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Tuesday 16 June 2015

Rabat, Morocco (9)

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Close × Share job to a friend Close ×Morocco: Consultant international en évaluation, communication et stratégies de mise à l’échelleClosing date: 2015-06-17Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: Food and Agriculture Organization
Country: Morocco
Closing date: 17 Jun 2015
Contexte G n ral et justification

Le projet Assistance technique pour la mise en place d un R seau Virtuel d Appui Conseil, de Recherche et de Communication en appui au Plan Maroc Vert - VERCON est un projet d assistance technique financ par la FAO et qui vise mettre en place une plateforme virtuelle d change entre les acteurs du syst me d innovation au profit des petits producteurs et productrices dans le cadre du Plan Maroc vert Pilier II. La plateforme virtuelle est un site web interactive en Arabe et Fran ais bas sur le r seau des acteurs du syst me d innovation. Une attention particuli re est n cessaire d impliquer les hommes et femmes producteurs et d am liorer leur acc s aux informations et savoirs local et scientifique.

Le projet est g r par la Direction de l Enseignement, de la Formation et de la Recherche (DEFR) du Minist re de l agriculture. L approche est test e dans deux r gions pilotes savoir Mekn s Tafilalt et Chaouia Ouardigha, et le projet est en train d inclure deux autres r gions. La plateforme virtuelle est en cours d alimentation.

En vue d accompagner les efforts du gouvernement pour une mise en uvre l chelle nationale de cette plateforme, la FAO pr voit faire appel une expertise internationale pour la mise en place d un plan d action pour l extension du projet l chelle nationale. L extension est importante plus d un titre surtout comme le Maroc souhaite inscrire cette exp rience dans le cadre de la coop ration sud-sud avec les pays de l Afrique sub-saharienne.

Ce projet qui a t initi en septembre 2012 sera cl tur en fin avril 2015. La strat gie de mise chelle sera la base pour un appui future ce r seau.

Objectifs et prestations demandees :

Sous la supervision g n rale du Repr sentant de la FAO au Maroc et la supervision technique des Services DDNR et OPCA en troite collaboration avec le Directeur National du Projet (DNP), le Coordonnateur National du Projet (CNP) et le consultant national, le consultant international est appel laborer un projet d extension l chelle nationale couvrant les 16 r gions du pays dans le but d am liorer l acc s des petits producteurs et productrices aux informations et aux connaissances agricoles et rurales et d avoir la participation active des acteurs du syst me d innovation dans l change de connaissances et de bonnes pratiques. Ce document servira aussi de base pour un ventuel soutien financier du projet par les bailleurs de fonds.

Le consultant est appel :

Se familiariser avec la documentation et les acteurs impliqu es dans le projet Ardna ;

Analyser le processus de mise en ouvre de la phase test du projet, surtout l implication des acteurs dans les deux r gions pilotes, d gager des le ons pour une mise l chelle nationale couvrant les 16 r gions du pays ; Appr cier la pertinence, l efficience de l utilisation des ressources en r f rence aux r sultats attendus de la mise en uvre du projet;

Analyser et appr cier les capacit s des diff rentes institutions impliqu es pour la mise l chelle et l organisation n cessaire pour la mise en uvre de ARDNA l chelle nationale ;

D velopper une conception innovatrice de l ARDNA et une strat gie de sa mise l chelle nationale, y compris une strat gie de communication et de collaboration entre les acteurs impliqu es, consid rant

o les capacit s institutionnelles et organisationnelles des diff rentes niveaux (local, r gional, national) et

o la diversit agro- cologique et socio- conomique des diff rentes r gions ;

o la pertinence de la strat gie pour la prise en main du site web par des producteurs hommes et femmes et de leurs organisations (am lioration de l acc s pour les petits producteurs et d finition du contenu dont ils/elles ont besoin ; contribution active d information et de connaissance ; etc.) ;

o une approche pour renforcer l organisation des producteurs et productrices et leur prise de d cision dans ARDNA ;

o les r les et t ches des acteurs publiques et priv s du syst me d innovation et leurs contributions ARDNA pertinentes pour les petits producteurs ;

o La disponibilit des m dias et de nouvelles technologies de communication dans les nouveaux sites, y inclus autres moyens alternatifs de communication tels que la radio et la t l phonie mobile ;

o la p rennit institutionnelle, organisationnel et financi re de ARDNA ;

D finir les tapes et activit s pour la mise en ouvre de la strat gie de mise l chelle et le budget n cessaires ;

Proposer une feuille de route pour la mise l chelle de ARDNA ;

R diger un draft rapport qui sera soumis aux unit s techniques pour appr ciation et commentaires ; incorporer les commentaires avant que le draft rapport soit circuler tous les partenaires de ARDNA.

