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Monday 24 February 2014

Jobs in International Health Care & Social Affairs


Jobs in International Health Care & Social Affairs

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The WORLD HEALTH ORGANISZATION is the United Nations specialized agency for health. It was established o­n 7 April 1948. WHO's objective, as set out in its Constitution, is the atteinment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Health is defined in WHO's Constitution as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. WHO is governed by 192 Member States through the World Health Assembly.
To see all current job openings with WHO please click:  Vacancies


                                                                 VETERINAIRES SANS FRONTIERES (VSF)
VSF aide à optimaliser l’élevage dan les pays en voie de développement. VSF s’efforce d’améliorer les conditions de vie des peuples les plus pauvres du monde, dépendant directement ou indirectement du bétail, en optimisant l’élevage. Dans le Tiers-Monde, l’agriculture est souvent présente du début à la fin de toute vie. Le bétail joue un rôle crucial dans l’alimentation et le revenu des familles. Mais souvent, la médecine vétérinaire, garante d’un troupeau sain, est inaccessible ou trop limitée. Les vétérinaires de VSF aident les éleveurs locaux en apportant des formations, des technologies et un savoir-faire en matière de production, de santé animale et de commercialisation du bétail. Ce soutien est toujours précédé d’une concertation avec toutes les parties concernées.
Notre approche est toujours participative. A long terme, VSF vise toujours l’autosuffisance et la remise des projets aux éleveurs locaux, même quand il s’agit de projet d’aide d’urgence. L’approche participative est en effet au cœur de la philosophie de VSF. Les solutions structurelles, toujours en collaboration étroite avec les habitants du lieu, sont indispensables pour aider la population à prendre son sort en main. Nous travaillons systématiquement avec un partenaire local ou nous tentons d’organiser les éleveurs en associations. VSF opère à petite échelle, soutenant et stimulant au niveau local des projets de développement durable de l’élevage, dans le respect de la Terre, de l’animal et de l’homme.
To contact VSF and see all current vacancies go to:


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International Medical Corps (IMC) is a global humanitarian nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and medical relief programs. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in communities throughout the world. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, IMC rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance. Qualified applicants and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

join our team | International Medical Corps | International Healthcare | Emergency Medical Relief | International Humanitarian Relief | International Disaster Relief | Emergency Disaster Response | International Famine Relief | International Food Aid | International Medical Aid | International Refugee Aid | International Relief and Development
Employment at IMC
International Medical Corps (IMC) is dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs around the world. At International Medical Corps, job satisfaction is immunizing the children of an entire village against polio. It's caring for people who have fled their homes and have little more than the clothes they are wearing. It's training local nurses, doctors, and health care workers so they can provide quality care long after a crisis has subsided.
We employ a broad variety of professionals – many of whom are clinical and public health professionals. If you have skills in the medical field, logistics, finance, engineering, or public health administration, and you seek personal satisfaction from helping others, then International Medical Corps wants you o­n its team.

IMC staff member assists a farmer
in Afghanistan.
Overseas experience in a developing country is an advantage, as is fluency in o­ne or more foreign languages. The ability to work in a multicultural environment is essential.

Most paid positions with IMC require at least a six-month commitment and include salary, shared-communal housing, transportation to and from the field site, in-service consultation (general R&R), Health Insurance (medical, dental, and vision), and Medical Evacuation Insurance.
Please view available positions and apply online here.
IMC also has short-term volunteer opportunities. Many of these volunteer positions may be part of an emergency response team that requires deployment within 24-72 hours.
IMC recruiters search our database and find candidates with specific skill sets when new positions become available. Unfortunately, due to the high volume of applications IMC receives, we are unable to personally respond to each application. Please be assured we will process your application in a timely manner, and that we will contact you if a potential match has been determined.
As IMC's programs continue to grow, we are always looking for outstanding people who can contribute to our team and help develop and implement our international programs.
We look forward to having you join us!





