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Saturday 19 April 2014

Senior Communications Officer, Improving Working Conditions in the RMG Sector

Technical Cooperation Programme:
Improving Working Conditions in the Ready-Made Garment Sector in Bangladesh.

- The ILO programme on Improving Working Conditions in the Ready-Made Garment (RMG) Sector in Bangladesh is part of the Organization's response to recent tragedies including the Tazreen factory fire in 2012 and the Rana Plaza Plaza building collapse in 2013. The three-year programme is designed to support the implantation of several key components of the National Tripartite Plan of Action on Fire Safety and Structural Integrity in the RMG Sector, signed by the Bangladesh Government, Employers' and Workers' organizations in 2013.

This includes ensuring structural integrity assessments by trained engineers of all RMG factories, as well as the purchase of necessary equipment; training of 800 labour inspectors and worker and management training in occupational safety and health and labour rights.

- Communication is an integral part of the new ILO Programme, requiring a comprehensive communication strategy encompassing outreach and advocacy, as well as media relations and awareness-raising activities targeting the social partners, workers in the RMG sector, and general public.

Strategic communication advice and support will be provided to the country director and his team along with expert handling of media relations, as perception of the ILO's role and work in Bangladesh is likely to have a significant impact on the ILO's image not only in country and globally.

- The Senior Communications Officer reports to the ILO Dhaka Country Office Director, works with the Programme Country Technical Advisor and supervises the National Communication Officer. The incumbent will work in close collaboration with the Regional Communications Officer in Bangkok and the Department of Communication and Public Information (DCOMM) in Geneva.

Description of Duties

1. Develop and implement the ILO Dhaka communication strategy, with a particular emphasis on the Programme to Improve Working Conditions and Building Safety in the RMG Sector in Bangladesh.

Implement the various elements of the ILO Dhaka communication strategy and develop innovative products and means to reach key target audiences with ILO messages and information on the work of the RMG Programme

Develop and maintain key messages on the RMG Programme, share for information and input with the regional office and other internal stakeholders (Senior ILO Officials in Geneva, the Better Work Programme and DCOMM).

Provide support to programme managers in developing awareness-raising activities specifically designed for RMG factory workers and their families, as well as the general public in Bangladesh, especially in the field of occupational health and safety and promotion of fundamental rights at work.

Identify synergies between the RMG Programme and other programmes and projects implemented by the ILO Dhaka Office. Liaise with the managers to ensure their programmes are promoted as part of the wider ILO work in Bangladesh.

Update the Asia and the Pacific Region Knowledge Sharing Platform with information on ILO Dhaka's work, the communication strategy and related communication products.

Ensure the various Programme stakeholders receive regular, up to date and relevant information aligned with their needs. This includes production of a regular news letter on the RMG Programme and keeping the Regional Communications Officer and DCOMM informed of the Office's work and events in Dhaka,

Manage the work of the national communication officer and assign tasks as necessary.

2. Provide strategic communication advice to the Country Director, his team and senior officials from Geneva and the region on the communication strategy, approach, and messaging, with a particular focus on the RMG Programme.

Provide advice and prepare briefing notes and talking points for the Country Director and Senior ILO Officials.

Accompany the Country Director and visiting Senior ILO Officials to meetings and events as requested to provide communication advice and handle any media relations needs.

Deliver regular progress updates to the Country Director on the implementation of the communication strategy and advise on any adaptation or changes needed.

3. Manage ILO Dhaka media relations with national and international media, particularly those covering issues related to the Bangladesh RMG sector.

Develop and maintain relations with national and international media based in Bangladesh and expand and update a media contact database.

Develop and maintain media relations with international media with an interest in the RMG sector and ILO work in Bangladesh in coordination with the Regional Communication Officer in Bangkok and DCOMM in Geneva

Manage journalist interview requests and prepare briefing notes for the Country Director, Programme Managers and experts in advance of interviews

Arrange press briefings and act as spokesperson as appropriate, in consultation with the Country Director.

Arrange for media training as required and briefings/training on specific subjects for national journalists.

4. Originate and produce written and multi-media materials designed for different audiences to promote the work and results of the ILO RMG Programme in Bangladesh. This will include:

Written media material such as news releases, feature articles, briefing notes and press kits etc.

Public information material including brochures, leaflets, content for digital platforms including the ILO Dhaka, web site.

Social media content for distribution via the official ILO social media accounts managed by DCOMM.

Where appropriate and in consultation with the Director and Regional Communication Officer, budget and commission external service providers for photography and the production of video, publicity materials and exhibits.

Required Qualifications

Advanced university degree in communications, journalism, international relations, liberal arts or other relevant discipline, or its equivalent.


Seven years of professional experience in media, public information, writing for the web or related fields of work, of which at least three years at the international level.


Excellent command of English (written and spoken). Basic knowledge of Bangla an asset.


Excellent English-language journalistic writing and presentation skills.

- Ability to communicate in Bangla an asset.

- Experience of creating content and writing for digital platforms.

- Experience of working on audio-visual/broadcast material.

- Experience or good knowledge of social media.

- Proven ability to develop working relationships with media professionals - existing contacts with media in Bangladesh and in Asia an asset.

- Demonstrated ability to develop and oversee a public information/communication programme of activities.

- Ability to evaluate information needs and to provide appropriate and targeted information accordingly.

- Ability to act as spokesperson when required.

- Very good knowledge of the organization's mandate and its programme of activities. Experience of working for an International Organization an asset.

- Excellent analytical skills.

- Sound political judgement.

- Good negotiating skills.

- Ability to conduct interviews.

- Good interpersonal and communication skills.

How to apply: read the vacancy details shown aboveif you feel that this vacancy is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" buttonfollow the instructions shown in that new pagePlease note that each vacancy has its own eligibility requirements and method to apply.

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