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Friday 7 March 2014



The United Nations has a continuing need for competent and dedicated staff. While it is  impossible
 to  list  in  detail  the  different  types  of  positions  for  which  the Organization recruits,
we have compiled for you a list of the major categories and occupations represented in the

Candidates are encouraged to review the list of current jobs opportunities and to apply online as
soon as possible after the vacancy has been posted and well before the deadline stated in the
vacancy announcement.
Learn more:
Job opportunities in the Organization:
Job opportunities in the UN System:
As the mandatory retirement age for staff appointed since January 1990 is 62, the United Nations
does not appoint persons who have reached or are approaching this age. This, however, does not
apply to experts and consultants under the technical
co-operation programmes.

The working languages of the Secretariat are English and French. The official languages of the
United Nations are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

Salary and benefits
Starting salaries are based upon academic and professional qualifications, as well as the job entry
level. The base salary scales are set by the General Assembly. There is also an adjustment element
based on the cost of living and the rate of exchange of local currency vis-à-vis the United States
dollar at each duty station.

Staff serving away from their home countries receive:
     assignment allowance
     education grant and dependency allowance for each eligible child
     rental subsidy, if eligible
     paid annual leave, sick leave and home leave
     contributory health, dental and group life insurance coverage
     various shipping, travel and installation allowances related to appointments to
and transfer between duty stations.

Staff members with regular appointments contribute to the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund.
The monthly contribution is tied to salary level as determined by the United Nations General

The Internship Programme consists of three two-month periods throughout the year:
mid-January to mid-March (Spring Session), early June to early August (Summer Session), early
September to end-October (Fall Session). Normally it is full-time, i.e., interns are expected to
work five days a week (9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.) in the department or office of the Secretariat which
has selected them, carrying out their tasks under the supervision of a staff member.

To qualify for the United Nations Headquarters Secretariat Internship Programme, the following
conditions must be met:
    Must be enrolled in a degree program in a graduate school (second university degree or higher)
at the time of application and during the
     If pursuing studies in countries where higher education is not divided into undergraduate and
graduate stages, must have completed at least four years of full-time studies at a university or
equivalent institution towards the completion of a degree.
     Undergraduates (for instance, students pursuing a Bachelor's degree)
are not eligible.

All costs connected with internships must be borne by the students concerned or by their sponsoring
institutions or governments.

Apply online:]

Internship Programme
United Nations Headquarters
Office of Human Resources Management
Room M-09025 D
New York, NY 10017, USA

The Specialized Agencies (i.e., UNESCO, FAO, ILO, etc.) conduct their own recruitment programmes.
Interested candidates should write to the appropriate agency for information concerning employment

Clerical and secretarial staff are recruited locally from among the residents of the area in which
a particular agency is located.

For a current listing of vacancies:



The United Nations programmes of technical co-operation are administered by the
United Nations and its specialized agencies in co-operation with the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP).

Generally, the requests from developing countries for technical assistance are for senior advisers.
Experts are normally required to have reached a high professional standing after long experience in
their fields of specialization.

Technical Assistance Recruitment and Administrative Service
Room DCI-1208
United Nations
New York, NY 10017
Fax. (212) 963-1272


Vacancies in the Professional category call for persons with professional qualifications in fields
related to the work of the United Nations. In filling these vacancies, which may be at Headquarters
or any other established office throughout the world; special attention is paid to the development
and maintenance of a proper geographical balance among United Nations Member States. As a rule,
entry-level posts are filled through competitive recruitment examinations and interviews organized
on a rotational basis for nationals of inadequately represented Member States.

Candidates for posts in the Professional category are expected to have an advanced university
degree in addition to the relevant professional experience.

For a current listing of vacancies, please visit the following website: All
applicants for professional category are strongly encouraged to apply online as soon as possible
after the vacancy has been posted, and well before the deadline stated in the vacancy announcement.

For further assistance:
Professional and above Staffing Section
Room M-09029
380 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Tel. (212) 963-1090
Fax. (917) 367-0524

Occupations: Administration
Staff in this occupational group is involved in the planning and management of human and material
resources and in the recruitment and training of staff.
Staff members liaise with programme managers and financial planners, as

well as secure a wide range of goods and services required by the United

Positions in the field of economics include a wide variety of specializations, such  as  designing
and  conducting  research  in  several  economic  areas;
developing economic models for long-range forecasting; planning, developing
and monitoring technical assistance projects. An increasingly prominent area of activity is in the
field of sustainable development and capacity-building.

