système d’assurance qualité et de suivi-évaluation régulier des projets financés sous les quatre thèmes susmentionnés. Au delà du PPCP, un appui sera donné au suivi de la prise en compte des priorités de consolidation de la paix dans le CSLP-II, à travers la mise en place d’un Groupe Sectoriel de Consolidation de la Paix et l’appui au fonctionnement de son secrétariat.

Le Secrétariat Technique du CPC sera logé dans le Bureau du Coordinateur Résident du Système des Nations Unies. Il est sous l’autorité du  Représentant Spécial Adjoint du Secrétaire Général et Coordinateur Résident du Système des Nations Unies qui assure la coprésidence du Comite de Pilotage Conjoint.

Sous la supervision directe du Coordonnateur National du Secrétariat Technique, le Spécialiste en suivi-évaluation et partenariat (i) joue le rôle principal de point focal pour le suivi-évaluation du Plan Prioritaire de Consolidation de la Paix pour le Burundi  et (ii) assure une stratégie de partenariat et communication pour l’appui PBF au Burundi. Son travail est soutenu par une entité externe ayant des compétences confirmées en S&E qui sera responsable pour la collecte et l’analyse régulière de données sur les progrès du Plan prioritaire, comme requis par le Plan de Suivi & Evaluation.

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Programme Analyst-Sustainable Development Cluster

This vacancy is advertised by UNDP
Duty Station: Chisinau, MOLDOVA
Level: NO-A Contract type: - (More info about Levels and Contracts)

Closing date: 1970-01-01

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The vacancy is online since: 2014-10-30
Days online: 9 Total views: 4


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Consultant - Finance and Administrative Assistant for GGCA Programme

This vacancy is advertised by UNDP
Duty Station: New York (Office based), UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Level: National Consultant Contract type: - (More info about Levels and Contracts)

Closing date: 1970-01-01

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The vacancy is online since: 2014-12-05
Days online: 7 Total views: 4


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Friday 26 December 2014

Travailleur Social/Psychologue - Batouri

Sous la supervision général de la Chargée de programme Genre, Gouvernance, Paix et Sécurité et l’appui direct de l’Expert Genre, santé, VBG et actions humanitaire, il s’agira pour le/la Psychologue/travailleur(se) social(e)  de fournir un appui psychosocial aux femmes refugiées et celles des communautés hôtes survivantes de VBG/Viols des sites d’intervention du projet à l’Est. Le/la consultante travaillera en collaboration avec les autres psychologues/travailleur (se) s sociaux déjà en poste.

De manière plus spécifique, il/elle sera chargé(e) :

(i)    Sur le plan technique

?    Appuyer l’élaboration du protocole de soutien psychosocial adapté et adéquat  pour les survivantes de VBG/VIOLS/ des sites de l’intervention et les critères d’admission  de ces cas au soutien psychosocial approfondi ;
?    Appuyer la définition des techniques d’identification des cas de VBG/VIOLS dans les sites de l’intervention ;
?    Appuyer l’élaboration d’un canevas de reporting des actions de soutien psychosocial (fiche de consultation  pour le soutien psychosocial)  et la rédaction des rapports de progrès, la mise à jour de la base de données

Sur le plan opérationnel

?    Apporter un appui psychosocial y compris les visites à domicile (VAD) aux survivantes de VBG/VIOLS dans le centre d’accueil des femmes et  dans les cases/ « espaces de femme »  du site de l’intervention;
?    Organiser des activités communautaires dans le site et dans les villages d’accueils sur les VBG/VIOLS/viols en direction des réfugiés et des familles hôtes ;
?    Appuyer la mise en place des actions économique au bénéfice des femmes survivantes
?    Accompagner la prise en charge holistique des survivantes de viols et veiller à la garde de la confidentialité ;
?    Identifier les cas de traumatisme grave et les référer dans les centres de santé les plus proches ;
?    Organiser les groupes de femmes, jeunes et hommes réfugiés et familles hôtes pour les activités de counseling de groupe  (thérapie de groupe) ;
?    Produire un rapport hebdomadaire sur les actions entreprises et contribuer à la compilation des données de terrain ;
?    Participer aux réunions de coordination inter-agences et celles des partenaires sur le terrain ;
?    Produire des rapports périodiques sur la conduite des activités du projet ;
?    Travailler en partenariat avec les autres partenaires du projet (UNHCR, MINPROFF,  IFORD et autres) ;
?    Exécuter toutes autres tâches demandées par l’Expert Genre, Santé, VBG et Humanitaire de ONU Femmes basé à Bertoua.

En plus de ce qui précède, les Volontaires des Nations Unies sont encouragés à :
•    Renforcer leurs connaissances et compréhension du concept du volontariat en lisant la documentation mise à disposition par le programme VNU, les publications externes et prendre activement part aux activités du programme VNU, par exemple s’impliquer dans les activités commémoratives de la Journée internationale des Volontaires (JIV), le 5 décembre.
•    Se familiariser et développer toute forme de volontariat traditionnel et/ou local au niveau du pays d’accueil.
•    Refléter le type et la nature des actions volontaires qu’ils entreprennent, y compris leur participation dans les réflexions substantielles.
•    Contribuer à la rédaction des articles sur les expériences de terrain à soumettre pour la publication du programme VNU/ site web, bulletin et notes de presse, etc.
•    Contribuer au Programme d’accueil des Volontaires des Nations Unies nouvellement arrivés dans le pays d’affectation;
•    Promouvoir ou conseiller les groupes locaux dans l’utilisation des volontaires en ligne ou encourager les individus et les organisations à utiliser les services de volontaires en ligne quand cela est techniquement possible.

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Thailand: Social Protection Officer (Rural Development) P-2 (via Reliefweb)

This vacancy is advertised by FAO
Duty Station: Food and Agriculture Organization Country: Thailand
Level: ICS-09 Contract type: - (More info about Levels and Contracts)

Closing date: 1970-01-01

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The vacancy is online since: 2014-11-18
Days online: 20 Total views: 29


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Consultant - Finance and Administrative Assistant for GGCA Programme - New York (Office based)

Academic Qualifications:

Completion of secondary school, preferably supplemented by accounting and administration studies.

Years of experience:

A minimum of 5 years of administrative and operational management experience, with procurement and finance management duties, preferably in the UN system.


Fluency in spoken and written English.