M thodologie :

Consultation et revue de la documentation du projet

Examen de la plateforme pour appr ciation

Rencontres avec les acteurs au niveau local, r gional et central : responsables du projet, gouvernement, membres du comit de pilotage, structures locales, les hommes et femmes producteurs, leurs associations et groupements, les points focaux des organisations partenaires, les personnes ressource form es dans les r gions pilotes, les bailleurs potentiels et si n cessaire d autres acteurs de d veloppement.

Produits attendus

Le produit escompt est un rapport de mise l chelle de l ARDNA comprenant au minimum les l ments suivants:

Un r sum ex cutif ;

Une introduction;

Une description de la m thodologie poursuivie;

Une analyse et appr ciation du processus parcouru bas sur les rencontres et entretiens ainsi que sur la documentation du projet et l valuation faite dans les zones pilotes ;

Les observations et conclusions cl s (y compris les faiblesses, acquis et les meilleures pratiques);

La conception innovatrice de ARDNA et la strat gie de sa mise l chelle ; Feuille de route pour la mise en uvre de l ARDNA l chelle national et les moyens (humains, financiers, ) n cessaires

Dur e :22 jours (10jours au Maroc en deux missions s par es)

La Coordination nationale du programme apportera un appui sp cifique, notamment pour organiser les visites de terrain et les r unions avec les acteurs cl s. Le consultant national est une source d information importante relative aux activit s men es durant la phase test du projet et la documentation produite par le projet et le consultant m me. Il a pour t che de contribuer au rapport de la mise l chelle surtout avec les parties relatives aux exp riences durant la phase pilote.

Comp tences requises

Dipl me au moins de niveau universitaire de niveau minimum BAC + 5 en planification de d veloppement rural o des tudes similaires avec une exp riences professionnelles de 10 ans minimum en strat gie de d veloppement rural l chelle nationale et strat gie de communication et de collaboration entre multiples acteurs, y compris

Avoir une parfaite ma trise des outils relatifs l valuation des projets de type Vercon/plateformes virtuelles et r seaux d acteurs ;

Avoir une bonne exp rience relatif au d veloppement institutionnel et organisationnel des acteurs du syst me d innovation, particuli rement des organisations de producteurs et leur autonomisation ;

Avoir une bonne connaissance de site Web et autres TIC (radios, t l phones portables, m dias sociaux, etc.) pour communication et change d informations et de connaissances ;

Avoir une excellente capacit d analyse strat gique, de conception innovatrice et de synth se;

Avoir une bonne capacit d coute, de communication et de production de rapports en Fran ais crit. PRINCIPAUX INDICATEURS DE r sultats date d ach vement presprestation


Draft du rapport du projet de mise l chelle nationale

Rapport final du projet de mise l chelle nationale

How to apply:

Les candidat(e)s interess (e)s sont pri s de compl ter le Personal Profile Form sur le lien suivant :

Le PPF, la lettre de manifestation d int r ts et le CV sont adresser au service des ressources humaines la Repr sentation de la FAO au Maroc l adresse lectronique suivante :

Date limite de soumission : 17 Juin 2015

Les candidatures soumises apr s cette date ne seront pas prises en consid ration.

Close×Morocco: Capacity Development Specialist--MoroccoClosing date: 2015-06-25Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: Counterpart International
Country: Morocco
Closing date: 25 Jun 2015

Counterpart International is a global development organization that empowers people and communities to implement innovative and enduring solutions to social, economic, and environmental challenges. For nearly 50 years, Counterpart has been forging partnerships with communities in need to address complex problems related to economic development, food security and nutrition, and building effective governance and institutions.
For more information and to apply online visit

Counterpart International is seeking a Government Capacity Development Specialist for a 4 year USAID-funded Civil Society Strengthening Program in Morocco. Reporting to the Deputy Chief of Party, the Government Capacity Development Specialist will work collaboratively with key partner government bodies to design and implement a robust capacity building program for partner government stakeholders at various levels, using international resources. The Government Capacity Development Specialist will be responsible for maintaining excellence in our technical capacity building activities with government partners and will ensure effective communication among the implementing partners, CSOs, and communities. Local and regional candidates are encouraged to apply.