Information Systems and Technology
Positions in this occupation relate to a wide range of assignments in the areas of data processing,
telecommunications and infrastructure support. These
assignments   consist   of   feasibility   studies,   systems   analysis,   systems
development  and  implementation,  local  and  wide-area  network implementation and support,
electronic messaging, setting of hardware and software standards, and operations support.

Positions in the field of finance relate to a wide range of specializations, such as accounting,
auditing, financial analysis, and treasury.

Language and related work
Positions  in  this  occupation  group  are  found  in  the  following  areas: translation,
interpretation, editing, verbatim reporting, and proofreading in the six official languages which
are: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

   Interpreters are required to be proficient in at least three official languages
     Translators are also required to be proficient in three languages and work  on  reports,
resolutions  and  official  communiqués  in  social,
political, technical, financial and other fields.
    Verbatim reporters prepare written records of meetings of the most important UN organs.
     Editors  ensure  the  accuracy  and  conformity  of  documents  and
publications to UN style and form.
     Terminologists   establish   and   ensure   the   application   of   UN
terminological standards
     Copy preparers and proofreaders are responsible for the typographic processing of United
Nations documents and publications (including those  produced  by  computer-assisted  processes)
and  for  their accuracy and compliance with UN publishing standards, spelling conventions, etc.

Legal and related work
Positions in this field require experience in a wide range of specializations in law  and  may  be
involved  in  one  or  more  of  the  following  activities:

     preparation of opinions and studies on the interpretation of the United
Nations Charter and the rules of international law
     progressive development
     codification and harmonization of international law

     providing advice on commercial matters dealing with claims of an international or a private
law character
     responding to the needs of the Member States in dealing with legal,
political, economic, scientific, technical and environmental aspects of the law of the sea and
marine affairs
     representation of the Secretary-General before the International Court of Justice and in the
settlements of claims.

Services include management of an archival collection of United Nations documents and publications
in print and electronic formats, production of databases and reference service to a wide range of
clients. The information produced and provided by library staff is used by delegates, Permanent
Missions, United Nations staff members, as well as by specialized researchers, while enabling all
librarians in the United Nations system to function as a user-oriented network. The UN libraries
also support the world-wide network of depository libraries, which assist in disseminating United
Nations information.

Public information
Positions in the field of public information involve a wide range of activities including  handling
 promotional  campaigns,  writing  press  releases  and
information materials in print and online formats; providing coverage for
delegations, the media and non-governmental organizations at Headquarters and around the world of
United Nations meetings, conferences, and special events; producing publications, radio,
television, video, and photographic products that are thematically integrated.

Social development
Positions in this field comprise a wide range of assignments concerned with a variety of social and
humanitarian areas, such as crime prevention, criminal
justice,  institutional  development,  social  integration  and  welfare,  gender
equality, rural development, as well as issues of importance to youth, the aging, and the disabled.
An increasingly prominent area of activity is the field of environmental protection.

Positions in this field contribute to the overall availability and use of relevant, timely  and
reliable  statistics  for  national  and  international  planning  and action. They also contribute
to the development, expansion, improvement and maintenance of cost-effective statistical
capabilities through the formulation and the improvement of sound statistical methodologies.
Furthermore, assignments in this area are responsible for enhancing the collection and
dissemination of statistics in numerous fields, promoting the coordination of international
statistical work, and producing the international statistical series, which  includes:  national
accounts,  prices,  international  trade,  population, social indicators, environment, industry,
energy, transport, and housing.

Recruitment of young professionals through competitive examinations
National competitive examinations
Junior professionals (P-2 level) are recruited through National Competitive
Recruitment Examinations. The examinations are organized as a matter of priority in countries that
are inadequately represented among the staff of the

Secretariat. The examinations are administered in selected occupational groups. In order to qualify
for P-2 positions, a candidate must possess a first- level university degree and be 32 years of age
or younger. Fluency in either English or French is required.

