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Close × Share job to a friend Close ×Spain: TÉCNICO DE CONTROL FINANCIERO (Barcelona) Ref. 27/15-16Closing date: 2015-06-21Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: Oxfam Interm n
Country: Spain
Closing date: 21 Jun 2015
Interm n Oxfamsomos personas que luchamos, con y para las poblaciones desfavorecidas y como parte de un amplio movimiento global, con el objetivo de erradicar la injusticia y la pobreza, y para lograr que todos los seres humanos puedan ejercer plenamente sus derechos y disfrutar de una vida digna. Quieres formar parte de nuestro equipo?
Bajo la responsabilidad del Responsable Financiero Regional, el T cnico de Control Financiero realiza la planificaci n plurianual, el presupuesto anual (Oficina y Programas) y el seguimiento presupuestario de los pa ses asignados con el objetivo de lograr una ptima calidad de la informaci n econ mica y anal tica en pa ses.
Cu les ser n tus funciones?
Orientar a los/las Responsables de Administracion y Finanzas en pa s en la realizaci n de su planificaci n plurianual y su presupuesto anual
Realizar el seguimiento presupuestario a nivel de pa s (co-financiadores y recursos propios de oficinas y programas), proponiendo medidas correctoras a las desviaciones presupuestarias.
Supervisar la correcta imputaci n anal tica de gastos en los sistemas SAGA y SAP, utilizados a nivel de sede y de pa ses
Revisar y validar los cierres (mensuales, trimestrales y anuales) a nivel anal tico
Apoyar al equipo de pa s en la realizaci n de propuestas e informes de cofinanciaci n
Formar, orientar y acompa ar los equipos en pa ses (en procedimientos, sistemas, controlling, etc.) especialmente en contexto de nuevas emergencias y/o incorporaci n de nuevo personal financiero
Qu estamos buscando?
Formaci n universitaria y conocimientos del mbito financiero
Experiencia de al menos 1 a o en planificaci n y control de gesti n financiera, contabilidad anal tica y/o gesti n de proyectos subvencionados.
Experiencia en terreno en puestos de Responsable financiero o similares
Idiomas: Ingl s, Franc s y Espa ol nivel alto.
Buena capacidad de planificaci n y orientaci n a resultados
Flexibilidad y adaptaci n al cambio
Capacidad de trabajo bajo presi n
Disponibilidad para realizar viajes a terreno de manera puntual
Alta identificaci n con nuestra misi n y nuestros valores
Qu te ofrecemos?
Jornada laboral completa de 40 horas semanales
Ubicaci n del puesto en Barcelona (Sede central)
Salario bruto anual de 27.930 Euros
Incorporaci n: a principios de Agosto
Duraci n : hasta finales de febrero 2016
How to apply:
Si est s interesado/a, por favor env a tu candidatura a:, indicando tu nombre y el n mero de referenciade la vacante:
Candidatura interna: INT 27/15-16
Candidatura externa: EXT 27/15-16
El plazo de presentaci n de solicitudes finalizar el pr ximo 21.06.2015. Oxfam Intermon se reserva el derecho de cambiar esta fecha si se considera necesario.
Solo contactaremos con las candidaturas preseleccionadas.
Oxfam Interm n est comprometido con el principio de igualdad, diversidad e inclusi n.
Close×Spain: TÉCNICO DE CONTROL FINANCIERO (Barcelona) Ref. 27/15-16Closing date: 2015-06-21Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: Oxfam Interm nCountry: Spain
Closing date: 21 Jun 2015
Oxfam Interm nes la organizaci n global para el desarrollo que moviliza el poder de las personas contra la pobreza y tiene poder para cambiar vidas. Somos una organizaci n activista que luchamos contra la injusticia, la pobreza y las desigualdades y que trabaja sobre las causas de los problemas. CAMBIAMOS VIDAS QUE CAMBIAN VIDAS.
Te gustar a formar parte de la cadena del cambio?
Bajo la responsabilidad de Responsable de Operaciones, el t cnico de control de refuerzo realiza la planificaci n plurianual, el presupuesto anual y el seguimiento presupueestario de los pa ses asignados con el objetivo de lograr una optima calidad de la informaci n econ mica y anal tica en paises.
Cu les ser n tus funciones?
Orientar a los/las Responsables de Administracion y Finanzas en pa s en la realizaci n de su planificaci n plurianual y su presupuesto anual
Realizar el seguimiento presupuestario a nivel de pa s (cofinanciadores y recursos propios de oficinas y programas), proponiendo medidas correctoras a las desviaciones presupuestarias.
Supervisar la correcta imputaci n anal tica de gastos en los sistemas SAGA y SAP, utilizados a nivel de sede y de pa ses
Revisar y validar los cierres (mensuales, trimestrales y anuales) a nivel anal tico
Apoyar al equipo de pa s en la realizaci n de propuestas e informes de cofinanciaci n
Formar, orientar y acompa ar los equipos en pa ses (en procedimientos, sistemas, controlling, etc.) especialmente en contexto de nuevas emergencias y/o incorporaci n de nuevo personal financiero
Qu estamos buscando?