Lead the identification of strategic needs and approaches to government capacity building.
Provide technical advice and guidance to key government stakeholders, on capacity development efforts.
Track development of government bodies to engage with citizens, develop and implement public policy, and ensure good governance and transparency.
Work with program staff, consultants and trainers to deliver high quality training, technical assistance and mentoring to partner government stakeholders.
Ensure Counterpart s best practices are institutionalized within the program and adapted to the local context.
Ensure gender is integrated into all capacity building tools, methodologies and activities.
Document implementation successes, challenges, and lessons learned through regular program reports and online Knowledge Management portal.
Deliver technical presentations on program achievements to audiences, including implementing partner(s), civil society, government officials, donor, and other relevant organizations.
Other duties as assigned. Requirements Master s degree in an appropriate interdisciplinary subject, such as human development, social sciences, or a related field is preferred.
Minimum eight (8) years of experience in the civil society and governance development field, preferably in an international context.
Minimum five (5) years of experience working with governments at local and national levels on capacity building, such as good governance and legislative strengthening.
Demonstrated success supporting government capacity to engage citizens in the public policy process, to draft and analyze legislation, and to strengthen good governance mechanisms.
Experience engaging civil society and government institutions to collaborate on common issues.
Good knowledge of Morocco s political context.
Excellent knowledge of Morocco s civil society challenges.
Demonstrated leadership, strategic thinking and planning, training, and human resource management.
Strong multicultural, interpersonal, and supervision skills.
Ability to give effective presentations and write technical reports.
Strong ability to collaborate and coordinate activities with multiple stakeholders, including civil society, government, and other individuals.
Proven ability to working with government stakeholders.
Commitment to gender integration, experience with gender integration a plus.
Professional written and oral fluency in English, in addition to either French or Arabic required.

How to apply:\*C978DFE96BB6B4F9

Close×Algeria: Resident Program Manager for Elections: MoroccoClosing date: 2015-06-28Application : Apply for the jobCountry: Algeria, Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Australia), Morocco
Closing date: 28 Jun 2015

Resident Program Manager for Elections: Morocco

The National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) seeks an expert civic organizer with statistically based observation experience to implement a domestic election monitoring program in Morocco. The Resident Program Manager will report to NDI s Resident Senior Country Director. Based in Rabat, the Resident Program Manager will assist civil society organizations in observing and reporting on Municipal Elections in September 2015 and National elections scheduled for 2016. This position will provide and facilitate international technical assistance to Moroccan observer groups and oversee the management of subgrants to support election and voter registration monitoring activities undertaken by Moroccan civil society organizations. This position is contingent on funding and is anticipated to continue to Fall of 2017.
Since 2002, NDI has provided training and technical assistance to Moroccan civil society groups that organized nonpartisan, domestic election monitoring in advance of the elections. NDI would work with new and previous CSO partners, as well as new domestic monitoring partners, to enhance the credibility of the 2015 and 2016 election observation process.
Primary Responsibilities:

Manage the implementation of NDI s domestic observation election program in Morocco;Assist local civil society groups with organizational and managerial development by providing training in strategic planning, staff development, internal organization and communication strategies;Through consultations and regional training sessions, assist civil society groups in the design and implementation of electoral process monitoring, analysis and reporting;Provide day-to-day management, oversight and development of the elections team in the Rabat office;Maintain relationships with key partners in civil society, government and the donor community;Along with the Country Director, represent the NDI program in meetings with donors, other international organizations and domestic monitors to coordinate election observation plans; and

Consult regularly with Washington-based staff on program progress and submit timely field reports to the Country Director and NDI/Washington that monitor and measure program results and political developments.

Master s degree preferred in international relations, political science, or relevant subject area.

Minimum of eight (08) years of experience in civic organizing, as well as with statistically based domestic election monitoring, election campaigns and/or civic participation.

Program management, proposal writing and financial management experience required, including experience initiating and managing grants.