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The International HIV/AIDS Alliance (the Alliance) is an international development non-governmental organisation which was set up in 1993 by a consortium of international donors. The Alliance was established to respond to the need for a specialist, professional intermediary organisation which would work in effective partnership with non-governmental and community-based organisations in developing countries, as well as with national governments, private and public donors and the UN system. The Alliance's mission is to support communities in developing countries to play a full and effective role in the global response to AIDS.

Employment opportunities

© 2004 Gideon Mendel for International HIV/AIDS Alliance
The employment opportunities pages provide all the information you need to join the Alliance, including the types of jobs available in the UK and overseas, benefits, the application process and our HR policies.


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Every year, ARC provides multisectoral assistance to nearly o­ne million uprooted people around the world. ARC programs provide assistance in primary health care delivery, improved water and sanitation, shelter reconstruction, micro-credit projects, environmental rehabilitation and psychosocial services. ARC works with communities and their leaders to build capacity. ARC beneficiaries are mostly women and children in Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Iraq, Pakistan, Thailand, Guinea, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Sudan. To be considered for an overseas position: send a formal, typed resume with a cover letter, specifying dates of availability. Most positions require a o­ne year commitment with the option to extend based upon mutual agreement. A minimum of three years professional experience in developing countries is usually required. Please direct all applications (a formal, typed resume with a cover letter, specifying dates of availability) to the ARC Headquarters address (given below) or e-mail:

ARC International Headquarters
430 Oak Grove St., Suite 204
Minneapolis, MN 55403
Tel:+1- (612) 872-7060 Fax: +1-(612) 607-6499

Employment Opportunities with ARC

To see all vacancies with ARC please click:      Employment


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Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged outside the country. The fundamental motivating force in all activities of CRS is the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it pertains to the alleviation of human suffering, the development of people and the fostering of charity and justice in the world. CRS provides direct aid to the poor, and involves people in their own development, helping them to realize their potential. And CRS educates the people of the United States to fulfill their moral responsibilities toward our brothers and sisters around the world by helping the poor, working to remove the causes of poverty, and promoting social justice.
Catholic Relief Services considers all applicants o­n the basis of merit without regard to race, national origin, religious beliefs, gender, age, marital status or physical or mental disability.

To see all vacancies with Catholic Relief Sevices click



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Deutsches Rotes Kreuz - Weltweit im Einsatz



Krieg ist grundsätzlich verboten. Krieg verursacht unermessliches Leid. Trotzdem ist er allgegenwärtig. Die Nachrichten berichten tagtäglich über Angriffe. Massengräber und Minenopfer, Vertreibung und Vergewaltigungen gehören zu diesem Schreckensszenario.
Es ist Aufgabe des Roten Kreuzes, die Regeln des humanitären Völkerrechts zu verbreiten, damit die Teilnehmer bewaffneter Konflikte sie im Ernstfall auch kennen und entsprechend umsetzen können. Außerdem ist es Teil seines Auftrags, die Einhaltung des humanitären Völkerrechts durch die Parteien eines bewaffneten Konfliktes einzufordern.

Offene Stellen beim Deutschen Roten Kreuz
Für Freie Stelle und  Zivildienst klicken Sie HIER



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A permanent mandate founded in international law, a worldwide mission to help victims of conflicts and internal violence, whoever they are. The ICRC’s mandate in the Geneva Conventions and in its Statutes; articles o­n the mission, status and objectives of the ICRC.
The ICRC has a legal mandate from the international community. That mandate has two sources:

  • the Geneva Conventions, which task the ICRC with visiting prisoners, organizing relief operations, re-uniting separated families and similar humanitarian activities during armed conflicts;
  • the ICRC's Statutes, which encourage it to undertake similar work in situations of internal violence, where the Geneva Conventions do not apply.
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Growing from one man's spontaneous gesture to help wounded soldiers, to become an organization reaching out to millions of war victims around the world, the ICRC has worked in most of the major crises of the past 140 years.

Hand in hand with its operational activities have been its efforts to develop the laws governing armed conflicts, so as to ensure greater protection for those who do not, or who no longer, take part in fighting; the ICRC and the Geneva Conventions are inextricably linked.

To see all current job openings with ICRC click:  Jobs at the ICRC