United Nations
Examinations and Tests Section Staff Development Services Specialist Services Division
Office of Human Resources Management
Court Square Place
24-01 44th Road
Long Island City 11101-4605
Fax. 212-963- 3683

Language examinations
Examinations are held to establish a roster of qualified candidates from which to fill language
positions. The frequency of the examinations varies according to the needs of the Organization.
Candidates for translator positions are
required to translate from at least two of the six official languages (Arabic,
Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish). Candidates for interpreter positions are required
to interpret simultaneously into one of the six official languages and must have full auditory
comprehension of at least two other official languages.
Learn more:

Contact: United Nations Language Examinations
Operational Services Division
Office of Human Resources Management
Court Square Place
24-01 44th Road
Long Island City 11101-4605

Recruitment for middle and higher level posts
To be considered for these posts, candidates must possess an advanced university degree, in
addition to relevant professional experience. Normally, a minimum of six years of professional
experience is required.

Information on currently vacant positions is available at Headquarters, United Nations Information
Centres [] throughout the world and other offices of the United Nations family
(e.g. UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF). Moreover, information may be obtained from the Foreign Ministry of your
country and certain educational and/or professional institutions (e.g. universities, women's
associations, etc.). In order to identify the best and the brightest, the Organization utilizes
competitive recruitment methods such as assessment centres.

Information on currently vacant positions is also available at:

For further assistance:
Professional and above Staffing Section
Room M-09029
380 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Tel. (212) 963-1090
Fax. (917) 367-0524

Recruitment for Peacekeeping Operations

Aside  from  the  widely  known  "blue  helmets",  which  are  military  forces provided directly
by the Member States of the United Nations, peacekeeping operations also rely on civilian staff for
a wide variety of functions ranging from monitoring the observance of human rights to managing
human or material resources.

In general, positions are offered in the following fields: political affairs, legal affairs, human
rights, election monitoring, humanitarian assistance, public information, general administration,
procurement, logistics, civil engineering, and electronic data processing.

Learn more:

Minimum requirements for mission service are an advanced university degree or its equivalent in a
relevant discipline, four years of relevant professional
experience  and  fluency  in  English  and/or  French.  Fluency  in  additional
languages,  such  as  Arabic,  Portuguese,  Russian  or  Spanish,  as  well  as working experience
in developing countries, constitutes a definite advantage.

Applicants must be in excellent health and prepared to work in hardship areas under difficult and
sometimes dangerous conditions. They must also be available at short notice. It should be noted
that most missions are classified as "non-family" duty stations. The compensation package includes
salary and an appropriate mission subsistence allowance, which has been established to cover living
expenses while at that duty station.

Request an application form or submit your curriculum vitae to:
United Nations Personnel Management and Support Service
Office of Mission Support
Department of Peace Keeping Operations
Room DC1-0928
New York, NY 10017, USA Fax. 212-963-0664
Tel. 212-963-6114

Project Personnel

The United Nations programmes of technical cooperation are administered by the United Nations and
the specialized agencies in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme.

Generally, the requests from developing countries for technical assistance are for senior advisers.
Experts are required to have reached a high professional standing after long experience in their
fields of specialization.

United Nations
Project Personnel Management and Training Service
Room DC1-1418
New York, NY 10017, USA


This is a corps responsible for servicing the various United Nations field missions. Its personnel
are subject to rotation from mission to mission in any part of the world, sometimes at short
notice. In addition, the local conditions of some of the duty stations require that the staff not
be accompanied by their families.

The Field Service comprises five main occupational groups: security officers, vehicle/generator
mechanics, radio technicians, radio operators, and electrician/refrigeration mechanics.
Applicants should be between the ages of 23 and 40.

United Nations
Personnel Management and Support Service
Office of Mission Support
Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Room DC1-0928
New York, NY 10017
Fax. 212-963-0664
Tel. 212-963-6114

Text Processors

There is a special need for high-speed text processors to produce UN official documents in the six
official languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish). Requirements: type
from direct dictation or to transcribe from sound-recording machines; work night shifts, as well as
overtime, for which there is additional compensation. Applicants for these positions must be
experienced word processors with a typing speed of more than 55 words per minute.