Cumulative analysis

When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

Responsive/compliant/acceptable; andHaving received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

                Technical Criteria weight: 70

                Financial Criteria weight: 30

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 (70%) points on technical part would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

Technical Criteria (70%)                               

Experience in programme budgets and financial data (allocations and expenditures) in ERP/ATLAS (20 points);Project level procurement activities (15 points);Administrative support (20 points);Gender and/or Climate Change general knowledge (15 points).

Financial evaluation: (30%)

The following formula will be used to evaluate financial proposal: p = y (µ/z)


p = points for the financial proposal being evaluated
y = maximum number of points for the financial proposal
µ = price of the lowest priced proposal
z = price of the proposal being evaluated

Additional documents:

Interested individual consultants must submit the additional documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications to email ID with a with subject header: Job ID# 51650 - Finance and Administrative Assistant for GGCA Programme (Consultant)

To note, at the time a consultant signs an Individual Contract (IC) or his/her employer, if employed, signs a Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA) for work associated with this assignment.

Financial Proposal:

The financial proposal will specify the Fixed Non-negotiable daily fee and payments made to the Individual Consultant based on the number of days worked.

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Consultancy - Video Producer for Short Films on the MDGs - Home-based

Coming to the close of 2014, countries have had considerable experience with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).  MDG-based national plans, targeted interventions, small-scale pilots and other such efforts have established a reliable knowledge base highlighting the achievements made and the remaining gaps as we enter the last leg of the MDGs. With the MDGs due to expire in 2015, UNDP is keen to show the impact achieved on improving the lives of people, and to keep up momentum, with the message that the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) now being forged will build on and continue the work of the MDGs.

Ahead of 2015, extensive and expedient efforts are underway to close remaining gaps and to capture key knowledge, lessons learned, and impacts stemming from the MDG experience. With over 14 years of experience with the MDGs, UNDP’s focus should be on telling the story of how people’s lives have changed and what challenges still remain, rather than an institutional summary of achievements. Given that audiences are increasingly consuming multimedia material over print, UNDP is keen to use video to highlight its work in this regard, so it may be presented at Summit events and disseminated across online platforms.

Towards this goal, UNDP looks to develop a series of short films focusing on its work in the five different regions.  Packaging and showcasing these short films will present evidence of success at the micro level through the stories of individuals whose lives were changed as part of MDG achievement. Ultimately, considering the girth of information, knowledge, and experience related to the MDG experience, these short films will help articulate UNDP’s support of MDG achievement in a brief and accessible manner.

In today’s age of mobile interconnectivity and the volume of material and videos available at the touch of a keyboard, many good or even great stories and videos get lost in the ever increasing communication platforms of social media. To obtain and sustain attention to the proposed short films, efforts should go beyond simply producing a series of videos and rather ‘showcase’ these videos and related MDG/SDG information through a dedicated webpage which can be integrated into the existing UNDP website and promoted using UNDP’s existing social media channels. The videos could also be used at relevant events, such as the 2015 MDG summit, and the ‘showcase’ website could be shared with Country Offices around the world to utilize and promote UNDP’s work.

 To fulfil this work, UNDP/Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) is seeking to contract a consultant to deliver video footage in five countries across the five regions which will lead to:

The development and production of 5 short story videos;A dedicated online ‘showcase’ webpage for the videos (available in Teamworks) expected to be released in 2015.

Each country film will be 3-5 minutes in length and will tell a human interest story highlighting MDG progress and UNDP support.  The dedicated online ‘showcase’ will be highly visual, featuring infographics and photos, with limited text, and will be integrated within UNDP’s existing interface (Teamworks and UNDP’s corporate website). Additionally, the information presented will be repackaged for use across UNDP’s social media channels.

 Focus of the Films

The country films will highlight the support given by UNDP to countries in helping them achieve the MDGs. The film will focus on the lives of individual people and families but will link these stories to specific MDGs and to UNDP’s role in achieving these goals.

Specifically, it will focus on:

At least two MDG thematic areas in each of the 5 regions;The individual stories attached to achievement of the MDGs or progress towards the MDGs;The kind of support UNDP has provided at the country level in helping to achieve the MDG’s and how has this played out in the lives of individuals and families;What MDG progress or achievement look like at the individual level;What UNDP support looks like at the individual level;The audience of the final product will be the external public.

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Programme Specialist, Conflict Prevention and Dialogue - Panama City

Core Competencies


Ability to make new and useful ideas work.


Ability to persuade others to follow.

People Management:

Ability to improve performance and satisfaction.


Ability to listen, adapt, persuade and transform.




Conflict Prevention:

Knowledge of conflict prevention and ability to apply in development and crisis situations.

Civic Engagement:

Knowledge of frameworks and dialogue processes for effective and transparent engagement of civil society, women’s and youth groups, indigenous peoples and other excluded groups   in national development and the ability to apply to strategic and/or practical situations.

Project and Programme Management:

Ability to plan, organize, and control resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals.


Ability to engage with other agencies, donors, and other development stakeholders and forge productive working relationships.

Knowledge Management:

Ability to capture, develop, share and effectively use information and knowledge.

Political Mediation:

Ability to facilitate political mediation and influence and recommend solutions.


Resource Mobilization:

Ability to identify and organize programmes  and projects to implement solutions and generate resources. 


Ability to manage complex relationships through pathways of knowledge exchange, capacity development, funding relationships and strategic engagement.

Trends and emerging areas analytics:

Ability to scan the horizon and identify approaches and initiatives to bring into policy and programme design.

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Audit Specialist - Kuala Lumpur

Core Values & Ethics:

Demonstrates integrity and fairness;Display cultural sensitivity;Shows strong corporate commitment;Honest and complies with UNDP regulations, rules, and code of conduct.

Functional competencies:


Embraces extra responsibility;Build team morale & consensus.

Task Management Skills:

Produces timely, quality outputs;Exercises sound judgment/analysis;Develops creative solutions;Ability to handle multiple tasks.


Writes clearly and convincingly;Speaks clearly and convincingly;Has good presentation skills;Listens actively and responds effectively.

Building & Sharing Knowledge:

Actively builds deep knowledge in one or more areas;Makes valuable practice contributions;Applies existing knowledge to work;Provides advice & support to others.


Provides constructive coaching and feedback;Acts as long-term mentor for others;Acts on personal development plan.


Demonstrated ability to perform the following services, in accordance with professional standards;Operational audits;Performance audits;Financial audits;Project audits;Advisory services.


Demonstrated ability to use the following tools;Microsoft office suite;Electronic working paper software;Computer assisted audit techniques (ACL or IDEA);Enterprise Resource Planning systems.