Practical experience in organizational development and nonprofit management.

Experience in training and workshop facilitation.

Experience living and working overseas.

Ability to work in a challenging environment is highly desirable, as is previous experience in MENA countries.

Experience in implementing USAID-funded programs.

A demonstrated ability to conduct and apply sophisticated political and statistically based analysis to programmatic activities.

Demonstrated ability to work effectively with senior political and civic leaders as well as members of the donor and diplomatic community.

Excellent managerial, interpersonal and networking skills, as well as the ability to conduct professional political relationships.

Strong oral and written communication skills in English and ability to communicate skills and experience to others as a trainer, advisor and consultant.

Experience working in a multi-cultural work environment and promoting staff development; and,

Ability to adjust programmatic activities based on changing political circumstances and in response to needs articulated by local partners and program stakeholders.

Working knowledge of PC-based word processing and spreadsheet applications; experience with Google Apps (Gmail, Calendar, Google Drive, G+, etc.) strongly desired.

Fluency in French required.

NDI is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, political affiliation, religion, gender, disability, and/or sexual orientation.

Please apply on-line through NDI's website at:

Apply Here

How to apply:

Apply Here:

Close×Morocco: Deputy Chief of Party--MoroccoClosing date: 2015-06-30Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: Counterpart International
Country: Morocco
Closing date: 30 Jun 2015

Counterpart International is a global development organization that empowers people and communities to implement innovative and enduring solutions to social, economic, and environmental challenges. For nearly 50 years, Counterpart has been forging partnerships with communities in need to address complex problems related to economic development, food security and nutrition, and building effective governance and institutions.
For more information and to apply online visit
Counterpart International is seeking a Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP) for a newly awarded USAID-funded Civil Society Strengthening Program (CSSP) in Morocco. The CSSP Program will support civil society organizations (CSOs) to contribute more effectively to lawmaking and the public policy process, as well as the Government of Morocco to engage civil society in developing, implementing, and overseeing public policy. As DCOP, this position will represent Counterpart to USAID, local and national partners, and other relevant donor organizations in Morocco. The DCOP will assist the COP in program management, monitoring, and reporting; developing and maintaining partnerships to meet activity objectives; providing technical expertise; and handling administrative and supervisory responsibilities as specific by the COP. In addition to working closely with local partner organizations and government stakeholders, the successful candidate will provide vision and technical leadership on issues of civic participation in governance, organizational capacity development (OCD), and public policy and advocacy. S/he will provide financial and administrative oversight and day-to-day management of the program. This position is open to local candidates only.
Support the Chief of Party in the overall management of the program.
Provide technical and managerial leadership in the areas of organizational capacity development, advocacy, youth engagement and gender integration.
Ensure program implementation is in compliance with Counterpart s policies/procedures, GOM and USAID rules/regulations, particularly with respect to financial and grant management.
Ensure program quality assurance and impact assessment through regular project monitoring & evaluation, and sustained knowledge capture and sharing through periodic assessments.
Build relations and coordinating with key stakeholders, including USAID, the Government of Morocco (GOM), provincial governments and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and CSOs.
Participate in developing program reports including quarterly reports, annual results reports, pipeline and resource estimates.
Provide mentoring and professional development support to project staff, with emphasis on building capacity of national staff.
Represent the Chief of Party to USAID, local and national governmental authorities, local NGOs, community organizations, and other donor organizations. RequirementsQUALIFICATIONS:
Bachelor s degree in law, public policy, public administration, or related area; master s degree preferred.
Minimum eight (8) years of experience working in civil society development in Morocco.
Minimum three (3) years of experience administering donor-funded programs in the areas of organizational capacity development, public policy, or advocacy.
Demonstrated success developing and operationalizing civil society development work in Morocco.
Leadership in engaging private civil society as well as government institutions to collaborate on enhancing citizens participation in governance.
Demonstrated human resource management.
Excellent knowledge of the challenges of civil society in Morocco.
Strong relationships with key civil society and government stakeholders in Morocco.
Demonstrated ability to give effective presentations and write quality technical reports.
Excellent ability to amiably collaborate and coordinate activities with multiple stakeholders, including government, civil society, and individuals.
Proven ability to advocate civil society issues.
Knowledge of USAID development approaches, as well as understanding of USAID rules and regulations and mandatory reporting requirements.
Commitment and demonstrated experience to gender integration preferred.
Professional written and oral fluency in Arabic and French is required; fluency in English is strongly preferred.