Formaci n universitaria y conocimientos del mbito financiero
Experiencia de al menos 1 a o en planificaci n y control de gesti n financiera, contabilidad anal tica y/o gesti n de proyectos subvencionados.
Experiencia en terreno en puestos de Responsable financiero o similares
Idiomas : ingl s y franc s nivel alto. Deseable conocimientos de espa ol.
Buena capacidad de planificaci n y orientaci n a resultados
Flexibilidad y adaptaci n al cambio
Capacidad de trabajo bajo presi n
Disponibilidad para realizar viajes a terreno de manera puntual
Alta identificaci n con nuestra misi n y nuestros valores
Qu te ofrecemos?
Jornada laboral completa de 40 horas semanales
Ubicaci n del puesto en Barcelona (Sede central)
Salario bruto anual de 27.930 Euros
Incorporaci n a princ pios de Agosto
Duracion : hasta finales de febrero 2016
How to apply:
Si est s interesado/a, por favor env a tu candidatura a:, indicando tu nombre y el n mero de referenciade la vacante:
Candidatura interna: INT 27/15-16
Candidatura externa: EXT 27/15-16
El plazo de presentaci n de solicitudes finalizar el pr ximo 21.06.2015. Oxfam Intermon se reserva el derecho de cambiar esta fecha si se considera necesario.
Solo contactaremos con las candidaturas preseleccionadas.
Oxfam Interm n est comprometido con el principio de igualdad, diversidad e inclusi n.
Close×Spain: GESTOR/A SUBVENVIONES ÁFRICA (Barcelona) REF.30/15-16Closing date: 2015-06-21Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: Oxfam Interm nCountry: Spain
Closing date: 21 Jun 2015
Oxfam Interm nes la organizaci n global para el desarrollo que moviliza el poder de las personas contra la pobreza y tiene poder para cambiar vidas. Somos una organizaci n activista que luchamos contra la injusticia, la pobreza y las desigualdades y que trabaja sobre las causas de los problemas.
CAMBIAMOS VIDAS QUE CAMBIAN VIDAS. Te gustar a formar parte de la cadena del cambio?
La persona seleccionada depender jer rquicamente de la Subdirecci n de Operaciones frica en Barcelona y tendr como responsabilidades principales realizar y dar seguimiento a la planificaci n anual de las subvenciones de los pa ses asignados, y garantizar que los equipos de programa en pa s tengan los conocimientos, apoyos y herramientas necesarios para la correcta aplicaci n de las directrices de los financiadores y la rendici n de cuentas a los mismos.
Cu les ser n tus funciones?
Elaborar y dar seguimiento a la planificaci n de subvenciones de los proyectos y programas de los pa ses asignados.
Dirigir el equipo de Oficiales de Programa de refuerzo a pa ses, administrativa y traductora, garantizando el apoyo a programas seg n necesidades y prioridades program ticas
Asegurar, con el apoyo del equipo de Oficiales de Programa de Refuerzo y la persona administrativa, la preparaci n y presentaci n de documentaci n exigida por los donantes a trav s de requerimientos o auditor as.
Asegurar, con el apoyo de la persona administrativa de proyectos/programas, la correcta gesti n administrativa de las subvenciones que deba realizarse en sede central (env o de documentaci n y comunicaciones a donantes y registro en sistemas, respuesta a requerimientos menores, gesti n de archivo, etc...)
Mantener un registro actualizado de subvenciones de sus pa ses con todos las obligaciones asociados a las mismas, y garantizar que toda la documentaci n relativa est disponible
Analizar y emitir recomendaciones en base a la informaci n producida por donantes (evaluaciones, auditorias, informes de visita) relativa a nuestros programas para mejorar la implementaci n y rendici n de cuentas en base a sus recomendaciones
Qu estamos buscando?
Buscamos una persona que pueda acreditar mediante su experiencia y habilidades:
Formaci n universitaria y conocimientos de la cooperaci n para el desarrollo y acci n humanitaria
Conocimientos de ciclo de proyecto, formulaci n y evaluaci n de proyectos
Experiencia de al menos 2 a os en puestos similares o relativos a planificaci n, seguimiento y rendici n de cuentas a donantes p blicos.
Experiencia previa gestionando equipos
Capacidad de organizaci n y planificaci n
Capacidad para trabajar con m ltiples interlocutores de diferentes reas y departamentos, tanto en sede central como en pa s
Flexibilidad y adaptaci n al cambio
Disponibilidad para realizar viajes a terreno de manera puntual.
Franc s es imprescindible, Ingl s deseable.
Experiencia previa en terreno es deseable
Alta identificaci n con nuestra misi n y valores
Qu te ofrecemos?
Jornada laboral completa, 40 horas semanales
Ubicaci n del puesto en Barcelona (Sede Central)
Salario bruto anual de 32.829 Euros
Incorporaci n: inmediata
Duraci n prevista hasta marzo 2016
How to apply:
Si est s interesado/a, accede a nuestra Intranet para inscribirte en la oferta a trav s de e-recruiting o bien env a tu candidatura por email a: humanitarianstaff@oxfamintermon.orgindicandoel nombre del puesto y el n mero de referencia en el asunto del mail.