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CC Mitigation expert ? Renewable energy

The purpose of this project is to strengthen national capacities to integrate environmental and energy concerns into development plans at all levels and systems for effective implementation of the sectoral priorities. This will be achieved through assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina in preparation and submission of its Third National Communication (TNC) to the CoP of the UNFCCC and enhancement of national capacities in field of climate change though the process. The TNC will be prepared and submitted to the UNFCCC in accordance with its commitments as a non-Annex 1 Party to the Convention (as mandated by Articles 4 and 12 of the UNFCCC).  The project will also result in increased capacity to produce subsequent communications that meet all guidelines established by the CoP and that can serve as a source of information for national policies and measures in climate change and in key economic and social sectors.

The overall objective of this assignment is to provide an updated chapter on measures to mitigate climate change in BiH that will model potential emission trajectories through 2050 and will incorporate recent findings on economic development and specific measures and projects with mitigation benefits. Activities will support data collection, scenario development, analysis of current and potential mitigation measures (including the cost-benefit analysis of identified mitigation measures), focusing primarily on the five sectors identified as priority areas in the SNC and determined to be in need of strengthening during stakeholder consultations: electricity production, district heating/buildings, transport, waste and agriculture/forestry. This component of the project will provide guidance and recommendations on country-appropriate mechanisms and infrastructure for NAMAs and MRV systems.

Background Information
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) became a member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on December 6, 2000, and the Kyoto Protocol was ratified on April 22, 2008. The Initial National Communication (INC) of BiH to the UNFCCC was submitted in 2010.
The SNC was completed in June 2013.  The SNC has advanced the state of climate modeling, impacts assessment, and policy analysis in Bosnia and Herzegovina and it has also established a measurement baseline for public awareness and outlined key capacity needs. Furthermore, work on the SNC has enhanced the individual capacity of climate researchers in Bosnia and Herzegovina in government, academia, and NGOs, and it has strengthened the organizational capacity of the UNFCCC focal institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of RS.  Finally, the INC and the SNC have served as an important source of information for the country’s Climate Change Adaptation and Low Emission Development Strategy.
This Project will not only support the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina in meeting its above specified obligations as a UNFCCC signatory but will also serve as a significant strategic document for sustainable development. The cross-cutting nature of the TNC process will foster relationships across entities and economic sectors, by establishing linkages between environment and other sectors.

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Thursday 25 December 2014

Associé Local à la Sécurité - UNDSS - Abéché

Compétences d'entreprise:

Démontrer de son engagement en respectant le Code de conduite des Nations Unies, les idéaux de la Charte des Nations Unies et les valeurs fondamentales de l'Organisation;Professionnalisme, intégrité et respect de la diversité en mettant en avant les valeurs et les standards d’éthique de l’organisation.

Compétences fonctionnelles:

Planification et organisation:

Aptitude démontrée à établir des priorités et à planifier, coordonner et suivre son propre plan de travail avec un minimum de supervision;Observe les consignes de sécurité.


Aptitude à s'employer activement à améliorer les services, offrir des options nouvelles et différentes pour résoudre les problèmes et répondre aux besoins des clients, de promouvoir et de persuader les autres à envisager de nouvelles idées;Avoir de bonnes capacités à développer ses compétences personnelles et professionnelles.

Esprit d'équipe:

Sens avéré des relations et capacité à écouter et à travailler dans un environnement multiculturel et multiethnique, avec tact et respect de la diversité;Démontre la capacité à développer et à maintenir de bonnes relations avec les collègues et les partenaires;Partage son expérience et son savoir-faire et privilégie l’esprit du travail en équipe;S’attèle à la tâche avec énergie et garde une attitude positive et constructive;Garde le calme, l’enthousiasme et se maîtrise même quand il est sous pression.


Avoir de bonnes aptitudes à communiquer (verbale et écrite).

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Investigator [Filled from Roster]

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Senior Legal Officer

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WASH Officer (NO-2)

UNICEF | Liberia | Apply by: 31 October 2014

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Public administration in Iraq faces many challenges due to the rapid evolution of the government in recent years. Most ministries and government offices still follow outdated structures and systems, while others lack a coherent architecture and standard operating procedures, without sufficient automation of processes to ensure efficiency. While efforts are under way to address corruption, case-by-case gains are insufficient against systemic weaknesses in the public administration. The civil service in its current form is over-sized with an estimated 3 million persons on its payroll, yet its performance in service delivery is not commensurate with its size. This puts pressure on scarce resources that are increasingly spent on maintaining the government bureaucracy without sufficient service delivery or capital expenditure to support future capacity.

The UN Country Team in Iraq has developed a joint programme “Iraq – Public Sector Modernisation Programme” (I-PSM) to assist the Government with comprehensive public sector reform, in coordination with other international assistance partners in Iraq. The Joint Programme is focusing on two pillars: (i) Civil service reform and development of general management systems and e-governance to enable efficient and accountable public administration, and; (ii) Sectoral reform in key sectors (education, health and water and sanitation) to improve performance of service delivery, particularly of essential services related to the Millennium Development Goals. By focusing on social service delivery, the Government can show the people of Iraq that public sector reform has concrete and tangible benefits for the population as a whole. 

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National Consultant ?Spatial Planning Expert

The purpose of this project is to strengthen national capacities to integrate environmental sustainability (primarily enhancing of flood management resilience to climate changes ) and innovative method of spatial planning into development plans at all levels and systems for effective implementation of the sectoral priorities.
This will be achieved through assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina in preparation and submission of its First Update Report to the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC for the fulfilment of its obligations to the Convention under Dec. 1/CP. 16 par. 60 and Dec 2/CP. 17 par. 41 and its Annex III. The FBUR project will update and strengthen information provided regarding national circumstances, on impact of climate changes scenario, climate change mitigation and information on options for improving spatial planning via integrated interaction among various sectors and ecosystem services. This will lead to assessment of the financial, technology and capacity building needs. The project will also create a set-up for engagement of the entity ministries in tackling improved flood management by combining the innovative solutions with spatial planning.
The overall objective of this assignment is to initiate framework development for implementation of the innovative spatial planning  method aiming at increased resilience to climate changes by pursuing solutions for enhanced resilience to droughts & floods which will in turn result in increased amenity, human health & wellbeing, reduced operational costs (lower energy & water bills), enhanced biodiversity & urban agriculture, enhanced aesthetics, live ability and  property values , as well as improved governance, reduced socio economic problems, creation of innovative jobs
The methodology will be initially implemented in reduction of flood hazard but not as a separate activity but in the interactions with other sectors such as forestry, agriculture, energy, and primarily urban planning and development.   
Background Information

