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Friday 13 June 2014

Capacity Building Specialist (Training on Police Sector) -UNDP/LOTFA - KABUL

UNDP Afghanistan Mission Statement:UNDP supports stabilization, state building, governance and development priorities in Afghanistan. UNDP support, in partnership with the Government, the United Nations system, the donor community and other development stakeholders, has contributed to institutional development efforts leading to positive impact on the lives of Afghan citizens. Over the years UNDP support has spanned such milestone efforts as the adoption of the Constitution; Presidential, Parliamentary and Provincial Council elections; institutional development through capacity-building to the legislative, the judicial and executive arms of the state, and key ministries, Government agencies and commissions at the national and subnational levels. UNDP has played a key role in the management of the Law and Order Trust Fund, which supports the Government in developing and maintaining the national police force and in efforts to stabilize the internal security environment. Major demobilization, disarmament and rehabilitation and area-based livelihoods and reconstruction programmes have taken place nationwide. UNDP Programmes in Afghanistan have benefited from the very active support of donors. UNDP Afghanistan is committed to the highest standards of transparency and accountability and works in close coordination with the United Nations Mission in Afghanistan and the UN system as a whole to maximize the impact of its development efforts on the ground. UNDP Afghanistan is supporting the Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) to find innovative solutions to its development challenges based on the on-going Country Programme Document (CPD) approved by the Executive Board for the period 2010 – 2013 and further extended until end of 2014. UNDP is strengthening the institutional capacities of key national government and sub-national authorities which aim to enhance human security, human development, peace and stability in Afghanistan.Afghanistan is currently in a two-year transition period that will last until the departure of the international security forces by the end of 2014. This transition phase will be followed by a phase of transformation of 5 years, according to the Tokyo Conference. The Ministry of Interior (MoI) 10-Year Vision sets the strategic framework for ministerial reform and Afghan National Police (ANP) professionalization during the so-called decade of transformation. As part of the MoI-driven reform supported by the International Community, ministerial functions (policy-making, budgeting, goal-setting planning and controlling) shall be separated from the policing agencies resulting in a new architecture of the entire Ministry of Interior.LOTFA Phase VI has consisted of three distinct pillars:

(Pillar 1) police remuneration, infrastructure and equipment; (Pillar 2) capacity development and gender; and (Pillar 3) community policing (Police-e- Mardumi). The new strategic MoI context described above has generated fundamental changes in what and how LOTFA will further engage in the policing sector, and will affect each of the three pillars in substantial ways. Within this context, internal reorganization of the programme pillars began from April 2013 upon approval of LOTFA Steering Committee (20th March 2013); during 2013 LOTFA has evolved into a more substantive platform with an expanded capacity development component for consolidated sustainability of the established systems and processes, and a separate community policing component for decentralized support to the police towards more effective service delivery. Further, increased efforts have been made by LOTFA and MoI to strengthen joint planning, the intent of which is to help MoI to assume ownership of LOTFA-supported activities.Late in 2013 the MoI and UNDP, in coordination with LOTFA donors, have agreed to extend Phase VI until 31 December 2014 with the main objective to fully operationalize LOTFA management changes and streamline elements of innovation taking into account current and perspective needs of the MoI. LOTFA has commenced engagement in a police professionalization process which links directly to the policy requirements and priorities of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. (GoIRA). The challenges facing the Afghan National Police are those of an organization in transition from a dominant counterinsurgency orientation to one capable satisfying the broader needs of Afghan society. This transition will not be easy as Afghanistan is a nation living with both war and peace where the need to respond to threats from an established insurgency remains a priority but with the growing recognition that communities living in peace need to be policed differently to those under pressure from war.