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.Please view Equal Employment Opportunity Posters provided by OFCCPhere.
How to apply:\*FDDBECEBDAC02022

Close×Morocco: Un(e) StagiaireClosing date: 2015-06-30Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: Kane Ya Makane
Country: Morocco
Closing date: 30 Jun 2015

L association Kane Ya Makane recruteUn(e) Stagiaire :

L association Kane Ya Makane , a t cr e en ao t 2009 pour concr tiser la conviction de ses fondatrices que l art et la culture peuvent contribuer de mani re significative au d veloppement humain, ducatif, social et conomique des populations d favoris es.

Dans ce cadre, l association uvre en faveur des enfants, des jeunes et des femmes vivant au Maroc dans des conditions de pr carit , au travers de programmes visant largir leurs perspectives de d veloppement. Deux projets en particulier sont d ploy s aujourd hui : Tanouir + et Talents de femmes.

Pour plus d informations, consulter notre site


Plac sous la responsabilit hi rarchique de la Directrice de l association, le stagiaire aura les missions suivantes :

laborer les rapports d'activit pour les bailleurs de fondsParticiper la r daction des propositions de projetsParticiper l' laboration des fiches p dagogiquesCr er une base de donn es de bailleurs de fonds potentielsParticiper la prospection de bailleurs potentiels pour le projet Talents de femmesParticiper aux actions de communication sur les programmes de l'association


Formation et exp rience :

tudiants pr parant une licence ou un Master en Coop ration et Relations Internationales, Sciences politiques, Sciences de l ducation, Communication, M diation Culturelle, ou quivalent, ayant une forte fibre associative.


Mission bas e Casablanca au si ge de l association avec des possibilit s de d placements Agadir, El Jadida et MarrakechDate de prise de fonction : d s que possible
How to apply:

Les personnes int ress es pourront postuler en envoyant un dossier complet de candidature (**CV et lettre de motivation**) par mail l adresse kaneyamakane19@yahoo.fren pr cisant dans le titre du mail candidature pour le poste Stagiaire.

Close×Morocco: SOS CHILDREN’S VILLAGES INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVEClosing date: 2015-06-30Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: SOS Children's Villages International
Country: Morocco
Closing date: 30 Jun 2015

SOS Children s Villages International is the umbrella organisation for over 130 SOS Children s Villages associations worldwide. As a non-governmental social development organisation we help children without parental care and families in difficult living conditions through services in care, education and health. In the International office of MENA Region we support all the activities of the nine national associations, ensuring that they operate in accordance with established principles and standards. In order to further satisfy this responsibility, we are seeking a committed

SOS Children s Villages International Representative (f/m) for the region of Middle East and north africa

Location: Casablanca/Morocco

The mission of the SOS Children s Villages International Representative (CVI Rep) is to be the link between the General Secretariat and the respective member associations (MAs), ensuring positive interaction and supporting the development of the member associations in all areas, especially in organisational development and good governance.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

Guide and support MAs in becoming strong entities through the development of boards and national management teams and ensure the development of these associations according to standards

Collaborate with MAs in developing their local strategies, supported by functional resources in the region and monitor implementation

Provide effective information flow

Ensure integration of the global strategic plan with local plans and integrate international functions targets into the development plans of the MAs

Review the progress made in member associations in the course of the annual review cycle

Monitor the roll-out of standards and policies according to the plan

Be first point of contact for crisis interventions / ensure cases are reliably reported according to standards of international crisis communications guideline


Minimum five years of progressive management experience

Minimum with a university degree

Proven track record of strong stakeholder management and implementation skills

Experience in governance work and organisation development processes

Strong strategic awareness, integrating environmental developments, future orientation and a pragmatic view into operational planning and day to day work

Understanding of and interest in local and global development issues

Business awareness, good understanding of numbers, ability to conduct critical analysis and integrate information

Ability to show leadership and convince also in non-hierarchical relationship

Tireless and highly effective communicator of SOS CVI s mission and finding the right tone and nuances to get relevant messages across

Ability to build strong relationships/networks and to work and cooperate effectively and in a spirit of partnership with peers, partners, stakeholders and others who are not in the line of command