Bosnia and Herzegovina became a member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on December 6, 2000. Under its status as a non-Annex I party to the UNFCCC, Bosnia and Herzegovina is obligated to undertake the following reporting activities such as: to calculate annual GHG emissions using a defined methodology and reporting to the Conference of Parties (CoP) of the Convention; introduce and implement measures to mitigate the consequences of climate change by regulating anthropogenic emissions and adaptation measures to climate change; cooperate in the development and transfer of technology, methods and processes that lead to limits, reductions and stabilization of GHG emissions; include an assessment of climate change impacts and appropriate strategies and economic development policies that aim to minimize negative consequences of climatic changes for the economy, the environment, and the health of the population; conduct systematic observation and research, data exchange and information sharing on climate and climate change with the aim of improving scientific findings on the causes and consequences of climate change. 
This Project will not only support the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina in meeting its above specified obligations as a UNFCCC signatory but will also serve as a significant strategic document for sustainable development. The cross-cutting nature of the FBUR process will foster relationships across entities and economic sectors, by establishing linkages between environment and other sectors.

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Motor Vehicle Operator Materials Handler TOOELE, UT

Job Title:Motor Vehicle Operator (Materials Handler)

Department:Department of the Army

Agency:U.S. Army Joint Munitions Command

Job Announcement Number:WTFQ142797301233433D

Friday, October 24, 2014 to Thursday, November 6, 2014Full Time - Term NTE 1 Yr 1 Day10 vacancies in the following location:
Tooele Army Depot, UT

Civilian employees serve a vital role in supporting the Army mission. They provide the skills that are not readily available in the military, but crucial to support military operations. The Army integrates the talents and skills of its military and civilian members to form a Total Army.

About the Position: Tooele Army Depot is located approximately 45 miles West of Salt Lake City, Utah. The Depot is in Tooele County and surrounded by the communities of Tooele, Grantsville, Stockton, and Rush Valley. The area surrounding the depot is as an urban center for a highly varied and productive agriculture industry. The depot is 42,974 acres and currently serves the missions of conventional ammunition storage, maintenance, demilitarization, and ammunition peculiar equipment. The depot was constructed in 1942 in an area with a historical tradition of Indian cultures. Originally the depot was known as the Tooele Ordnance Depot, which functioned as a storage depot for World War II supplies, ammunition, and combat vehicles. Currently, the depot has maintained the certification of ISO 9001:2000, incorporated the LEAN and Six Sigma structure, and are ready for new missions for not only the Army, but all services of Department of Defense, and partnerships with private industry.

Who May Apply: U.S. Citizens

Subject to the Lautenberg Amendment to the Gun Control Act of 1968Subject to AR 190-11. Physical Security of Arms, Ammo & Explosives (AA&E)Subject to random drug testing

As a Motor Vehicle Operator (Materials Handler) you will operate gasoline/diesel-powered truck tractor with semi-trailer, Strad-O-Lift trailer, or van to haul high explosives/munitions/components. Load/block/secure cargo ensuring even weight distribution, items do not shift, load does not exceed vehicle capacity & items are safe for transfer. Perform preventive maintenance on vehicles. Fill out trip tickets. Observe traffic/safety laws. Load/unload cargo. Segregate items according to condition code, lot number, quantity. Store/stack/palletize items. Determine proper storage/destination location. Assemble/slect items for issue/movement. Check items condition before movement/warehousing. Items include high explosives, ammunition components, guided missiles, rockets, etc. Provides information/changes to storage location data cards, planographs, shipping documents, & ammunition transfer records. Responsible for storage location keys used. Operate electric/gasoline powered fork lift capable of lifting less than 10,000 pounds.

Experience Required: Experience refers to paid and unpaid experience, including volunteer work done through National Service programs (e.g., Peace Corps, AmeriCorps) and other organizations (e.g., professional; philanthropic; religious; spiritual; community; student; social).  You will receive credit for all qualifying experience, including volunteer experience.

Screen Out Element: Operated a diesel-powered truck tractor with semi-trailer to haul cargo. I have operated a forklift.

Failure to meet the screen out element will result in an ineligible rating.

Application packages will be reviewed and screened for experience and/or training which provided the following:

Operation of Motor VehicleWork Practices (includes keeping things neat, clean, and in order)Ability to Interpret Instructions, Specifications, etc. (related to Mobile Equipment Operation)Ability to Operate Safely (Non-Motor Vehicles)Ability to Drive Safely (Motor Vehicles)Reliability and Dependability as a Motor Vehicle Operator (Materials Handler)

Physical effort: Work involves lifting and positioning moderately heavy objects weighing up to 20 pounds, and occasionally handling objects weighing over 45 pounds with assistance, while loading or unloading cargo. Moderate physical effort is required to make truck-tractor and semi-trailer connections. There is continuous physical activity in reaching, bending, turning, or moving feet and legs to manipulate controls.

Working Conditions: Works outside in all kinds of weather conditions while loading or unloading vehicles. Work is performed where there is unpleasant dust, dirt, fumes. and noise from truck operations. Subject to cuts. scratches, and bruises from loading or unloading vehicles; and also to possible serious injury resulting from traffic accidents.

Other Requirements: Click here for expanded definitions. Male applicants born after December 31, 1959 must complete a Pre-Employment Certification Statement for Selective Service Registration.You will be required to provide proof of U.S. Citizenship. One year trial period may be required. Direct Deposit of Pay is Required. Must be able to obtain and maintain a valid state driver's license at time of appointment. Selectee will be required to show possession of a valid license at time of appointment.Must be able to obtain and maintain a Commercial Driver's License with a Haz Mat Endorsement within 6 months of appointment.Must complete hazardous waste management training within 6 months of appointment.Must complete ammunition training and certification requirements.Must be able to obtain and maintain forklift certification.Physical evaluation required.

Your application package (resume, supporting documents, and responses to the questionnaire) will be used to determine your eligibility, qualifications, and quality ranking for this position. Please follow all instructions carefully. Errors or omissions may affect your rating or consideration for employment.

Basis for Rating: Qualified candidates will be assigned to one of three quality categories: Best Qualified, Highly Qualified and Qualified. Veteran preference eligibles are listed ahead of non-preference eligibles within each quality category.

Best Qualified. Candidates in this category possess exceptional skills and experience to exceed well above the minimum requirements for the announced position.Highly Qualified. Candidates in this category possess good skills and experience above the minimum requirements for the announced position. Qualified. Candidates in this category meet the minimum experience requirements for the announced position.

 Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program (ICTAP). If you are a Federal employee in the competitive service and your agency has notified you in writing that you are a displaced employee eligible for ICTAP consideration, you may receive selection priority. See Interagency Career Transition Assistance Program (ICTAP) for more information. Additional information about the program is on OPM's Career Transition Resources website.

The Department of Defense offers an excellent benefits program. In addition to your take-home pay, your comprehensive compensation/benefits package will include most of the benefits described in the USAJOBS Resource Center.

Selection is subject to restrictions resulting from Department of Defense referral system for displaced employees.If you have retired from federal service and you are interested in employment as a reemployed annuitant, see the information in the Reemployed Annuitant information sheet. You may claim military spouse preference, see the information in the Military Spouse Preference Under Delegated Examining Procedures information sheet.Multiple positions may be filled from this announcement. This is a TERM position not to exceed 1 year and 1 day. It may be extended up to a maximum of 4 years.Further certification from this announcement may take place up to 90 days beyond the closing date of this announcement. Career Program: CP 24

To apply for this position, you must complete the online questionnaire and submit the documentation specified in the Required Documents section below.

The complete application package must be submitted by 11:59 PM (EST) on Thursday, November 06, 2014 to receive consideration.

To begin, click Apply Online to create a USAJOBS account or log in to your existing account. Follow the prompts to select your USAJOBS resume and/or other supporting documents and complete the occupational questionnaire.Click the Submit My Answers button to submit your application package. It is your responsibility to ensure your responses and appropriate documentation is submitted prior to the closing date. To verify your application is complete, log into your USAJOBS account, select the Application Status link and then select the more information link for this position. The Details page will display the status of your application, the documentation received and processed, and any correspondence the agency has sent related to this application. Your uploaded documents may take several hours to clear the virus scan process.To return to an incomplete application, log into your USAJOBS account and click Update Application in the vacancy announcement. You must re-select your resume and/or other documents from your USAJOBS account or your application will be incomplete. It is your responsibility to verify that information entered, uploaded, or faxed (i.e., resume) is complete, accurate, and submitted by the closing date.  Uploaded documents may take up to one hour to clear the virus scan.  Faxed documents must be completely transmitted by 11:59p.m. Eastern Standard Time on the closing date of the announcement.

The Department of the Army provides reasonable accommodations to applicants with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation for any part of the application and hiring process, please notify the servicing civilian personnel unit. Your requests for reasonable accommodation will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

The documents you are required to submit vary based on whether or not you are eligible for preference in federal employment. A complete description of preference categories and the associated required documents is in the Applicant Checklist (External)

As described above, your complete application includes your resume, your responses to the online questionnaire, and documents which prove your eligibility to apply.  If you fail to provide these documents, you will be marked as having an incomplete application package and you will not be considered any further.

Your resume:

Your resume may be submitted in any format. If you submit more than one copy of your resume, only the most recent version will be reviewed. The latest timestamp will be used to determine which version of your resume is "most recent." It is your responsibility to check the status and timestamp of all documents you submit as part of your application. If your resume includes a photograph or other inappropriate material or content, it will not be used to make eligibility and qualification determinations and you may not be considered for this vacancy. For qualifications determinations your resume must contain hours worked per week and the dates of employment (i.e., HRS per week and month/year to month/year or month/year to present). If your resume does not contain this information, your application will be marked as incomplete and you will not receive consideration for this position.

If you are relying on your education to meet qualification requirements: You MUST submit a copy of your transcript if you want to substitute your education for experience. If you claim qualifications based on education, and do not submit a transcript, your education will not be used in making a qualification determination and you may be found "not qualified." See: Transcripts and Licenses

If you are unable to apply online or unable to upload your supporting documents follow the directions located at: Faxing Applications and Documents The Vacancy ID is 1233433. You will need the questionnaire, View Occupational Questionnaire, to complete your faxed application

NOTE: Documents submitted as part of the application package, to include supplemental documents, may be shared beyond the Human Resources Office.   Some supplemental documents such as military orders and marriage certificates may contain personal information for someone other than you. You may sanitize these documents to remove another person's personal information before you submit your application. You may be asked to provide an un-sanitized version of the documents if you are selected to confirm your eligibility.

If you provided an email address, you will receive an email message acknowledging receipt of your application.  Your application package will be used to determine your eligibility, qualifications, and quality ranking for this position. 

If you are determined to be ineligible or not qualified, your application will receive no further consideration.

The documents you submit must support your responses to the online questionnaire.  If your application contradicts or does not support your questionnaire responses, you will receive a rating of "not qualified" or "incomplete application" and you will not receive further consideration for this job.

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Recrutement d?un consultant national pour l?�laboration d?un document de strat�gie d?assainissement du secteur de la microfinance au Togo

This vacancy is advertised by UNDP
Duty Station: Lomé, TOGO
Level: National Consultant Contract type: - (More info about Levels and Contracts)

Closing date: 1970-01-01

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Apply to this job on the UNDP site now!

The vacancy is online since: 2014-09-25
Days online: 10 Total views: 2


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Wednesday 24 December 2014

Economic Strengthening/ Livelihoods Specialist – Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Nairobi and Coast Counties for Kenya

Global Communities | Kenya | Apply by: 07 January 2015

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Lebanon: Technical Expert - Software Developer for Field Social Science Research

International Advisory, Products and Systems (iAPS) is an international development firm that strengthens the ability of civil society and the public and private sectors to advance organizational agility, effectiveness and the delivery of human services.

Using a people-first, knowledge-based approach we work with our clients to find innovative and practical solutions to key industry challenges across the following areas: Organizational Development; Capacity Building, Training and Quality Improvement; Research and Technology; Monitoring and Evaluation and Impact Evaluations. iAPS offers services and products across the following sectors of expertise: Governance; Healthcare; Education and Civil Society.

International Advisory, Products and Systems (iAPS) seeks a software developer to support social science research through creating and implementing software and hardware development and improvements to the research process, managing data collection and analysis systems and create/maintain an online platform for all stakeholders to share, discuss and exchange ideas and propose technical solutions.

Further, the technical expert will support survey design of a specific data collection tools, database synchronization, analysis, and reporting, and provide a comprehensive suite of tools for research, monitoring and a platform for ideas exchange and discussions.

Qualifications and Educational Requirements

Experience building highly customized solutions with assistance from reusable apps and web-based multitenant applications

Please send your most up-to-date resume including three technical references to on or before October 15, 2014.

