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Friday, 6 June 2014

Head Nurse Maternity

Job Purpose/Objective

The Head Nurse (Maternity/Theatre) is directly responsible to the Hospital Matron and is the overall in charge of the EMOC unit assigned to and would therefore work as both supervisor and team leader of the whole team. He / She will ensure the smooth running of the three components of the unit i.e. Maternity and the Newborn unit.      

Key Responsibilities.

Program management:

Develop and provide SOP’s, policies and procedures on the running of EMOC facility services covering staffing-(establish the critical number of staff present in the unit) and equipment Ensure adherence to polices and guidelines with reference to nursing practice, infection control and prevention, health and safety and health care waste management.Ensure adherence to nursing practice and procedures leading to an improvement in nursing care with emphasis on nursing care process, nursing procedures, documentation, partographingStrengthen linkages between the facility and CHP and Nutrition problems in the spirit of program integration to ensure achievements of the health program goals and objectives.

Human Resource:

The head nurse assigns duties to nurses and develops work schedules to ensure that patient areas have a full staff.The head nurse sets performance objectives together with the nurses and performs interim and end of year evaluations.The head nurse will be responsible for the orientation and training of new staff members in the patient area.

Program activities:

The head nurse performs inspections of patient rooms and areas to ensure Cleaning personnel maintain cleanliness standards. Lead nurses order supplies to the Hospital Matron for the patient area such as drugs, equipment and medical supplies or directs the activities of workers responsible for ordering materials. This includes maintenance of drug records for the patient area.Maintain a departmental work plan and monitor progress towards achieving overall objectives.Support the hospital matron to ensure that standards and protocols are followed.

Reporting and Coordination:

Arrange and submit weekly ward work schedule and plan daily duties and responsibilities for both health care workers in the whole unit.Convene weekly departmental meeting and submit minutes and attend monthly hospital meetings.Compile and submit quarterly inventory return/requisition of all drugs and supplies.Compile and submit monthly reports on all admissions, discharges, referrals and deaths.Maintain equipments in good condition and submit regular inventory report of the same.Report any significant changes in operations to the hospital matronCarry out any other additional duties as may be assigned by the matron

Key Result Areas


Quality departmental planning and implementation of laid SOPs as well as organizational policies.Clinical services Program objectives on maternal mortalities and neonatal mortalities are achieved.Quality reports are produced and submitted on time.Cross-cutting issues are mainstreamed and integrated within the programme eg nutrition, community health, safe programming.Coordination with other programmes and departments within the hospital is strengthened.

Required Experience/ Competencies and Skills:

At least 3 years experience in a busy hospital setup with reference to maternity and theatre departments.Cultural and diversity sensitivity, commitment and an understanding of the values of IRC and the principles of equal opportunities.Able to work under pressure and difficult environmental conditions.Demonstrate leadership skills and the ability to evaluate the work of other nurses on the floor. A head nurse uses a combination of direct patient nursing skills with administrative skills to direct the activities of other workers

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