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Sunday 8 June 2014

Climate Change and Public Expenditures Analyst - Bangkok

The analyst is expected to support the governance of climate change finance cross-practice team achieving the following objectives: Developing a comprehensive public climate finance database drawing on the CPEIR literature, country national communications and OECD-DAC database and dissemination strategy; Organizing a climate responsive budgeting workshop; Developing a consultant roster for public financial management specialists, climate finance specialists, local governance experts and other relevant groups of experts; Developing briefs that would illustrate and advocate for the work the UNDP APRC Climate Finance Governance Team is doing in a reader friendly and accessible language to stakeholders and the general audience alike. The activities are summarized as follows:

Developing a comprehensive public climate finance database and dissemination strategy: 

The analyst will identify and gather all available public climate finance data sources, compile and present them in formats allowing time and cross country comparisons to the extent possible. He/she will also identify potential users of this data and prepare a mailing list to which the database will be sent regularly as it gets updated. The analyst will liaise with the website maintenance supplier in coordination with the team’s Regional Communications and Programme Analyst to have the database available to the public and published properly online.

Organizing a climate responsive budget workshop:

The consultant will contribute to the preparation of the climate responsive budget workshop.  He/she will help the governance of climate change finance cross-practice team identify the participants (governments, donors, UN agencies, CSOs etc.) and liaise with them, prepare the agenda for the workshop in coordination with the designated partners, identify and liaise with the guest speakers and review and comment on the submitted presentations. The analyst will also contribute to the summary/follow up report of the workshop.

Developing a consultant roster: 

The consultant will help build a consultant roster (both national and international consultants) the APRC governance of climate change finance cross-practice team can tap into when it is looking for 1)- Public Financial Management Expertise, 2)- Climate Financial Expertise, 3)- Gender and Climate Change Expertise, 4)- Poverty and Climate Change Expertise, 5)- Local Governance and Climate Change Expertise, 6)- Political Economy Analysis Expertise and 7) Cost Benefit Analysis expertise. This roster will also be shared with country offices when they would like to contract an expert for an assignment relevant to climate change finance.

Developing briefs that would illustrate and advocate the public finance instruments the Climate Finance Governance Team is implementing in a reader friendly and accessible language for concerned stakeholders and general audience alike:

Climate Change Budget Coding in Nepal;Climate Change Mitigation Expenditures Tagging in Indonesia;Climate Fiscal Framework in Bangladesh;Climate Change Financing Framework in Cambodia;Sub-national Climate Change Financing Framework in Cambodia;Climate Public and Institutional Expenditures Review in Viet-nam;Climate Public and Institutional Expenditures Review in Fiji;Climate Public and Institutional Expenditures Review in Vanuatu.

Final Products:

Comprehensive public climate finance database constructed and published on web-site; Dissemination strategy for public climate finance database developed; Climate Responsive Budgeting technical workshop successfully organized including agenda, list of participants identified and summary/follow up report on the workshop; Comprehensive consultant roster prepared and shared with country offices; At least eight briefs prepared on public finance instruments and framework implemented by the Climate Finance Governance Team.

Contract Duration: 

1 July - 31 December 2014

Duty Station:

Bangkok, Thailnad with travel to Asia-Pacific countries.

Provision of Monitoring and Progress Controls:

The consultant will be working as an integral part of the APRC climate finance team and will be working closely with members of the team. The consultant will work under the overall supervision and guidance of APRC’s Governance, Climate Change Finance and Development Effectiveness Advisor, APRC’s Environment Advisor and will be supervised by the APRC Governance and Public Finance Specialist and/or the Climate Finance Specialist. She/he is expected to closely coordinate her/his activities with the International Poverty and Gender Advisor(s).

Documents to be included when submitting proposal: 

Interested individual consultant must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate your qualifications:Financialproposal:The financial proposal must indicate lump sumprofessionalfeein USD; Personal CV and/or P.11including past experience in similar projects and the name and contact details of 3 references. The financial proposal will specify the lump sum professional fee in USD and payments will be made to the Individual Consultant based on the number of days worked and upon completion of the deliverables.  All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. In the event of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed. 

The award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

Responsive/compliant/acceptable; Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

Technical Criteria weight; 70%

Experience related to services: 50 points; Expertise & Availability: 50 points.

Financial Criteria weight; 30%

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 350 technical points would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

View the original article here

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