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Sunday, 9 March 2014

JOB TITLE: Program Operations Manager

JOB TITLE: Program Operations Manager
Programme Implementation
Dollo Ado, Ethiopia

Level 3 - the responsibilities of the post may require the post holder to have regular contact with or access to children or young people

The Program Operations Manager (POM)is responsible for leading the implementation of Save the Children’s work in Afder and Liben Zones of Somali region. This includes managing the humanitarian response in Dollo Ado refugee camps and managing development programming in the host communities (which include a large multi-year food assistance program in Dolo Ado, Dolo Bay and Barreworedas). They will play a key role in managing the structure of the teams in Dollo Ado Field Office to maximize the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of interventions with the budget available; to strengthen and support areas of operations quality; programme implementation; monitoring and evaluation; and team management.

They will also lead resilience building work and ensure cohesive approach to delivering emergency and developmental activities. 

Reports to:Program Operations Director (POD) with strong functional relation with Humanitarian Director and the Chief of Party of the Food Aid Programs.

Staff directly reporting to this post: Program Managers and field office support staff

Dimensions:Save the Children has been present for 20 years in Dollo Ado, our on-going development programming consists of working with the low lying pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities, some of which are now host communities to the Somali refugees. Our humanitarian operations in Somali Region of Ethiopia are essentially based in and around the Dollo Ado Woreda.  Since 2009, the combination of ongoing conflict and severe drought in Somalia has caused large numbers of Somali refugees to flee across the Ethiopian border. Dollo Ado Woreda, which hosts most of these refugees, is comprised of a series of small pastoral communities in the southeastern corner of Ethiopia, bordering Somalia and Kenya. Dollo Ado is the second largest refugee camp setting in the world. UNHCR currently estimates apopulation of 198,995 refugees, 67% of who are under 18 years of age and currently housed in 5 camps.Based on recent (August and September 2013) assessments, Save the Children proposes to continue Child Protection, education, and nutrition programs in Dollo Ado.

The office also provides oversight to a number of development and emergency programs in 3 woredas of Barre, Dolo Bay and Dolo Ado which include a large Development Food Aid Program in support of the GoE’s PSNP program.  

Strategic Programme Management in the wider operational platform embracing Save the Children’s Dual Mandate (humanitarian and development programming):
·         Contribute to the development, review and revision of the Somali Region programme strategy. This will include participating in the country child rights situational analysis.
·         Oversee the day to day implementation of the different Field Programmes including the USAID funded DFAP & JEOP programs and projects by the field  Project Managers, and Project officers with direction and support from the Program Operational Director
·         Lead the Project Managers and field teams in expanding the understanding and implementation of Child Rights Programming throughout the programme and ensure these approaches are effectively implemented.
·         Maintain an overview of the political and security context in Dollo and the wider Somali Region and how changes and developments may affect the programmes work and ensure that this iscommunicated regularly to the POD.
·         Leadtheimplementationof Save the Children’s dual mandate programming in Woreda managed under the Dollo Ado field office.
·         EnsurethatSave the Children’s operational platform in both the refugeecamp setting and host communities are implementedto a highqualityandeffectivelycoordinatedandmanagedwithappropriatelevelsoftechnical support.
·         Adviseon,andco-leadtheimplementationof,therestructuringoftheteamsinDolloAdo to maximizetheefficiency,effectivenessandimpactofourinterventionswiththebudget available
·         Support allareasofSave the Children’sprogramming, including the food aid programs by providing management supportand mentoring tomanagers, andtechnicalstaffwithinthe operational platform
·         Ensure highqualityprogramimplementationatscalethatimpactspositivelyonthelivesof vulnerable children and their families  thatmeetswithSave the Children’s Humanitarian Framework, StandardOperating Standards, SPHERE standards andourcommitmentstodonors, UNHCR andthe Government ofEthiopia.
·         Actasthelead representative ofSave the Childrenin the field office in mattersrelatingtoARRA, UNHCR, Local governments and implementing partnersinthe region.
·         Ensure that effective M&Eand accountability mechanisms areinplaceandthat relevant information, statistics and analysis areprovidedin atimelywayfordonorreports,situation reports,projectproposals, casestudiesand communications. Contribute tothe development anddocumentationofbestpracticesandtheir dissemination toavarietyofinternaland external audiences.
·         Work closely withthe Chief of Party, Program Operations Director, theHumanitarian Directorandthe Program Implementation Senior Director toidentify andrespondtoareasofpotential program improvement, coordinationand development within the Somali Region.
·         Identify stafftrainingneedsandworktogetherwiththe COP, Program Operations Director, Humanitarian Director, the Program Operations Senior DirectorandHRto ensure that professional development plansarein placeto buildthe capacity ofindividualsandteams..
·         Together withtheCommunicationsteaminAddis,playaleadroleinhostingvisitsbydonors,media, Save the ChildrenseniorstaffandotherstotheSomali region and refugee camps , ensuring thateffectiveproceduresareinplaceto organize itineraries, permits,transport, accommodation, security andprogrammatic briefings - andthat debriefs are conducted, documentedandsharedwiththeEtCOandrelevantparties.
·         Promote thesharingof bestpracticesandthe cross-fertilization of ideasbetweenprogrammatic areas. .
·         Identify othermeansofstrengtheningthequalityof program implementationthroughtechnical assistance, networks, professional development opportunities, trainingworkshopsand/orimproved coordination.
·         Conduct regularvisitsto fieldimplementationsitesand refugee campstoupdate program analysis.