LOTFA’s Police professionalization program addresses this issue through four major activities:

Community Oriented Policing (COP) Framework established and operationalized; Police services in targeted districts are strengthened to improve safety and security; Police technical capacity for core policing functions is improved through formal training; Convicted criminals undertake sentences under humane conditions and supported to re-enter the community.Attaining the objectives of Pillar-III the Capacity Building Specialist (Training on Police Sector) under the direct supervision of the Pillar-III Manager shall be responsible to lead the Training and Capacity Building Unit in support to police professionalization.The Capacity Building Specialist (Training on Police Sector) will work under the direct supervision of LOTFA Pillar III Manager and perform the following key functions: Develop and implement the Capacity Development Plan for Police Professionalization: Ensures strategic direction, proper planning: Ensures effective and efficient financial resources management; Efficient support to tasks related knowledge building, monitoring and reporting. Develop and implement the Capacity Development Plan for Police Professionalization: Lead the development of a capacity assessment for the Training and Education Department, including the infrastructure, curriculum and training aids, trainers, and trainees; Lead the development of a Capacity Building Plan for the Training and Education Department, with a focus on professionalizing the police and institutionalizing trainings; Review training curriculum, training manual and lesson plans; upgrade based on international standards, and the vision of ANP; Plans the programme of work on training of relevant directorates of Ministry of Interior (MOI) in coordination with Police Training/Capacity Building Advisor; Develop and implement monitoring plan for measuring progress, identify gaps, and implement corrective measures; Facilitate trainings based on the approved training schedule; Carry out other related tasks as assigned by the Pillar-III Manager. Ensures strategic direction, proper planning: Articulate a coherent work plans including clear budget, targets and deadlines; Develop concept notes to guide and support education and training activities; Monitor the Training and Capacity Building work plans, effectiveness and achievement of results within budget and timeframe; Develop risk matrix, manage and monitor identified project risks and update the status of these risks; Promotes national ownership and the development of national capacities; Promotes gender equality for enhanced Pillar-III results, and other development standards as per UNDP’s corporate multi-year strategy; Ensures that all activities are founded on Rights Based approach and that Pillar-III’s resources are used in a balanced way and are “conflict sensitive”; Identify and develop synergies with similar initiative through strengthening and maintaining partnership with key institutions; Keeps the Police Advisor and the Pillar-III Managers abreast of emerging project issues. Ensures effective and efficient financial resources management: In close consultation with the Field Coordinator’s team and other Specialist, contributes to the elaboration budgets for all activities in the Unit’s portfolio; Ensure the highest possible quality of delivery and ensures value for money; Ensures integrity of financial and administrative operations in the unit’s area through oversight of financial and budgetary aspects of the unit’s activities, under advice of the unit Advisor, Operations staff, and other support staff; Ensures strict and consistent application of UNDP rules and regulations and ensures the implementation of clear accountability mechanisms throughout the unit’s portfolio; Participates in internal control mechanisms for adherence to UNDP rules and regulations in contracts, assets, procurement, recruitment, etc. as required. Efficient support to tasks related knowledge building, monitoring and reporting: Improve/establish communication and coordination mechanisms and procedures amongst the various stakeholders; Ensure efficient coordination mechanism is established and maintained between the Pillar experts and MOI officials; Draft concise weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports including achievements against each outputs; Identify challenges faced and recommending corrective actions; Facilitate and support collection of regular data through monitoring activities; Contributes to the identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learned from the Pillar-III for organizational sharing and learning; Actively participates in the knowledge networks and takes advantage of best practices and lessons learned that are available in the zonal, national, region and globally; Supports capacity-building of national counterparts; Support and act in accordance with final group decision even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position, and shares credit for team accomplishments and accept joint responsibility for team shortcomings; Support and act in accordance with final group decision. Capacity Development Plan implemented; Institutional capacity develop for the Training and Education department; Activities implemented in an accountable and transparent matter. Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards; Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP; Displays cultural, gender, religious, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability; Treats all people fairly without favoritism. Fully proficient computer skills and use of relevant software and other applications, e.g., word processing, spreadsheets, internet, PP, database packages, etc. Experience with web-based management systems; Ability to work with a wide cross-section of partners including Government, donors, I/NGOs and community-based organizations; A team player and self-starter able to inspire and influence action; Mature judgment combined with a proactive, resourceful and energetic approach to problem solving. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; and
Strong organizational and time management skills; Capacity to work under pressure and to meet strict deadlines; Demonstrated behavior of professional and personal ethics, transparency and openness; Willingness to undertake regular field visits and interact with different stakeholders, especially with primary stakeholders.

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