Please indicate expertise or specialization in the application subject line.

To learn more about International Advisory, Products and Systems (iAPS), please visit our website:

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Kenya: Senior Regional WASH Officer (via Reliefweb)

This vacancy is advertised by UNHCR
Duty Station: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Kenya
Level: Contract type: - (More info about Levels and Contracts)

Closing date: 1970-01-01

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Apply to this job on the UNHCR site now!

The vacancy is online since: 2014-12-02
Days online: 6 Total views: 8


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Office Assistant of SYSLAB Centre in Balti: Innovative Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Employment (SYSLAB) - Chisinau

The development of human capital is viewed as a prerequisite for an inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Moreover, it is increasingly seen at the cornerstone for both advanced and emerging economies seeking to speed up economic development and address the challenges posed by the global economic crisis.
From the development perspective, the labor plays critical role for Moldova’s socio-economic modernization, as it is one of the few resources available in the country. However, long hailed as a country with abundant labor resources, Moldova has increasingly found that labor (mostly as quality, but also quantity) has become its major development constraint , with Moldova’s labor endowment suffering considerably in the last two decades. The prospects for the quantity of labor force available in the future are not necessarily brighter given continuous outward migration and dire demographic outlook.
This loss in the labor force was only partly offset by the improvements in the labor productivity, which remained the lowest in the CEE and Western CIS region . Capital and skill endowments are amongst chief determinants of the labor productivity . In their turn, the skill endowment is largely dependent not only on the quality of the country’s education system, but also on training programs provided by various institutions.
The Innovative Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Employment Project was designed to establish career centers in four most important regions of Moldova with the goal to train and assist qualified unemployed and graduates in obtaining relevant employment in Moldova, preventing brain-waste, as well as brain-drain, and supporting economic growth of the country. SYSLAB training centers were already established in Chisinau, Rezina and Cahul. Two further centers will be opened in Balti and Comrat.
For the training Centre to be established in Balti, one head of the Centre, one  career advisor and assistant will be hired to manage and coordinate Centre’s activities.   

The Project is designed to establish career centers in four most important regions of Moldova with the goal to train and assist qualified unemployed and graduates in obtaining relevant employment in Moldova, preventing brain-waste, as well as brain-drain, and supporting economic growth. One training center was already established in Chisinau and Rezina. Two more centers will be established in the regions.

The Project will achieve the following objectives:

Provide new technologies to labor market authorities;Provide motivated labor force to private and public sectors;Give graduates a better chance for relevant employment in Moldova;Give unemployed improved employability.

Overall, the project shall contribute to the development, adaptation and implementation of new tools (technology and methods) for career development, job search and entrepreneurship in Moldova.
The Career Centers will focus on:

new graduates, in order to prevent them from unemployment and to create job opportunities, and hence reduce/prevent brain-drain;unemployed irrespective of age, gender, ethnic background or education or work experience;returning migrants.

In achieving the project goals, the gender balance aspect will be taken into consideration, offering equal opportunities to both women and men to benefit from the Centers’ services.
The center to be established in Balti will have 3 people as permanent staff. The center will focus on highly qualified unemployed, young graduates and returning migrants. It will offer a classic SYSLAB Center, entrepreneurship training, job-seeking courses and individual career guidance.
Estimated number of annual beneficiaries for Balti center:

SYSLAB-training    60Job training    200Entrepreneurship training    60Simple subject courses    120Individual programs    150-300

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Programme Specialist, Natural Resource Management - Addis Ababa

Core Competencies:


Ability to make new and useful ideas work.


Ability to persuade others to follow.

People Management

Ability to improve performance and satisfaction.


Ability to listen, adapt, persuade and transform.




Extractive Industries Management

Knowledge of NRM concepts, principles and policies and ability to apply to strategic and/or practical situations.

Natural Resources Management

Knowledge of Natural Resources Management and ability to apply in development situations.


Knowledge of various programme information for research to provide recommendation and guidance to management.


Ability to engage with other agencies, donors, and other development stakeholders and forge productive working relationships.

Knowledge Management

Ability to capture, develop, share and effectively use information and knowledge.

Crisis Governance

Knowledge of Crisis Governance concepts and principles, including governance in recovery and peacebuilding contexts and ability to apply to strategic and/or practical situations.


Natural Capital and Environment

Green Economy and Green Growth: Knowledge of Green Economy concept and green growth issues, including green commodities, supply chains and poverty-environment nexus, and the ability to apply to strategic and/or practical situations.

Project and Programme Management

Ability to plan, organize, and control resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals.

Report and Brief Writing

Ability to prepare quality reports and briefs.

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State Project Manager, GoI-GEF-UNDP India High Range Landscape Project (HRML) - (Open to Indian Nationals only) - Munnar or Kottayam, Kerala

High Range Mountain Landscape (HRML) in the Western Ghats mountains of peninsular India is a globally significant biodiversity region. Its key attributes are: a) high levels of endemism and biological diversity; b) Important Bird Area; c) presence of globally threatened species of fauna and flora;  d) part of one of the five viable breeding centre of tiger in India; e) harbour the largest global population of Nilgiri tahr and a significant population of Grizzled Giant Squirrel (both threatened species); f) catchment of three major river systems of peninsular India; g) strong eco-cultural affinities; and h) support important economic sectors like cardamom, tea and tourism. At present, HRML is a complex mosaic of land uses where conservation, economic production and livelihood requirements assume equal primacy and profoundly influence each other. These contribute to competitive use of natural resources and affecting vital ecological processes. The rapidly altering developmental context, demographic contours, resource use configurations place a challenge for HRML’s long term ecological sustainability and livelihood security. The existing planning and policy framework, as well as the institutional arrangements in HRML are inadequate to address biodiversity conservation from a landscape perspective. The project aims to put in place a collaborative governance framework for multiple-use management of HRML. The project will attempt a paradigm shift from current sector based planning to an approach for integrated multiple-use management of mountain landscapes to deliver global environmental benefits. The project aims to achieve this through the following Outcomes: a) Effective governance framework for multiple-use mountain landscape management in place; b) Multiple-use mountain landscape management is applied securing the ecological integrity of HRML; and c) Strengthened capacities for community based sustainable use and management of wild resources.

The project region covers 3,000 sq. km spread across three districts of Kerala viz. Idukki, Ernakulam and Thrissur in Kerala.