Candidatura interna: INT 30/15-16
Candidatura externa: EXT 30/15-16
El plazo de presentaci n de solicitudes finalizar el pr ximo 21.06.2015. Oxfam Interm n se reserva el derecho a modificar este plazo si lo valora necesario.
Solo contactaremos con las candidaturas preseleccionadas.
Oxfam Interm n est comprometido con el principio de igualdad, diversidad e inclusi n.
Podr s encontrar sta y otras vacantes de todos los afiliados Oxfam en la web de Oxfam Internacional
Close×Spain: Renewable Energies ManagerClosing date: 2015-06-22Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: PlanCountry: Spain
Closing date: 22 Jun 2015
Fundaci n Plan Internacional Espa a
Plan International is searching for a Renewable Energies Manager with project cycle management and field previous experience. In addition, the candidate should have previous working experience in the NGO or International sector while managing teams and a deep knowledge of multilateral donor funding. The candidate shall speak fluent English and French, as well as have up to 30% availability to travel.
Plan is an international child centered community development organization working in 70 countries, 51 of which are developing countries. With a focus on long term sustainable development, Plan works in a participative way with children and families across a range of programmes including education, health, household economic security, protection and water/sanitation. Plan also engages in humanitarian work. Advocacy cuts across all programmes.
Established in 2001, Plan Spain is a dynamic organization that supports Plan s work worldwide, with a particular focus on Child protection. Funding is received from a variety of sources including child sponsorship, Spanish Government and Regional Governments and also multilateral donors (UE, UN).
In addition, Plan Spain strives to raise awareness of development issues through development education, advocacy, the media and events.
Roles and Responsibilities
Search and identification of funding opportunities for development renewable programs and projects, climate change and innovation in order to help Plan International (Spain) be a relievable stakeholder in this specific topic within the Plan International frameworkManage all public relationships with private companies, organizations, public agencies and lead the public-private partnerships identification and projects.Identification of call for proposals and requirements for renewable energy public tenders, climate change and innovation, while presenting quality project proposals for public and/or private funding.Participation in NGO forums and working groups, both internal and external, related to renewable energies, climate change and innovation.Coordination with International Headquarters and the rest of the Plan International offices in all issues related to renewable energies, climate change and innovation.Manage the renewable energies, climate change and innovation staff working in Plan International in Spain in order to obtain all needed information related to identification, formulation, implementation and verification of projects related to this topic, as well as coordinate the work from the other Plan International offices, partners and stakeholders involved in the projects.Ensure the correct verification of the projects by elaborating intermediate and final reports for those projects funded by public donors, in order to comply with the requirements defined by each and every public donor.Attributes for the role
Great communication and relationships skills.
Great negotiation and team player skills.
Deep knowledge and interest in renewable energies as an instrument for integral development.
Experience in multicultural working environments.
Strategy and team management, as well as development of a multidisciplinary team.
Deep knowledge of the international cooperation sector, project cycle management and renewable energies.
Desirable Skills
BScs or Master s Degree in engineering
Deep knowledge and experience in renewable energies projects or energetic efficiency within the international cooperation sector
Previous experience in team and strategy management intended to obtain public and private funding.
Minimum 5 years experience in the project cycle management (formulation, implementation, evaluation, etc.) mainly in the international cooperation sector.
Previous experience in the formulation and design of project proposals for multilateral donors.
Previous working experience within the renewable private sector in Africa and/or Latin America will be an asset.
Native/bilingual Spanish, high English level and middle-high French level are required.
Starting date: ASAP.
Working place: Madrid, Spain with travels up to 30% of the time.
This is not intended to be an exhaustive job description and may be subject to change.
How to apply:
Filter Questions
Current remuneration (salary + benefits)Desired salary / remuneration - please advise of minimum salary required and expected benefitsNotice period (in weeks and/or months)HOW TO APPLY
Applicants should have a valid work permit at the time of applying to enable them to work in Spain.
Please send application and cover letter highlighting adequacy to the post, to the following email address:, indicating the reference (PRO-REM-RW) in the subject.
Deadline 22ndJune 2015(starting date ASAP, the position can be covered before deadline).
Close×Spain: MSF-Spain is looking for a OPERATIONS MANAGER - LATIN AMERICAClosing date: 2015-06-24Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: M decins Sans Fronti resCountry: Spain
Closing date: 24 Jun 2015
The Operations Manager LATAM is responsible for MSF OCBA missions and decentralized support network in Latin America, overseeing the different phases in the cycle of missions and projects in the field (opening, follow-up, orientation and closing) and ensures that quality standards are duly maintained and MSF s humanitarian and deontological principles respected in the projects within his/her portfolio (currently 3 mission countries), within the framework of Strategic Plan, Operational Policy and operations annual orientations plan, in order to perform relevant, high-impact operations.
S/he is hierarchically UNDER the Operational Director.
S/he leads the Operational Cell for the support of Latin America missions. An Operational Cell is a matrix-like team set-up integrating members of the different services or departments of MSF OCBA as the basis for direct support and guidance to the missions within the Cell s portfolio. The standard OC is made up of a person in charge of the Cell (RECO / OPS MANAGER), one deputy RECO, one health advisor (TESACO), one logistics advisor (TELOCO), one financial controller (FINOCO) and one human resources advisor (REHUCO).