Accounting and statistical clerks

Exams are held periodically to establish a roster from which posts are filled as vacancies occur.

Educational requirements
All applicants must have completed secondary education. Accounting and statistical clerks normally
should have a relevant undergraduate degree.

Pre-recruitment tests

Candidates must have successfully passed the required general aptitude test and/or typing tests
before they may be considered for recruitment. The tests are held at the United Nations
Headquarters in New York. Applicants living outside the New York metropolitan area, who wish to
take these tests, must pay their own travel expenses.

Roster of candidates
A  roster  is  maintained  of  those  who  are  successful  in  the  tests  for consideration in
the occupations for which they are found suitable. It is important to note that success in any of
the tests does not guarantee an offer of appointment; it only ensures consideration as vacancies

Visa status
Applicants for positions at United Nations Headquarters, who are not United
States citizens or permanent residents, must hold a current United States visa issued by the
competent United States authorities and must have a valid passport. Before starting work, all
candidates who do not have a United States passport or permanent resident visa, must have their
visa status changed to the one issued to staff members of international organizations.

General Service & Related Categories Staffing Unit Operational Services
Office of Human Resources Management
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-963-8876

Please note that the General Service staff of each major office away from Headquarters is recruited
locally, that is, from the area in which the particular office is located.

Vacancies  in  this  category  are  normally  filled  during  an  annual  recruitment campaign.
Candidates should be between the ages of 22 and 32, hold a high-school
diploma, be in excellent physical condition, and have at least two years' experience
with a civilian police force, or three years in the military police.

Candidates holding a degree in criminal justice with a minimum of 18 months’
experience in the security field will also be considered.

Visa status
Applicants for positions at United Nations Headquarters, who are not United
States citizens or permanent residents, must hold a current United States visa issued by the
competent United States authorities and must have a valid passport. Before starting work, all
candidates who do not have a United States passport or permanent resident visa, must have their
visa status changed to the one issued to staff members of international organizations.

Interested candidates should contact:
General Service & Related Categories Staffing Unit Operational Services
Office of Human Resources Management

New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-963-8876


The services of printing press operators are normally required for short-term periods only when the
General Assembly is in session. From time to time, positions also
become  available  in  building  management,  which  encompasses:  plumbing,  air-
conditioning, carpentry, general maintenance, etc. The minimum education requirement for all these
positions is a high-school diploma, and all candidates must be  in  excellent  physical  condition
and  possess  the  relevant  experience  in their specific trades. In addition, plumbers and
air-conditioning mechanics are required to have a license issued by the City of New York.

Visa status
Applicants for positions at United Nations Headquarters, who are not United States citizens or
permanent residents, must hold a current United States visa issued by the competent United States
authorities and must have a valid passport.  Before  starting  work,  all  candidates  recruited
for  posts  in  the General Service category at Headquarters, who do not have a United States
passport or permanent resident visa, must have their visa status changed to the one issued to staff
members of international organizations.

Interested candidates should contact:
General Service & Related Categories Staffing Unit Operational Services
Office of Human Resources Management
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-963-8876


Applicants for this position, conducting tours of the United Nations Headquarters buildings, must
possess a minimum of 3 years post-secondary education, must be fluent in English and at least one
other language, and must have a good speaking voice.

A personal interview is required at Headquarters prior to recruitment which is carried out at the
United Nations Headquarters in New York, on a local basis. Applicants must pay their own expenses
in connection with travel for the purpose of an interview.

Visa status
Applicants for positions at United Nations Headquarters, who are not United States citizens or
permanent residents, must hold a current United States visa issued by the competent United States
authorities and must have a valid passport.  Before  starting  work,  all  candidates  recruited
for  posts  in  the General Service category at Headquarters, who do not have a United States
passport or permanent resident visa, must have their visa status changed to the one issued to staff
members of international organizations.
Interested candidates should contact:
Guided Tours Unit at:
Not an Official Document ▪ For Information Only
This fact-sheet has been issued by:

Public Inquiries, Visitors Services United Nations Headquarters Room GA-1B-57
New York - NY 10017
Tel: 212-963-4475 ▪ Fax: 212-963-0071