Fluent oral/written Arabic, English and French

Willingness to travel

We offer:

The opportunity to shape a new position within a global established organisation

Diverse and challenging tasks in an in international working environment

Opportunities for further training

How to apply:

If you are interested in this position, please send your detailed e-mail application in English together with your salary expectations by 30 June 2015 at the latest to

Close×Morocco: Un(e) responsable pédagogiqueClosing date: 2015-07-31Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: Kane Ya Makane
Country: Morocco
Closing date: 31 Jul 2015

L association Kane Ya Makane recruteUn(e) responsable P dagogique :

L association Kane Ya Makane , a t cr e en ao t 2009 pour concr tiser la conviction de ses fondatrices que l art et la culture peuvent contribuer de mani re significative au d veloppement humain, ducatif, social et conomique des populations d favoris es.

Dans ce cadre, l association uvre en faveur des enfants, des jeunes et des femmes vivant au Maroc dans des conditions de pr carit , au travers de programmes artistiques et culturels visant largir leurs perspectives de d veloppement.

L association a lanc en octobre 2010 le projet Tanouir, ayant pour objectif de lutter contre l abandon scolaire dans les coles publiques travers la mise en place d ateliers artistiques visant l veil, l panouissement et la cr ativit des enfants des coles primaires publiques situ es en milieu rural.

Ce projet est aujourd hui d ploy dans une nouvelle version enrichie, appel e Tanouir + et ce, dans 3 r gions : Agadir, Marrakech et El Jadida.


Plac sous la responsabilit hi rarchique de la Direction de l association, la mission du(de la) responsable p dagogique est d assurer la conception, la mise en uvre, le suivi et l valuation des programmes p dagogiques de Kane Ya Makane.

Il (elle) sera pour cela en relation fonctionnelle avec les chefs de projet bas s au si ge et les charg s de suivi travaillant sur le terrain et sera appuy dans son travail par un(e) charg (e) p dagogique.


Conception et programmation des contenus p dagogiques du programme Tanouir(dans toutes leurs d clinaisons) :

Conception des cadres de r f rence annuels par activit ou par th melaboration des programmations annuelles par r gion et par niveau scolairelaboration des fiches p dagogiques

Conception, organisation et animation des formations destin es aux animateurs et aux instituteurs des coles primaires d intervention

Planification et d finition du cadre d intervention (th mes, participants, logistique )laboration du contenu des nouvelles formations ou encadrement de cette laboration par des formateurs externesAnimation le cas ch ant et participation aux formations organis eslaboration du rapport de formation.

Suivi et monitoring p dagogique continu :

Visites terrain (visites d observation des ateliers, encadrement des animateurs et compte rendu dans une r gion) environ 2 visites par mois de 3 joursPr paration et animation des r unions mensuelles sur le terrain (en coordination avec le charg de suivi de la r gion suivie)Consolidation des retours du terrain sur les fiches p dagogiques et ajustements correspondantsReporting tablissant un bilan trimestriel et annuel de la programmation sur le terrain par r gion.

Enrichissement du dispositif d valuation interne de l association.


Formation et exp rience :

Dipl m d une licence ou d un Master en sciences de l ducation ou m diation culturelle ou toute autre discipline en sciences sociales et humainesExp rience minimale de 3 ann es, souhait e dans la conception, l encadrement ou l animation de programmes ducatifs ou d activit s artistiques

Qualit s requises :

Sens de l organisation, capacit s de planificationCapacit d observation et d analyseSens de la p dagogie et de la didactiqueGrande rigueurFibre artistique et associativeBonne communicationCr ativit Tr s bonne expression orale et crite en fran ais la ma trise de l arabe serait un plusMobilit g ographique


Mission bas e Casablanca au si ge de l association avec d placements r guliers dans une ou deux r gions o le projet Tanouir est d ploy (Agadir, El Jadida, Marrakech)Date de prise de fonction : d s que possible
How to apply:

Les personnes int ress es pourront postuler en envoyant un dossier complet de candidature (**CV et lettre de motivation**) par mail l adresse kaneyamakane19@yahoo.fren pr cisant dans le titre du mail candidature pour le poste de responsable p dagogique .