The cell providing support to LATAM missions shares some of its resources with the RECO and cell supporting other missions (Middle East portfolio). The configuration of the cell is under revision.
1. Participate in the organizational strategy
Contribute to the reflection on positioning and the role of MSF OCBA regarding humanitarian crises and related dilemmas, protection issues and operational strategies within portfolio and beyond, through organizing, promoting and participating in debates, analysis and reflection exercises.
Provide operational input to contribute to the definition of the strategies of the rest of the Departments, and take into account their contributions when defining Operations plans to strengthen transversal planning and boost integration. Participate in the Operations Coordination Team.
Identify and report situations in which the implementation of OCBA policies and procedures is not viable or may hinder the achievement of operational objectives, propose adaptations and exceptions to these in the appropriate forum, and apply the exceptions when necessary as long as they are justified.
Hold Services accountable for the quality of their support, proactive monitoring/analyses of policy implementation/adaptation, and timeliness in raising issues with the operational line and be accountable for the implementation of strategies and policies of MSF OCBA.
Participate in the accountability transversal processes at his/her level of responsibility.
2. Contribute to the definition of the operational strategy
Contribute to the definition of OCBA operational vision.
Contribute to reviewing the MSF OBCA s Operational Policy and operational annual orientations, based on evaluation of the implementation of this policy and the analysis of evolution of humanitarian challenges in the assigned portfolio.
Contribute to the definition of security policies.
3. Define the strategy of missions within portfolio, conducting context analyses
Lead the reflection on positioning and the role of MSF OCBA with regard to humanitarian crises for the CPP of missions within portfolio in alignment with the Operational Policy.
Ensure constant critical review and analysis of context and humanitarian situation of assigned portfolio in order to guarantee that operational response is adapted to meet population s needs.
Ensure the maximization of the transformation potential of interventions throughout the isolation of causes and/or responsibility when identifying a (critical) situation that can be improved with direct action.
Define missions, projects and interventions in portfolio, guaranteeing their pertinence and compliance with the Operational Policy.
Ensure the promotion and participation in the proposal, planning and follow-up of exploratory missions and all phases of the project cycle (design of project proposal, monitoring and evaluation, project re-orientation, expansion or closure)
Ensure the production, and timely updating of Country Policy Papers for the respective missions.
Ensure the effective emergency preparedness and response of the missions.
4. Planning and budgeting of missions and contribute to the planning and organization of the Operations Department
Contribute to the review and organization of the Department of Operations of MSF OCBA.
Contribute to the planning of the Department of Operations.
Review and define the annual planning and budget of missions within portfolio, and define strategic changes within the portfolio in coordination with the Ops direction.
Carry out budget analysis of missions and ensure corrective measures if necessary.
Ensure coherence between OCBA annual planning, operational orientations and assigned portfolio s annual plan.
5. Supervise, analyze and support implementation
Ensure the implementation of the CPP and annual operational plan in the projects within portfolio, according to quality standards and to MSF s humanitarian and deontological principles, with the primary objective to meet population s needs.
Ensure that missions comply with OCBA policies as agreed with the rest of Departments, or raise the issue when not possible.
Ensure that MSF role on humanitarian action and t moignage is effectively executed by identifying related medical-humanitarian dilemmas, defining lobbying, advocacy and communication strategies, and allocating extra resources accordingly, for missions within portfolio.
Ensure support and supervision for all aspects of management of the missions, projects, exploratory missions and interventions in the assigned portfolio, based on the annual operational orientations.
Support technically implementation of strategies in relation to context analysis & data gathering, acceptance & positioning, advocacy and communication (inc. supervising the work of HAOs in the field)
Ensure the deployment of a pool of humanitarian affairs officers in the field.
Ensure adequate security management through supervision for portfolio s missions, projects and interventions in line with the security policy, rules and guidelines of MSF OCBA.
Analyze the fulfilment of operational objectives, and carry out analyses to improve operational response in the assigned portfolio.
Ensure that the results of relevance/impact project evaluations feed overall analyses, in order to maintain the relevance of the projects at all times.
Ensure the analysis and evaluation of the implementation of lobbing, advocacy and communication strategies within portfolio.
Consult support services for sparring and as content providers when needed.
6. Lead, support, and coach the cell team in their functioning and decision making process, to ensure that objectives be achieved
Ensure that cell team members and HOMs assume their respective responsibilities and the timely implementation of their respective tasks.
Participate in the selection process of the cell team (taking the final decision jointly with RECO Middle East on selection of candidates) and carry out their follow-up and evaluation, in order to ensure their adjustment, coverage of their training needs and future development.
Define (jointly with the RECO for Middle East) the job profiles of cell members, for approval from HR.
NOTE: As stated above, this may be shared with another desk, due to the new configuration on the Operations Department and Cells currently undergoing.
7. Promote knowledge management
Ensure that knowledge management policies are implemented at his/her level of responsibility.
Collaborate with the Learning Unit in the definition of the contents of MSF-OCBA courses, facilitating them when needed, to adapt them to the Organisation s needs.