Oversight of Grants Management:
·         Work closely withthe Program Operational Director, and the Awards manager tomanageSave the Children’s  grants portfolio, budget holder accountability, the allocation offundingto priority interventions, and fundraising forgapsandnew program development;
·         Liaise with the POD to ensure that grants expenditure reports are produced monthly and disseminated to Field Project managers and Project Officers for their review. Conduct grant and finance meetings monthly;
·         Review and finalize grant reports ensuring that donor guidelines are followed and high standards met, prior to submission to the POD.
·         The POM, has a delegated budget authority for DFAB & JROP programs, but must have the signatures of the relevant woreda program coordinator and or the RPM to effect expenses that are programmatic in nature. S/he would have independent responsibility of staff salaries and other costs that shall be pooled at Dollo Ado level.
·         holds self accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modelling Save the Children values
·         holds the team and partners accountable to deliver on their responsibilities - giving them the freedom to deliver in the best way they see fit, providing the necessary development to improve performance and applying appropriate consequences when results are not achieved.
·         sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves and their team, takes responsibility for their own personal development and encourages their team to do the same
·         widely shares their personal vision for Save the Children, engages and motivates others
·         future orientated, thinks strategically and on a global scale.
·         builds and maintains effective relationships, with their team, colleagues, Members and external partners and supporters
·         values diversity, sees it as a source of competitive strength
·         approachable, good listener, easy to talk to.
·         develops and encourages new and innovative solutions
·         willing to take disciplined risks.
·         honest, encourages openness and transparency; demonstrates highest levels of integrity

·         University degree in a relevant academic discipline-Masters in international development, conflict and health an advantage.
·         Minimum of 5 years practical experience managing a large programme in a  complex emergency context, focus in 2 of the following areas:  refugee influx, food insecurity, health, nutrition, education and child protection
·         Experience of managing the programme cycle, including assessments, project design , proposal and report writing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
·         Excellent planning coordination and reporting skills, with the ability to organise a substantial workload comprised of complex, diverse tasks and responsibilities
·         Sound financial management skills, particularly in budgeting and reporting;
·         Computer literacy, particularly in word, excel and PowerPoint
·         Strong communication, people management and interpersonal skills in English and Somali with experience in leading multi-cultural, multi-location, values driven teams;
·         Experience working in Somalia region
·         Willingness to work and travel in difficult and insecure environments
·         Committed to Save the Children Internationals global policies and values

Date of issue:   Author:


