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Saturday 14 June 2014

International Consultant for CPD Review - Beijing

The main purposes of the CPD review are to (i) assess the key results that have been achieved with UNDP support in the past few years and (ii) summarize the best practices and lessons learned in achieving the results. The following UNDP Country Programme (CP) outcomes will be covered by the review:

CP Outcome 1: Deepen the reforms that address disparities, promote equitable distribution of public resources, and foster equal access to social services and livelihood support;CP Outcome 2: Empower communities and civil society to participate in shaping China’s cultural and socio-economic development;CP Outcome 3: The right of women to greater social and political participation and to live lives free from discrimination and violence, and is advanced;CP Outcome 4: Low carbon and other environmentally sustainable strategies and technologies are adapted widely to meet China’s commitments and compliance with Multilateral Environmental Agreements;CP Outcome 5: The vulnerability of poor communities and ecosystems to climate change is reduced;CP Outcome 6: Deepen China’s engagement and participation in global and regional development partnerships to realize the MDGs and to address climate change.

During the CPD review, the review consultants and their team are expected to answer the following questions:

Were the intended outcomes achieved/being achieved?What progress towards the outcomes has been made?What factors have contributed to achieving or not achieving intended outcomes?To what extent have UNDP’s outputs and assistance contributed to the intended outcomes?Has the UNDP partnership strategy been appropriate and effective?What factors contributed to effectiveness or ineffectiveness?Specific gender related questionsHow are the main objectives of your program related to gender equality?What are the key lessons or experiences to gender mainstreaming in your program?How solid the knowledge built on key gender issues is with the current programme structure?

During the outcome review, the review team may use the following approaches for collecting data and information:

Desk review of related documents;Interviews/meetings with managers, staff, partners, stakeholders, beneficiaries, etc.;Field visits;Debriefing.

The review team is expected to produce the following products (deliverables) during/after the review mission.

Inception Paper - An inception report shall be prepared by the reviewers before going into the full-fledged data collection exercise. It should detail the reviewers’ understanding of what is being evaluated and why, showing how each review question will be answered by way of: proposed methods, proposed sources of data and data collection procedures. The inception report should include a proposed schedule of tasks, activities and deliverables, designating a team member with the lead responsibility for each task or product. The inception report provides UNDP China and the reviewers with an opportunity to verify that they share the same understanding about the review and clarify any misunderstanding at the outset.

Draft CPD Review Report - UNDP China and the key partners and stakeholders will review the draft report to ensure that the review meets the required quality criteria.

Final CPD Review Report- The team leader of the review is responsible for producing the final report and submitting it to UNDP China on a timely basis.

The review team will consist of two consultants: one international consultant (as team leader) and one national consultant (as team member).

The team leader (international post) will take the overall responsibility for the quality and duly submission of the review report in English. Specifically, the international consultant (team leader) will perform the following tasks:

Lead and manage the review mission;Design the detailed review scope and methodology (including the methods for data collection and analysis);Decide the division of labor within the review team;Conduct an analysis of the outcome, outputs and partnership strategy (as per the scope of the exercise described above);Draft related parts of the review report; andFinalize the full review and submit the report to UNDP.

The national consultant will perform the following tasks with a focus on China-specific analysis:

Liaise with Chinese project authorities; collect and analysis project materials;Review project documents and prepares and undertakes interviews with key stakeholders;Conduct an analysis of the outcome, outputs and partnership strategy (as per the scope of the exercise described above); andDraft related parts of the review report and is jointly responsible for the final submission of the report.

The review will be conducted in accordance with the principles outlined in the UNEG Ethical Guidelines for Evaluation, the UNEG Norms for Evaluation in the UN System, and the UNEG Standards for Evaluation in the UN System. The review team must get permission from UNDP China and the government if it would like to collect and disclose sensitive data and information.

To facilitate the CPD review, UNDP China will set up a CPD Working Group, which will provide both substantive and logistical support to the review team.

During the review, UNDP China will help identify the key partners for interviews by the review team. The international consultant (team leader) and the national consultant (team member) will each work for three weeks for the exercise.

Tentative Timeframe for Review Process

The timeframe for the specific tasks/activities is as follows:

Task/Activity: Timeframe (June 1 – August 31)

Review design: June 2 – June 6.

Desk review of existing documents: June 7 – June 18.         

Briefing with UNDP China: June 19 – June 20.

Inception report: June 21 – June 25.

Field visits: June 26 – July 11.

Interviews with partners: July 12 – July 25.

Drafting of the review report: July 26 – August 8.

Debriefing with UNDP China: August 11 – August 15.

Finalization of the review: August 16 – August 31.

Documents to be included when submitting application

Personal CV in the format of P11, including areas of expertise and past experience in similar projects and at least three (3) references. Download the UN Personal History Form (P11) at:

Technical proposal (no standard format)Explaining why you are the most suitable for the work with example/former experience demonstrating your competencies;Provide a brief methodology on how you will approach and conduct the work.

Please quote the financial proposal along with Offeror’s Letter in the format provided, download here:

General Conditions for Individual Contractor:

Candidates will be assessed based on the following technical criteria:

Technical Evaluation (70%) Rating Based on Qualifications;Brief Description of Approach to Assignment;Further Assessment by Interview if necessary.

The final evaluation method will be based on a cumulative analysis of both the technical and financial proposals. 


Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.

Due to large number of applications, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.

View the original article here

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