Promote and participate in mechanisms of transversal knowledge and experience sharing across OCBA portfolio and within the Operations Department.
8. Manage internal communication channels and represent MSF OCBA
Ensure adequate information and work flow between cell and services, other cells, and field, for issues that affect assigned portfolio.
Represent MSF OCBA towards external actors (international organisations, NGOs, institutions, donor agencies, diaspora, civil society) and the media, for the missions of the assigned portfolio, on humanitarian crises, inter-agency operational coordination, and for fundraising.
Represent MSF OCBA at MSF international level for the missions of the assigned portfolio (International desk platform).
9. Specific to the Latam portfolio
Follow up specific strategic dossiers relevant to the Latam portfolio, and ensure section capitalization (Chagas disease, Other Situations of Violence, etc.).
Contribute to operational discussions about MSF operations in Latam (i.e. OCBA role in Emergencies in Latam, Protracted conflict in Middle Income Countries, Engagement with Assertive Actors, Engagement with Armed - Criminal Groups).
Lead the process of reflection and implementation of the decentralization of Operational Support in Latam aligned to the OCBA Operational Policy and Strategic Plan, ensuring the centrality of the operational needs in that process.
Lead interaction with the Head of BRAMU for development of strategic dossiers Participate and contribute in institutional discussions about MSF SPAIN/AGORA role in Latam (scanning of and reflection on crises affecting populations in Latam, their human consequences and potential role of MSF)
10. Others
Validate unplanned field positions, to be approved by HR.
Ensure all behavior Issues and conflict resolution are followed up (mission and HQ).
Training and experience
Degree from University or Higher Institute (in medicine, nursing, bio-medical sciences, social sciences, political sciences, economy, judicial sciences ).
Medical or paramedical background is considered as an asset.
Academic and/or operational background on Other Situations of Violence is considered an asset.
Proven capacity to articulate, manage and lead Operational and Reflection dossiers on Humanitarian Issues is an asset.
Previous experience in Latam missions/contexts is considered a plus.
Minimum of 3 years experience with MSF or another humanitarian organization in positions of coordination.
Highly knowledgeable of and interested in the international humanitarian context.
Fluent in English and Spanish. French is considered a plus.
Advanced knowledge of Windows setting as a user (mainly Word and Excel).
Commitment to MSF s Principles
Cross-cultural Awareness
Strategic Vision
Results and Quality Orientation
Capacity to Negotiate
Teamwork and Cooperation
People Management and Development
Security Awareness and Management
Networking and Building Relationships
Availability to travel frequently and on short notice.
Flexibility with working hours.
Temporal position based in Barcelona at the M decins Sans Fronti res OCBA Headquarters with travel to the projects 25-30% of the time.
Position foreseen next 3 years
Commitment: 3 years
Annual gross salary: 48,609.91 (divided in 12 monthly payments) + secondary benefits based on MSF OCBA Reward Policy
Starting date: immediately
How to apply:
Applicants should send their CV and covering motivation letter under the reference **RECO LATAM **to**:**">
Closing date: June, 24, 2015.
Replies will only be sent to short-listed candidates.
Close×Spain: Director of International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid ProgrammesClosing date: 2015-06-29Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: PlanCountry: Spain
Closing date: 29 Jun 2015
Fundaci n Plan International Espa a
The Director of International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid programmes will lead the Programmes Department and will be a member of the Senior Management Team of Plan Spain. Experience in fundraising and in-depth knowledge of child-rights programming and multilateral donors (UE, UN...) are a must. The successful candidate will be an English native speaker (preferably) or bilingual. French is also desirable. Results orientation, Negotiation and communication skills are also required. The position will be based in Madrid with frequent travels >50%, sometimes with short notice. Applicants should have a valid work permit at the time of applying to enable them to work in Spain.
Plan is an international child centred community development organization working in 70 countries, 51 of which are developing countries. With a focus on long term sustainable development, Plan works in a participative way with children and families across a range of programmes including education, health, household economic security, protection and water/sanitation. Plan also engages in humanitarian work. Advocacy cuts across all programmes.
General Description of the Role
The Programme Department is looking to grow substantially over the next five years with a targeted income of 4 million this year, with diverse institutional donor base. The Director of International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid programmes, in conjunction with the National Director, will be responsible for establishing a new strategic plan for Plan Spain, that sets out its ambition around programme quality, resource mobilisation, cost efficiencies, effectiveness, campaigns and profiling. Children are at the heart of Plan s work, and this position will be responsible for ensuring that the principles and values of Plan, its child centred community development approach and commitment to programme quality are strengthened both in Plan Spain and across the Plan family.
The Director of International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid programmes will be a key influencer in international programme strategy, global account management policy and other developments at an international level. The ability to network internationally is important.
