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Sunday 9 March 2014



Location : Hargeisa, SOMALIA
Application Deadline :11-Mar-14
Type of Contract :Individual Contract
Post Level :International Consultant
Languages Required : English  
Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)
Duration of Initial Contract :45 Days
Expected Duration of Assignment :45 Days


UNDP is providing assistance to authorities in Somalia in a multi-year Governance and Rule of Law (GROL) Program. The GROL Program consists of: Governance, SIDP, JPLG, and Access to Justice, Civilian Police and Community Safety/Armed Violence Reduction. The overall goal is to strengthen rule of law and security through the creation and development of competent police and Judiciary bolstered by initiatives to, control small arms and address causes of crime through our AVR project. With regards to rule of law, the Program will continue its focus on matched progress in law enforcement, judiciary and custodial corps. Integral to this strategy is the recognition that when progress is lacking in one of these areas it has a detrimental effect on the sustainability of achievements in the others.
UNDP has identified with the MOI, that the need of supporting the Mandeera Police Training Academy to enhance the capacity of the training staff to take up the future challenge of training their police personnel on various level of police training. In order to achieve an acceptable minimum standard, a police trainer is required to undergo considerable time in formal study (classroom learning and private study). Additional time for the further development of knowledge and skills in the workplace is needed. Completion of a relevant teaching/training qualification, where required, would also need additional development time.
UNDP will provide an international technical expert to:
  • Review the standards and the teaching skills of the trainers in the Academy;
  • Review teaching methods;
  • Apply Trainee record management;
  • Conduct a needs assessment of the Mandeera Police Academy.
The Consultant then will design, develop and deliver a TOT training package for the selected qualified trainers that meet the standards to become a Police Trainer.

Duties and Responsibilities

Objectives of this Assignment
The training addresses principal adult learning theories and practice including the teaching/training cycle from initial assessment, planning and delivery through to conducting formative assessment and giving feedback. The core skills of communication, facilitation and managing individual and group learning environments are addressed. Coaching and mentoring, evaluation of training practice and a range of specialist delivery techniques are also to be included. The standard emphasizes the importance of promoting equality and valuing diversity and embeds relevant Policing requirements, for example, community involvement. It covers a range of learning approaches including the use of learning technologies and encourages the adoption of a blended approach to training.
Scope of Work
The Police Training Expert with the Commissioner of Police, Police Training department and relevant stakeholders, through the needs assessment will be responsible for mapping out the future development strategy of the Training Academy. The Expert will be responsible for:
Developing a training and operational needs assessment of the Mandeera Police Academy with current needs in the areas of strategy, infrastructural, training aids, training needs and future sustainability.
Development of a plan to implement effective and comprehensive TOT training package including training modules for implementation of various trainings considering:
  • Delivering complex and extensive programs requiring the fullest range of teaching skills;
  • Delivering programs such as Learning Transfer techniques, Professionalizing Investigation Program and the Core Leadership Program and other programs pertaining to the development of instructors in the context of police education;
  • For whom training is generally their exclusive role;
  • Engaging training encompassing a wide range of curricula. 
 With the consultation of the Police Commissioner, conduct an evaluation of officers to select qualified police personnel to be trained and to identify suitable candidates that should possess basic instructional Knowledge and/or competence with of subject matter that forms the basis of training with a sound understanding of the issues of equality, diversity and human rights within a police training context
Training Outcomes: Achievement of this TOT training will enable the individual to:
  • Explain and critically review the principles, and processes of adult learning and explain how an understanding of these helps trainers to support individual learners through the whole learning and development cycle;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of their own training roles; their responsibilities and boundaries in relation to training;
  • Analyze and utilize methods that create an effective learning environment;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of relevant legislation and policy;
  • Promoting equality and value of diversity; apply practices that do not discriminate, are inclusive and are based on meeting learners’ needs;
  • Analyze the effectiveness of teaching methods and techniques and resources that assist learning transfer
  • Explain the key concepts and principles of assessment; review and utilize a range of assessment methods;
  • Competently apply skills of reflection and evaluation to enhance professional standards of training;
  • Identify and apply advances in knowledge and practice in order to enhance professional standards of training;
  • Investigate and utilize effective communication techniques in the learning environment including giving and receiving effective feedback;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the group learning environment and employ approaches to group delivery to enable effective learning;
  • Explain the nature and function of demonstration and instruction and employ effective instruction or demonstration techniques to support learning;
  • Identify the impact of challenging attitudes and behavior upon learners; employ appropriate strategies for managing challenging situations within training;
  • Explain the role of coaching within learning and show how coaching techniques may enable individuals to meet learning goals;
  • Explain the role of mentoring within learning and show how mentoring techniques may enable individuals to meet personal and organizational goals;
  • Be able to design effective learning programs or schemes of work to meet the needs of learners and the organization;
  • Explain the principals involved in designing a learning session to meet aims and objectives and the identified needs of learners; compose a lesson plan;
  • Design, develop and adapt learning materials and resources to meet session objectives and the needs of learners including the use of digital technology;
  • Identify, select and apply appropriate teaching and presentational techniques to a session, including using a variety of visual aids;
  • Identify, select and apply appropriate methods for monitoring and assessing learners’ progress against learning objectives during a session;
  • Apply the principles of evaluation; identify appropriate methods for evaluating learning and show how the results can enable improved learning and development programs;
  • Explain the principles and benefits of community involvement within police training and how to integrate community involvement in learning activities;
  • Identify, develop and employ appropriate and inclusive specialist techniques and activities for groups within training.
Develop a selection of high quality monitoring and evaluation tools and mentor/train relevant training staff to assess quality and impact on training delivered.
Monitoring and Progress controls. Evaluation of the IC contract will be made by the UNDP Civilian Police Project Manager against the benchmarks and deliverables set for the assignment of the consultant at the end of the contract duration.
Final product/deliverables The Consultant will be paid according to phases reached during the course of the Consultancy:
  • Mandeera Police academy needs assessments including its staff and training plan developed and agreed by Project Manager;
  • Deliver a comprehensive TOT training for the selected Trainers in the Academy;
  • Monitoring and evaluation tools completed and agreed by Project Manager;
  • Final training report with recommendations for future development of the Police Academy and its staff produced and signed off by Project Manager.
Review/approval time
Progressive monitoring will be carried out by the Civilian Policing Project Manager. Payment will be on a proportional lump sum basis across the consultancy as agreed between the consultant and Project Manager with final payment upon the satisfactory conclusion of the assignment and delivery of the products described in the line IV above.


