Specialist Recruitment Websites
We focus on the following specialist niches:EuroScienceJobs
EuroScienceJobs.com is the leading jobsite to recruit research scientists from across Europe. Our audience of 30 000 unique visitors are experienced research scientists with over 60% of users with a PhD and nearly 100% with a masters. Over 27 000 specialists in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science and more subscribe to our newsletter.More information: EuroScienceJobs - Post a Job - Recruitment - Testimonials - Candidates Area of Interest.
EuroEngineerJobs is the jobsite for recruiting senior and specialist engineers from all over Europe. Our 25 000 + audience consists of multi-lingual mobile European jobseekers who want to work in Aerospace, Automotive, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Power Engineering companies all over Europe. Over 10 000 expert engineers subscribe to our weekly Newsletter.More information: EuroEngineerJobs - Post a Job - Recruitment - Testimonials - Candidates Area of Interest.
EuroPharmaJobs reaches candidates all over Europe both working in and interested in the pharmaceutical industry. This new site already has over 15 000 visits every month. Candidates have technical skills such as Clinical Research, Clinical Trials, and Medicine, as well as more general business competencies. Hundreds of candidates have already registered in the CV database.More information: EuroPharmaJobs - Post a Job - Recruitment - Testimonials - Candidates Area of Interest.
EuroEnergyJobs.com is the best place to recruit for energy companies. We recruit for renewables as well as oil and gas, covering everything from drilling engineer and design engineer to energy analysts. Our candidates are mobile and come from all over Europe looking to move for the right energy job.More information: EuroEnergyJobs - Post a Job - Recruitment.
IntJobs is the International Affairs Jobsite, attracting candidates with experience in international policy, development, economics, communication and law. Most jobs are in international organisations, development agencies, consultancies, NGOs, and international associations. Candidates are skilled in areas such as human rights and democracy, legal and economic policy. IntJobs has around 15 000 visits a month.More information: IntJobs - Post a Job - Recruitment - Testimonials.
EuroBrussels has been the number one European Affairs jobsite since 2001, listing jobs in EU Policy, EU Law, and Communication. EuroBrussels can help you reach our monthly 120 000 unique visitors and over 100 000 newsletter subscribers, all multi-lingual specialists looking for European Affairs roles.More information: EuroBrussels - Post a Job - Recruitment - Testimonials - Candidates Area of Interest.
BrusselsJobs is the sister jobsite of EuroBrussels that focuses on jobs for international experts and expats in non-policy areas in Brussels, Belgium and Luxembourg. BrusselsJobs covers Business (Marketing, Conference), Admin (HR, Office Manager, Secretarial, Translation), Finance (Accounting, Banking), and IT (webmaster, IT Support, Programmer) for our 12 000 monthly unique visitors and our over 10 000 Newsletter subscribers.More information: BrusselsJobs - Post a Job - Recruitment - Testimonials - Candidates Area of Interest.
Brussels Legal
Brussels Legal is a portal for the legal community of Brussels interested in EU and international law. The website provides up-to-date information relevant to Brussels' international legal community. Legal recruitment is in conjunction with EuroBrussels 120 000 monthly unique visitors, with jobs listed in the niche 7 000 subscriber EuroBrussels Legal Newsletter.More information: BrusselsLegal - Post a Job (with EuroBrussels) - Advertise - Conferences.
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