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Sunday 8 June 2014

International Expert for Analysis of Progressive International Experience for Carrying out Register of Public Services in Electronic Form - Home-based

Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)Duration of Initial Contract :Expected Duration of Assignment :Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan are marked with the conduction of the significant administrative reforms aimed at improving the system of state management, the development of the provision of state services, including through the improvement of its normative legal provision, improvement and simplification of the provision of state services to the citizens of the republic.

Thus, within 2013, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On state services" was approved which is designed to streamline the activities carried out by the state apparatus in the field of provision of state services, Register of state services in the new format, providing a classification of state services in key areas of human activity, the work on standardization and regulation of state services is also is being continued.
It is necessary to note that over the past six years, the Register of state services was expanded 5 times. If in 2007 it contained only 132 state services oriented on receiving applications and issuing completed documents, nowadays the register of state service includes about 647 services, which has greatly expanded the "space" for the standardization and regulation.

As it is known, the planned increase of the quantity of state services in the Register of state services, as well as its timely update is a prerequisite of qualitative provision of state services to the population of Kazakhstan.

However, the currently acting procedure of the performance of the mentioned  work, as set forth in the above-named Law and also in the Rules of maintaining the Register of state services, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 3, 2013 No. 779, is rather "complicated" because of some factors:

bulky” interdepartmental document flow, including the sending to the central state and local executive bodies of the: letters of notification on acceptance of the Register of state services and reminder letters about the necessity for timely inventory and update of information  regarding state services contained in the Register of state services; draft Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on making the amendments and additions to the Register of state services for the submission of proposals and remarks; completed version of the abovementioned draft Decree doe approval; Submission of the original draft decree for its signing by the heads of the involved state bodies, including the internal approval of the traditional (“paper version”) method;  High frequency of the required amendments into the Register of state services because of the newly made norms in the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, supranational legislation.

These and the other factors require the need to provide “flexible” procedure of development and maintenance of the Register of state services via its transfer into the electronic form.  
Thus, international experience shows that the maintenance of the Register of state services in electronic form gives not only a positive effect on the interdepartmental cooperation, but a positive effect on the level of satisfaction and "social well-being" of the citizens.

In particular, in Canada the significant simplification of the access to state services and increase of the citizens’ awareness had been achieved, also through improving formal websites of administrative divisions. For example, on the Internet site of Toronto you can see a full list of services provided to the population of the City services, which is constantly updated.
Along with this, in Malaysia, on the Official Portal of Public Service Department of Malaysia also provides an access to individuals and legal entities to the list of special services rendered (Circulars List), containing, including files with detailed information about the procedure, time  and requirements to the provision of these services.

If to refer to the experience of the former Soviet Union, a positive shift is to be noted in solving the legislative settlement order to maintain registers of state and municipal services in electronic form in the Russian Federation.

Thus, according to the Federal Law dated July 27, 2010 ? 210-FZ "On the organization of state and municipal services", the maintaining of the registers of state and municipal services in electronic form is performed by the state and municipal information systems.

Moreover, according to Article 20 of the above-mentioned Federal Law, the establishment of regional and municipal information systems for maintaining registers of state services of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the register of municipal services provides rigorous integration with the federal state information system.

Summarizing the above, and taking into account the various approaches to present the vision on the development of the state services abroad, closely linked to the historiography of the administrative reforms in these countries, it seems appropriate to focus the planned study on the analysis of the best practices, the most suitable for use in the conditions of Kazakhstan realities.

In-depth analysis of international advanced experience (best practices) for maintaining a register of state services in electronic form with the development of the proposals, taking into account the realities of Kazakhstan.


analysis of the experience of leading foreign countries for maintaining a register of state services in electronic form; summary of the key findings of the analysis; submission of the recommendations for the implementation of the electronic form of the Register of state services in Kazakhstan, taking into account the conditions for the functioning of the governmental information systems in Kazakhstan; design of the developed proposals into a complete model of the Register of state services in electronic format with the relevant graphic materials (tables, diagrams, flowcharts, info-graphics, etc.); development of the proposals concerning the country which should be visited in order to study the international experience on the Register of state services in electronic form.

Scope of work:

To conduct a review of international practice on keeping a Register of state services in electronic form, through: consideration of normative-legal transfer of the Register of state services in the electronic form and reference in foreign countries; study of the key approaches for maintaining the Register of state services in electronic form; analysis of international experience in the field of information and communication support of maintaining the Register of state services in electronic form;To work out the key recommendations on maintaining a Register of state services in electronic form in Kazakhstan based on the performed review and analysis; To agree the draft report and the final report with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Ministry of Economic Budgeting and Planning (MEBP), in case if they have some remarks and suggestions, to rework out them and submit the updated version of the report. To make a presentation (through Internet conference) of: the results of the analysis of the advanced international experience on maintaining the Register of state services in electronic form performed by the international expert; complete model of the Register of state services in electronic form in Kazakhstan for the representatives of UNDP, MEBP, the interested state bodies with UNDP organization, places of its performance. Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards; Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment; Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP; Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability; Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional competencies:

Ability to conceptualize and convey strategic vision from the spectrum of development experience; Strong negotiation and interpersonal skills; Strong communications and public speaking skills; Proven analytical and problem-solving skills; Strong planning, goal-setting and prioritization skills; Good research skills; skills for drawing up of the reports, recommendations and analytical reports; Effectiveness in strengthening accountability and results-based management in supporting organizational priorities, policy and decision-making processes.


Higher (university) education in the field of state administration, state policy, legal studies or related social sciences.


At least 10 years work experience in the field of research work, sociological science / consulting, preferably in the advanced countries; Work experience in the field of research projects, development of the analytical reports, program documents is compulsory; Good computer skills, knowledge and work experience with the informational systems, different program products; Work experience with UNDP, other international organizations would be an asset.

Language requirements:


For detailed information please refer to UNDP Kazkhstan web site.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

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