Integrity and professionalism:
  • Demonstrated expertise in area of specialty and ability to apply good judgment;
  • High degree of autonomy, personal initiative and ability to take ownership;
  • Willingness to accept wide responsibilities ;and
  • Ability to work independently under established procedures in a politically sensitive environment, while exercising discretion, impartiality and neutrality;
  • Ability to manage information objectively, accurately and confidentially; responsive and client-oriented.
  • Mature and responsible;
  • Ability to operate in compliance with organizational rules and regulations.
Commitment to continuous learning:
  • Initiative and willingness to learn new skills and stay abreast of new developments in area of expertise;
  • Ability to adapt to changes in work environment.
Planning and organizing:
  • Effective organizational and problem-solving skills and ability to manage a large volume of work in an efficient and timely manner;
  • Ability to establish priorities and to plan, coordinate and monitor (own) work;
  • Ability to work under pressure, with conflicting deadlines; and
  • To handle multiple concurrent projects/activities.
Teamwork and respect for diversity:
  • Ability to operate effectively across organizational boundaries;
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective partnerships and harmonious working relations in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity and gender.
  • Proven interpersonal skills; good spoken and written communication skills, including ability to prepare clear and concise reports;
  • Ability to conduct presentations, articulate options and positions concisely;
  • Ability to make and defend recommendations;
  • Ability to communicate and empathize with staff (including national staff), military personnel, volunteers, counterparts and local interlocutors coming from very diverse backgrounds;
  • Ability to maintain composure and remain helpful towards the staff, but objective, without showing personal interest;
  • Capacity to transfer information and knowledge to a wide range of different target groups.
Flexibility, adaptability, and ability and willingness to operate independently in austere, remote and potentially hazardous environments for protracted periods, involving physical hardship and little comfort, and including possible extensive travel within the area of operations.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced university degree in Social Sciences, preferably Education, or Criminology, Public Administration or the equivalent or a first level university degree and 10 years’ experience in a Law Enforcement Agency in lieu of an Advance Degree
  • Minimum of 10-15 years of professional experience in Police service and in the Police Training
  • Experience in teaching  and designing curriculum for Police training
  • Knowledge of and experience in African and/or Islamic law enforcement practices
  • Able to work independently with efficiency and competence
  • Knowledge and experience in community policing best practices and methods;
  • Past experience in the UN is desirable but not a requirement
  •  Excellent written and oral skills.
Language Requirements:            
  • Fluency in English.
Other Information.

  • The consultant will be required to bring his/her own computer.
  • A full-time translator will be provided, should one be required whilst the Consultant is in Hargeisa.
  • The Consultant will be expected to undertake a 4-day security training course before deployment to Somalia.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.