UNDP aims to engage a State Project Manager for the implementation of the HRML Project. S/he will work closely with the State Project Coordinator. For operational purposes, the State Project Manager will also consult the Programme Analyst, Energy and Environment Unit, UNDP, New Delhi. S/he shall assist the State Project Coordinator (SPC) and Programme Analyst, Energy and Environment Unit, UNDP in coordinating with all relevant departments of the state government and national, state level institutions and other stakeholders in the implementation of the project. The State Project Manager shall lead the Landscape-level Project Management Unit (LLPMU) and the experts/agencies hired in the project. S/he will be responsible for the day to day management and implementation of the project in the field.

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Tuesday 23 December 2014

Logistics and Asset Management Expert - Dar Es Salaam

Tanzania has held four credible general elections since the reintroduction of multi-party politics in 1992. Citizens and the government are eager to maintain this track record and to further strengthen democratic practice in Tanzania. Looking to the 2015 general election, government has undertaken early and comprehensive preparations for the electoral processes. Since receipt of official requests for UN assistance to the election cycle leading to the 2015 general election from the National Election Commission (NEC) and Zanzibar Electoral Commission (ZEC), a UN Needs Assessment Mission recommended the development of a project in support of the national efforts.

In addition, in 2014 the United Republic of Tanzania will likely conduct a first national referendum on a new constitution. The EMBs and other stakeholders in preparing for these critical events have requested the assistance of UNDP to provide technical support to the preparation and execution of this referendum.

To this end, the Democratic Empowerment Project (DEP) is a four year (2013-2016) UNDP, United Nations (UN) One Fund and other donor-funded project with the overall aim of contributing to Tanzania’s United Nations Development Assistance Plan’s (UNDAP’s ) Outcome 7: i.e. “Key institutions of democracy, (i.e. EMBs, etc.) effectively implement their election and political functions”.  UN Women and UNESCO are implementing partners in a One UN Country Team context.

Project Objectives

The project seeks to promote democracy and contribute to the realization of the following four objectives:

Capacity of the key democratic institutions enhanced to support and promote legal and institutional reform in the context of the on-going constitutional reform process and beyond;Capacity of the EMBs to conduct credible elections enhanced through strategic, technical and operational support and improved EMB engagement with stakeholders (i.e. political parties, civil society organisations, and the media) to foster a democratic environment;Inclusive participation in elections and politics enhanced through the empowerment of women, youth and people with disabilities (PWDs);National peace infrastructure enhanced to mitigate and prevent election-related conflicts.

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FMS Operations Manager

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Secretary HOUSTON, TX

Job Title:Secretary

Department:Department Of Veterans Affairs

Agency:Department of Veterans Affairs - Agency Wide

Job Announcement Number:JP-15-HRW-1235279

$39,750.00 to $51,669.00 / Per YearFriday, October 10, 2014 to Friday, October 31, 2014Full Time - Agency Employees Only1 vacancy in the following location:
Houston, TX
Current Permanent employees of the Michael E. DeBakey VAMC including: all OPCs, VET Centers, HNC, VISN 16 Purchasing and Contracting employees and employees of the VCS who are on a permanent appointment of at least 90 days or more.

The selected incumbent will work in a full time position as a Secretary in the Patient Access Center at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston, Texas

 Vacancy Identification Number (VIN) 1235279    

OUR MISSION: To fulfill President Lincoln’s promise – “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” – by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s Veterans. How would you like to become a part of a team providing compassionate care to Veterans?

As a VA professional, your opportunities are endless. With many openings in the multiple functions of VA, you will have a wide range of opportunities and leadership positions at your fingertips. Not only is it the largest, most technologically advanced integrated health care system in the Nation, but we also provide many other services to Veterans through the Benefits Administration and National Cemeteries. VA professionals feel good about their careers and their ability to balance work and home life. VA offers generous paid time off and a variety of predictable and flexible scheduling opportunities.  For more information on the Department of Veterans Affairs, go to

VA encourages persons with disabilities to apply.

You must be a current permanent employee of the Michael E, Debakey VAMCYou must submit your most recent NON-AWARD, SF-50You must meet Time in grade.This vacancy is a full-time position, located in the Patient Access Center. The incumbent serves as the Secretary to the Manager of the Patient Access Center receives telephone and personal callers, screens requests according to priority and refers to appropriate sources; duties also include but are not limited to:

·         personally handles routine matters not requiring technical knowledge and refers technical matters to  persons having responsibility for such;

·         maintains calendar for the Manager Patient Access Center and keeps supervisor informed of    changes in appointments or schedule;

·         receives incoming mail and routes to appropriate staff; takes minutes at various meetings and    conferences;

·         types correspondence, reports, memos for staff members from either transcribing from own notes, dictating equipment or handwritten drafts; maintains suspense records on all correspondence and action documents and follows up to ensure timely reply;

·         reads directives and instructional material pertaining to administrative practices and clerical procedures in order to be aware of new or revised procedures;

·         maintains complete administrative filing system;

·         assembles statistical and narrative data from files for preparation of various reports; maintains fund control for the Patient Access Center;

·         arranges for meetings, seminars, conferences to include reserving meeting rooms; uses word processing software and printing equipment to create documents; transcribes various correspondence and reports from handwritten drafts or voice recordings;

·         provides administrative support as directed to the various sections of the Patient Access Center (i.e. Eligibility, Pre-Registration, Patient Travel etc.) in support of departmental goals and objectives;

·         performs various other related duties as assigned.

Work Schedule: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Position Description Title/PD#: 7570-O

To qualify for this position, applicants must meet all requirements by the closing date of this announcement.

Specialized Experience: 

Applicants must have One year of specialized experience equivalent to at least the next lower grade (GS-5) in the normal line of progression for the occupation in the organization. 

There is no educational substitution for the GS-6 level.

Experience refers to paid and unpaid experience, including volunteer work done through National Service programs (e.g., Peace Corps, AmeriCorps) and other organizations (e.g., professional; philanthropic; religions; spiritual; community; student; social).  Volunteer work helps build critical competencies, knowledge, and skills and can provide valuable training and experience that translates directly to paid employment.  You will receive credit for all qualifying experience, including volunteer experience.

Note: Only education or degrees recognized by the U.S. Department of Education from accredited colleges, universities, schools, or institutions may be used to qualify for Federal employment.  You can verify your education here:   If you are using foreign education to meet qualification requirements, you must send a Certificate of Foreign Equivalency with your transcript in order to receive credit for that education.

Physical Requirements: Light lifting (under 15 lbs); Light carrying (under 15 lbs); Walking (1 hr); Kneeling and/or Bending (1 hr).  The work of this position is primarily sedentary however the work performed requires some walking, standing, bending, and carrying of light items such as file folders and papers.