Close×Morocco: Un(e) chef de projetClosing date: 2015-07-31Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: Kane Ya Makane
Country: Morocco
Closing date: 31 Jul 2015

L association Kane Ya Makane recruteUn(e) chef de projet

L association Kane Ya Makane , a t cr e en ao t 2009 pour concr tiser la conviction de ses fondatrices que l art et la culture peuvent contribuer de mani re significative au d veloppement humain, ducatif, social et conomique des populations d favoris es.

Dans ce cadre, l association uvre en faveur des enfants, des jeunes et des femmes vivant au Maroc dans des conditions de pr carit , au travers de programmes visant largir leurs perspectives de d veloppement. Deux projets en particulier sont d ploy s aujourd hui : Tanouir + et Talents de femmes.

Pour plus d informations, consulter notre site


Plac sous la responsabilit hi rarchique de la Directrice de l association, le(a) chef de projet a pour mission d assurer le d ploiement du projet Tanouir + dans une ou deux r gions d intervention.


Encadrement du d ploiement du projet Tanouir + dans deux r gions:

Assurer la mise en uvre du projet Tanouir + conform ment aux termes des propositions de partenariat et ce, sous tous les aspectsPlanifier, organiser et piloter toutes les actions pr vues dans le projetAssurer l encadrement de l quipe du projet et son recrutement le cas ch antAssurer le suivi du bon d roulement du projet sur le terrain, travers notamment des visites r guli res sur le terrain et l analyse hebdomadaire et mensuelle des indicateurs et informations remont es du terrainVeiller la mobilisation de tous les partenaires et assurer l interface avec tous les acteurs locauxSuperviser la gestion administrative, logistique et financi re du projetEncadrer la poursuite du d ploiement du projetRecueillir tous les l ments n cessaires la communication du projetR aliser le reporting du projet pour les bailleurs de fonds


Formation et exp rience :

Dipl m d une cole de commerce ou d ing nieurs ou quivalent (Bac +5)Exp rience minimale de 3 ann es, dans la gestion de projetUne exp rience associative serait un plus

Qualit s requises :

Bon sens manag rialFibre associativeTr s bon relationnelCapacit s planifier et prioriserTr s bon sens de l organisationSens lev de la synth se et de l analyseTr s bonne ma trise de l arabe et du fran aisMobilit g ographique


Mission bas e Casablanca au si ge de l association avec d placements r guliers Agadir, El Jadida, MarrakechDate de prise de fonction : d s que possible
How to apply:

Les personnes int ress es pourront postuler en envoyant un dossier complet de candidature (**CV et lettre de motivation**) par mail l adresse kaneyamakane19@yahoo.fren pr cisant dans le titre du mail candidature pour le poste de chef de projet.

Close×Morocco: Chief of partyClosing date: 2015-09-30Application : Apply for the jobOrganization: Chemonics
Country: Morocco
Closing date: 30 Sep 2015

Chemonics seeks a chief of party for an anticipated USAID three-year primary grade reading education program in Morocco. The program, scheduled to begin in late spring/early summer 2015, will jump-start curricular reform in primary schools and test the effectiveness of activities that aim to improve reading skills in the early grades. It will work in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training to test the effectiveness of supplemental reading lessons, and test how summer reading enrichment programs may reduce learning loss between school years. We are looking for individuals who have a passion for making a difference in the lives of people around the world.


Advanced degree in education, international development, or a related fieldMinimum 10 years of experience in international development and management, including project planning and staff and financial managementExperience with USAID-funded educational programs, with chief of party and other senior leadership experienceWork in the Middle East and North Africa region highly desirable; experience in Morocco preferredDemonstrated leadership, versatility, and integrityExcellent English skills required; Arabic and/or French skills preferred
How to apply:

Application Instructions:

To apply, please send your CV and cover letter to moroccoreadingrecruit@chemonics.comby September 30, 2015. Please include "Morocco Reading Chief of Party" in the subject line. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted.

In addition, please download and complete Chemonics equal employment opportunity self-identification formand submit it separately to EEOselfidentify@chemonics.comwithonly "Chief of Party Morocco Reading" in the subject line. If you prefer not to disclose your sex, race, or ethnicity, you may check I do not wish to complete the information requested. Thank you for completing the form and supporting our equal employment opportunity reporting requirements.

Chemonics is an equal opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, protected veteran status, genetic information, age, or other legally protected characteristics.

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