Managing a team of 5 currently across development programmes, disaster management, energy, development education, the Director of International Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid programmes will have the following key objectives:
To diversify and grow income mainly trough institutional donors;To support the delivery of high quality, child centred development and humanitarian programmes;To enhance critical understanding and commitment towards the realisation of children s rights in developing countries among Spain, government officials, donors and civil society organisations;To ensure Plan Spain s Programme team has the relevant knowledge management systems and skill-sets to work effectively, to support the implementation of quality programmes, and to influence policy and advocacy;To influence the internal processes of Plan globally through various networks and groups so they reflect best practices of aid effectiveness;To promote a culture of managing for results and outcome monitoring so that the real change in children s lives are captured, promoted, shared and used in learning.Strengthen relationships with current donors and ensure that ongoing projects are completed with the highest quality standards, and that the donor s information requirements are meet.Main Responsibilities
Contribute to the fulfilment of Plan Spain s strategy through active participation in the senior management team and the effective delivery of the Programme team s objectivesEnsure an economically viable Programme function through full cost recovery, sustainable co-financing and a strong grants pipeline.Build relationships with programme countries and engage in programme country strategic planning to ensure that programme priorities and funding options are matched and maximisedNurture and manage donor relations, ensuring all communication, both informal and formal, is of the highest standardBuild relations with other National Offices for joint programming, harmonised approaches, match funding, donor positioning, etc.Engage with the Board to ensure the Board is fully aware of risks, governance concerns and programme directionWork with the National Director and Finance and Admin Director to prepare, monitor and control budgets for all programme activity overseas and in Spain.Endeavour to have real time project information for all projectsEnsure grant management and programme quality are of the highest standard and in line with donor expectations and best practiceRepresent Plan at relevant fora, conferences, through media, etc. to promote issues around child rights and to build the organisation s profileEngage with Plan international groups, Regional Offices, International HQ, etc. on key issues relevant to Plan Spain and contribute to Plan s global One Plan One Goal strategy.Provide leadership and management to the teamAttributes for the roleAttributes for the role
Minimum of seven years relevant work experience in both HQ and programme locations, with at least three in a management position. Sound understanding of integrated development issues and critical analysis of child poverty
In-depth knowledge of child-rights programming
Knowledge of development issues, trends, challenges and opportunities and implications for community development
Experience of strategic planning processes
Strong understanding of aid effectiveness agenda, results based management and programme outcome monitoring
Experience in networking, relationship management and resource mobilisation, in particular with institutional donors. Experience in raising funds.
Excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to build distance relationships
Strong team building and motivational skills
Excellent written and oral communication skills, including presentation and public speaking
Native English speaker (or bilingual) essential with French an advantage
Willingness to travel, especially to country programmes, on regular occasions (>50%) and sometimes with short notice
Sound judgement and decision-making in complex situations.
This is not intended to be an exhaustive job description and may be subject to change.
How to apply:
Filter Questions
Current remuneration (salary + benefits)Desired salary / remuneration - please advise of minimum salary required and expected benefitsNotice period (in weeks and/or months)Applicants should have a valid work permit at the time of applying to enable them to work in Spain.
Please send application and cover letter to the following email address:, indicating the reference (PR0-DIR-01) in the subject message.
Deadline 29 June 2015 (the position can be covered before deadline)
Close×Spain: PRESS OFFICER EMERGENCIA ÉBOLAClosing date: 2015-06-30Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: M dicos del MundoCountry: Spain
Closing date: 30 Jun 2015
Apoyar de forma general a la Unidad de Respuesta Ebola en sus proyectos en Sierra Leona.
Sede central de M dicos del Mundo en Madrid, con frecuentes viajes al pa s de intervenci n.
Dependencia directa de la Coordinaci n de proyecto de la unidad de emergencia de bola.
Coordinar y desarrollar la estrategia de comunicaci n interna y externa de la emergencia de Sierra Leona, en base a las l neas misionales de M dicos del Mundo y al plan estrat gico de M dicos del Mundo Espa a.
Realizar el desarrollo de contenidos (comunicados, art culos, argumentarios, dossieres ) para la emergencia, proponiendo mensajes y enfoques para los distintos canales de comunicaci n de la organizaci n en base a las l neas establecidas.
Coordinar y desarrollar la relaci n con los medios de comunicaci n en relaci n con la tem tica del proyecto y apoyar a las sedes auton micas y al terreno tanto en sus relaciones con los medios, como en sus labores de portavoc a y comunicaci n.
Coordinar y supervisar la comunicaci n online de la organizaci n en esta tem tica, a trav s de los distintos canales y herramientas digitales, con especial atenci n a la estrategia y presencia en redes sociales.
Coordinar todas estas acciones con los otros actores de la emergencia, especialmente el financiador y con otras organizaciones.
Supervisar y velar por la correcta aplicaci n de la imagen corporativa de la organizaci n.
Experiencia LaboralAl menos 2 a osEstudios m nimosLicenciadoRequisitos m nimosFORMACI N REQUERIDA:
Acad mica: Licenciatura en Ciencias de la informaci n, especialidad periodismo.
Complementaria: Recomendable m ster o curso de postgrado en cooperaci n internacional y / o acci n humanitaria, y especializaci n en Comunicaci n online.
Idiomas: Ingl s muy alto y valorable franc s
Inform tica: Paquete Office, Internet, Redes Sociales,
Otros: Experiencia en terreno en proyectos de emergencia o cooperaci n al desarrollo.
Dos a os en puesto id ntico o similar, dentro de ONG o instituciones dentro del Tercer Sector o en administraci n p blica.