Time-in-grade: Applicants who are current Federal employees and have held a GS grade any time in the past 52 weeks must also meet time-in-grade requirements For a GS-6  position you must have served 52 weeks at the GS-5 level. 


You will be rated on the following competencies based on your application for this position.

Competency 1 – Ability to organize effectively the flow of clerical processes in an office, including knowledge of VA policies and procedures regarding Program functions such as filing, reports, correspondence, and timekeeping.Attention
Competency 2 - Skill in operating a personal computer, including knowledge of DHCP, time and attendance (timekeeping), word processing, spreadsheets, databases, electronic mail, and various other data/information retrieval systems.
Competency 3 - Knowledge of grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation, and the skill in typing and transcription, to prepare and edit correspondence, minutes, and reports (including typing speed of at least 40 words per minute).

Competency 4 - Ability to communicate effectively orally with people from diverse backgrounds.

Competency 5 - Ability to communicate effectively in writing with people from diverse backgrounds.

If you are referred for consideration, you may be asked to submit additional job related information, which may include, but not limited to; responses to the knowledge, skills and abilities; completion of a work sample, and/or contact for an interview.

Your résumé and/or supporting documentation will be verified. Please follow all instructions carefully. Errors or omissions may affect your rating or consideration for employment.

The Career Transition Assistance Plan (CTAP) provide eligible displaced VA competitive service employees with selection priority over other candidates for competitive service vacancies. To be qualified you must submit appropriate documentation and be found well-qualified (have a final rating of 90 or more before any Veterans preference points) for this vacancy. Information on about CTAP eligibility is on OPM's Career Transition Resources website.

This job opportunity announcement may be used to fill additional vacancies.

All applicants are encouraged to apply online.

To apply for this position, you must complete the View Occupational Questionnaire and submit the documentation specified in the Required Documents section below.

The complete application package must be submitted by 11:59 PM (EST) on Friday, October 31, 2014 to receive consideration.

1. To begin, click Apply Online to create a USAJOBS account or log in to your existing account. Follow the prompts to select your USAJOBS resume and/or other supporting documents and complete the occupational questionnaire.

2. Click Submit My Answers to submit your application package.  

NOTE:  It is your responsibility to ensure your responses and appropriate documentation is submitted prior to the closing date.  

To verify your application is complete, log into your USAJOBS account,, select the Application Status link and then select the more information link for this position. The Details page will display the status of your application, the documentation received and processed, and any correspondence the agency has sent related to this application.  Your uploaded documents may take several hours to clear the virus scan process.

To return to an incomplete application, log into your USAJOBS account and click Update Application in the vacancy announcement.  You must re-select your resume and/or other documents from your USAJOBS account or your application will be incomplete.

All applicants are required to submit the following supporting document type(s):
·Other Veterans Document
·SF-50 Applicants may also submit the following supporting document type(s),which may not be required for all applicants:
·Cover Letter

Please use this checklist to ensure you have included other documents required for your application, such as a copy of your transcript (if using education to qualify), documentation to support Veterans Preference claims, or ICTAP/CTAP documentation (for displaced Federal employees).  You will not be contacted for additional information.

Veterans' Preference: When applying for Federal Jobs, eligible Veterans should claim preference on the Occupational Questionnaire in the section provided and provide a legible copy of your DD214(s) and/or documentation related to your active duty service which shows dates of service, character of service (honorable, general, etc.), or dates of impending separation.  Additionally, disabled veterans and others eligible for 10-point preference (such as widows or mothers of eligible Veterans) must also submit an SF-15 "Application for 10 Point Veterans Preference" with required proof as stated on the form.  For more information, please review the information for disabled Veterans in the application checklist or visit

Faxing Applications or Supporting Documents:  You are encouraged to apply online.  Applying online will allow you to review and track the status of your application. If you are unable to apply online or unable to upload your supporting documents to your online application, follow the directions located at the following site: Fax Options.  The Vacancy ID of the job opportunity announcement is 1235279.

NOTE:  If you applied online and your application is complete, do not fax the paper application (1203-FX) as this will overwrite your prior online responses and may result in you being found ineligible.

After we receive your complete application package (including all required documents), your qualifications will be reviewed and assigned an initial rating. 

We will also review your application to make sure that your résumé supports the answers given in the questionnaire. If your résumé does not support your questionnaire answers, we will adjust your rating accordingly. Based on your ranking or numerical score, you may be referred to the hiring manager for further consideration and possible interview. You will be notified when your rating is determined.

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Monitoring & Evaluation Analyst (Reporting)

This vacancy is advertised by UNDP
Duty Station: Khartoum with frequent travel to Darfur, SUDAN
Level: P-2 Contract type: - (More info about Levels and Contracts)

Closing date: 1970-01-01

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The vacancy is online since: 2014-09-16
Days online: 19 Total views: 148


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Project Assistant, Capacity Building, Regional Hub for Civil Service in Astana, UNDP (only for Kazakhstan citizens) - Astana

Core Competencies:
• Promoting ethics and integrity, creating organizational precedents;
• Building and promoting effective teams;
• Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication;
• Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning;
• Fair and transparent decision making; calculated risk-taking;
• Initiative-taking, self-development

Corporate Competencies:
• Displays strong cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
• Demonstrates integrity by modelling in the UN's values and ethical standards (human rights, peace, understanding between people and nations, tolerance, integrity, respect, results orientation, UNDP core ethics, impartiality;
• Demonstrates understanding, maturity and is sensitive to working in an environment with uniformed hierarchy;

Functional Competencies:

Technical Expertise:
• Understands more advanced aspects of primary area of specialization as well as the fundamental concepts of related disciplines;
• Keeps abreast of new developments in area of professional discipline and job knowledge and seeks to develop him/herself professionally;
• Ability to establish good working relationships with international and national authorities.
• Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills;
• Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
• Ability to monitor progress against milestones and deadlines;
• Ability to handle effectively multiple tasks without compromising quality, team spirit and positive working relationships;
• Ability to foresee risks and develop mitigation strategies.

Knowledge Management and Learning:
• Promotes knowledge management and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example, excellent ability to demonstrate national capacities building (mastery of the tools and their application);
• Sensitivity and responsiveness to all partners.

Building Strategic Partnerships:
• Identifying and building partnerships;
• Effectively networks with partners seizing opportunities to build strategic alliances relevant to UNDP’s mandate and strategic agenda;
• Identifies needs and interventions for capacity building of counterparts, clients and potential partners;

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