Identificaci n con el trabajo y valores de las ONG. Capacidad de organizaci n y planificaci n del trabajo propio y de otros. Autonom a e iniciativa. Capacidad de comunicaci n y empat a, trabajo en equipo, responsabilidad. Motivaci n por el mbito humanitario. Capacidad de trabajo en equipo.IdiomasIngl s ( Lectura: Nivel muy avanzado (c2) / Escritura: Nivel muy avanzado (c2) / Conversaci n: Nivel muy avanzado (c2) ) SoftwarePaquete Office (Usuario)
Internet (Usuario)
Redes Sociales (Usuario)
How to apply:
Close×Spain: ASISTENTE ADMINISTRATIVO PARA UNIDAD DE RESPUESTA EBOLAClosing date: 2015-06-30Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: M dicos del MundoCountry: Spain
Closing date: 30 Jun 2015
Apoyar de forma general a la Unidad de Respuesta Ebola en sus proyectos en Sierra Leona.
Sede central de M dicos del Mundo en Madrid.
Dependencia directa de la Coordinaci n de la Unidad
Siguiendo los criterios y directrices de la coordinaci n de la Unidad, coordinar y gestionar los recursos de la unidad (propios y externos)de acuerdo a los niveles de servicio establecidos por la unidad de ebola.-Coordinar la gesti n administrativa derivada de la actividad de la Unidad, para responder a los requisitos legales y administrativos de la organizaci n y de los financiadores.
Apoyar la gesti n de la movilidad de los RRHH en todas sus fases (formaci n en Europa, gesti n de visados y vuelos, Briefing y Debriefing en Sede Central, desplazamiento a terreno, liquidaci n de gastos con Sede Central y seguimiento de la cuarentena del personal retornado).
Gestionar y optimizar el uso del archivo documental
Otras tareas solicitadas por la Coordinadora de Proyecto
Acad mica:Formaci n Profesional. Se valorar Titulaci n Superior.
Idiomas:Castellano e ingles
Inform tica:Paquete office, Internet y aplicaciones inform ticas a nivel usuario
Tres a os en puesto similar o realizando funciones similares.
Capacidad de organizaci n y planificaci n el trabajo. Autonom a. Capacidad de comunicaci n y empat a, trabajo en equipo, responsabilidad.
Alta flexibilidad y adaptaci n al cambio.
How to apply:
Close×Spain: TÉCNICO/A DE PROYECTO DE LA UNIDAD DE RESPUESTA DE EBOLA (SIERRA LEONA)Closing date: 2015-06-30Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: M dicos del MundoCountry: Spain
Closing date: 30 Jun 2015
Apoyar de forma general a la Unidad de Respuesta Ebola en sus proyectos en Sierra Leona.
Se responsabiliza del seguimiento econ mico y t cnico del proyecto de acci n humanitaria que M dicos del Mundo est desarrollando en Sierra Leona, en el distrito de Koinadugu, apoyando a los equipos de terreno y asistiendo al responsable de la unidad en el cumplimiento del plan de trabajo y de los requerimientos exigidos por los donantes.
Sede central de M dicos del Mundo en Madrid, con frecuentes viajes al pa s de intervenci n.
Dependencia directa de la Coordinaci n de proyecto de la unidad de emergencia de bola.
Colaborar en el seguimiento operativo de los proyectos asignados, apoyando al personal de coordinaci n de terreno.Garantizar el cumplimiento de los compromisos de los proyectos: preparaci n de los informes intermedios y justificaciones finales.Llevar a cabo el control financiero, supervisando las contabilidades de terreno en coordinaci n con los administradores, as como realizar el seguimiento de la imputaci n de los gastos de sede (n minas, viajes, etc.), asegurando la transparencia financiera y el cumplimiento de los procedimientos internos de M dicos del Mundo.Preparaci n de la respuesta a requerimientos de los donantes relativos a proyectos cerradosSupervisar y realizar el seguimiento de la tesorer a, la previsi n de pagos y cobros y las transferencias que se llevan a cabo a los proyectos.Apoyar la aplicaci n y el desarrollo de los procesos y procedimientos internos de M dicos del Mundo en sede y en las misiones.Otras funciones requeridas por la coordinaci n de la Unidad.FORMACI N REQUERIDA:
Acad mica:Titulaci n de grado medio o superior, preferentemente en ciencias sociales, econ micas y/o empresariales.
Complementaria:gesti n de proyectos y acci n humanitaria. Buen conocimiento y manejo del ciclo del proyecto y del enfoque de marco l gico.
Se valorar la formaci n espec fica en sistemas de gesti n financiera y contable. Buen manejo de las herramientas inform ticas.REQUISITOS:
Idiomas:castellano e ingl s.
Inform tica:Paquete office, Internet y aplicaciones inform ticas de gesti n de proyectos
Experiencia en cierre economico-finaciero de proyectos de cooperaci n con donantes estatales e internacionales. Familiaridad con marco l gico, propuestas y justificaci n de proyectos a entidades financieras.
Experiencia en el acompa amiento de las diferentes fases de implementaci n de un proyecto.
Capacidad de organizaci n y planificaci n el trabajo. Autonom a. Capacidad de comunicaci n y empat a, trabajo en equipo, responsabilidad.
Flexibilidad y adaptaci n al cambio.
How to apply:
Close×Spain: EBOLA UNIT MEDICAL COORDINATORClosing date: 2015-06-30Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: M dicos del MundoCountry: Spain
Closing date: 30 Jun 2015
Is responsible for all the medical aspects of MdM operational response in the Ebola mission in Sierra Leona.
Guarantees the appropriate implementation and management of medical aspects of MdM project in the mission/country ensuring the achievement of the objectives set.
Reports hierarchically and functionally to Head of Mission.
Manages the medical staff in capital.
Is part of and collaborates with the Mission Coordination Team (MCT) members
RESPONSIBILITIESEnsures that objectives and goals set in Sierra Leona Mission in regards to medical activities carried out by MdM are achieved. Participates in formulation of medical aspects of Mission.
Guarantees that Sierra Leona project is implemented in line with organisation s medical policies and principles.
Is responsible for all medical issues of the whole mission and is the technical reference person for all project medical staff
Is responsible for the medical protocols and procedures and also for the monitoring and implementation of the health procedures for expatriate and national staff
Represents MdM in meetings with authorities and other NGOs for medical related issues.
Is responsible and supervise all medical team in capital (recruitment, training, follow up, evaluations)
Contributes to preserving identity and principles of MdM through discussions, contributions and reflections on issues related to the values of the organization.
Is an active member of the Mission Coordination Team (MCT)
TASKSRepresentation, Communication and Positioning
Represents MdM for all medical related issues and keeps in touch with officials in mission country, other NGOs, national and international organisations, donors, civil and military authorities, as well as with other MdM sections in the country.
Coordinates common medical actions with the rest of MdM sections present in the mission country.
Knows and disseminates MdM charter, principles, policies as well as any documents related to medical work of MdM, i.e. protocols, mission Annual Action Plan, Country Policy Paper, and project annual plans.
Is in close regular contact with HQ regarding medical literatures or updates and keep field medical staff informed and updated.
Raises awareness and debate on medical ethics.
Project managementIs responsible for preparation of all medical orders in collaboration with logistics ensuring that they are done according to guidelines and on time, and ensuring that all procurement policies adhered to.
Is Responsible for submission of all local medical purchase requests to HQ.
Provides support to field medical staff in project management processes related to medical issues.
Participates, together with MCT, in the definition of human and material medical resources needs to ensure the correct implementation of activities.
Keeps medical documents in database updated.
Responsible for mission Health Care Policy for N/S, Int l Staff, and Medical Repatriation policy for mission.
Emergency managementConducts an active, ongoing follow-up of potential medical emergencies in mission country.
Participates in the periodical update of the Emergency Preparation Plan.
Proposes exploratory missions based on detected medical or humanitarian needs and resources available.
Knows and applies rapid assessment tools and procedures for data collection as well as its analysis, i.e. calculation of indicators, target populations, etc.
Ensures that security related to medical issues (Bio-security, universal precautions, and health and safety in the workplace) is guaranteed to the highest level possible by implementing all MdM policies ( i.e. use of condoms, needle accidents, etc. )
Team Management
Ensures the proper management of the staff under his/ her supervision according to MdM vision, policies and values .
Contributes to the proper induction of all new staff, ensuring that medical briefings are done with all MdM staff.
Identifies people showing potential within the staff he/she manages directly
Assesses training needs for all medical staff proposing training courses.
Undertakes regular evaluations of all medical related staff in capital and participates in technical evaluation of medical related activity managers in the field.
Responsible for debriefings and technical evaluations of all medical team members.
Promotes communication and active participation of all medical staff in the development of mission as well as in MdM values and philosophy.
Ensures the good diffusion of information to all staff under his/her supervision.
Ensures that all medical staff promotes and maintains confidentiality regarding medical cases and records.
Definition and regular update of the health policy for international and national staff, additional to national policies if existing, in accordance with the situation in the country.
Participates in any emergency activity or exploratory visit in or out of the MdM area of work and is prepared to intervene directly if necessary as responsible for all medical related activities and staff.
Is responsible for the medical library of the mission and informs medical field staff of all material available.
Look after all medical equipment provided.
Education:Essential degree on medicine or other related/paramedical studies, desirable specialization or training in tropical diseases or related.
Languages:Mission working language essential
Experience:Essential working experience of at least two years in relevant jobs
Essential experience with MdM or other NGOs.
Essential working experience in developing countries.
Knowledge:Essential computer literacy (Word, Excel and Internet)
The successful candidate must have at least 5 years field experience in emergency situations. At least 3 years experience in positions with similar responsibility and working on planning, design, management and monitoring of programmes from a NGDO in fragile scenarios, of complex emergencies. Experience in project planning, implementation and evaluation is desirable. Team coordination experience.
High organizational capacity and for adaptation to emergency situations.Proven capacity for team leadership and management.Team work and networking capacity.Thoroughness and self-sufficiency at work.Strict compliance with the safety protocols established for the country and MdM mission Identification with the lines of work, values and mission of M dicos del Mundo.How to apply:
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