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Friday 9 May 2014

Reproductive Health Project Officer (UNFPA, SC, SB4) - Kyiv

Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)The Reproductive Health Project Officer is located in Country Office Ukraine (CO) and works under the overall guidance of the UNFPA Representative and direct supervision of the Assistant Representative. The incumbent substantively contributes to the effective management of UNFPA activities in the areas of reproductive health and family planning, including reproductive health commodity security. S/he analyses and assesses relevant political, reproductive health, family planning and social trends and provides substantive inputs to project formulation and evaluation, joint programming initiatives and national development frameworks. S/He will organize and perform all activities necessary for the smooth and successful implementation of the CO programme outputs and activities in the area of Reproductive Health in the following areas of responsibility:
Policy Analysis and Advisory Services:
• In collaboration with Government counterparts, NGOs and other partners, contributes substantively to the formulation and design of the activities in the field of reproductive health/family planning in line with Government priorities and according to UNFPA Programme policies and procedures.
• Advocate, promote awareness and understanding of issues and responses related to the goals which Ukraine has committed itself to at the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and International Conference for Population and Development Programme of Actions (ICPD) and other global conferences;
• Analyzes and interprets the policy and socio-economic environment relevant to reproductive health and identifies opportunities for UNFPA assistance and intervention. Keeps abreast of new policy developments and strategies analyzing policy papers, strategy documents, national plans and development frameworks, and prepares briefs and inputs for policy dialogue, technical assistance coordination, and development frameworks.
• Provide expertise and advice CO on the issues of implementation of the Total Market Approach (TMA) as part of achieving Reproductive Health Commodity Security (RHCS) through provision of substantial input to the development of partnerships with stakeholders at the national and regional level, including private sector, developing concept notes, work plans, advocacy materials and organization of regional and national workshops.
• Helps create and document knowledge about current and emerging population development trends, Reproductive Health (RH) and gender issues, by analyzing programme, projects, strategies, approaches and ongoing experience for lessons learned, best practices, and shares with management for use in knowledge sharing and planning future strategies.
• Collects, analyses and provides to the UNFPA CO and its partners all data and information related to the CO programme activities in the area of RH, to be used for the UN and UNFPA programming purposes, provides inputs to the UNFPA CP reporting documents and frameworks, both narrative and indicator-related.
• Assists advocacy and resource mobilization efforts of Country Office by preparing relevant documentation, i.e. project summaries, conference papers, speeches, donor profiles, and participating in donor meetings and public information events.

Project implementation services:
• Provides programmatic and technical support to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (MOH), Regional health authorities and other UNFPA partners to ensure the smooth implementation of the respective programme activities.
• Provides overall coordination and administration of the project activities to ensure that the implementation of the project(s) complies with the approved work plans and budgets.
• Liaises and interacts will all partners, vendors and service providers within the project(s) on all matters related to the project implementation for the timely, successful and efficient implementation of all activities planned under the project(s).
• Coordinates the project activities with the activities of other stakeholders working in the same area in order to avoid activity duplication and ensure cost effectiveness of the project implementation.
• Prepares, updates, implements and monitors the calendar activity plans for the project(s) based on the approved annual work plan(s).
• Analyzes the project implementation, identifies possible implementation obstacles and suggests solutions, reports on the output delivery to the Assistant Representative, and to CO programme and operations staff, in their areas of competence.
• Ensures visibility of the project implementation through public relations, advocacy, working with the mass media and other communications activities.
• Prepares and submits to the UNFPA CO the reporting documents related to project(s) managed, including reports and monitoring data;
• Regularly communicates with and gives advice to the UNFPA CO on all matters related to the project implementation to ensure success of the project(s).
• Provides project-related information for the UN and UNFPA communications activities, including news, press announcements, press releases, summaries/overviews, presentations.
• Performs other project-related tasks requested by the CO management

Measurable outputs of the work assignment:
• Good quality draft papers with analysis on emerging trends in Reproductive Health and Family Planning submitted for management review timely;
• Full and appropriate implementation of the relevant outputs of the UNFPA CPAP and AWP’s;
• Supporting documents to implement project activities (activity outline forms, requests, Agenda’s, list of participants, etc.) are drafted and submitted for management consideration timely.

Specific results/outputs to be achieved by the end of 2014:
1. Private sector (pharmaceutical, health insurance, big employers etc.) engaged as partners for TMA impmention process in Ukraine;
2. At least two regions of Ukraine are integrating RHCS into regional coordination mechanisms and allocate resources to procure contraception in the regional budgets;
3. Concept note on using social marketing approach to increase demand and use of condoms among young people developed and potential partnerships opportunities for its implementation identified;
4. Draft of the new State Programme on RH developed (in partnership with USAID);
5. Analytical documents on needs in revision of current system of midwifery/nursery post-diploma retraining developed and partnerships with 1-2 Colleges/Health Centers for piloting of new models of retraining established;
6. MOH-UNFPA partnership supported through provision of advisory services and addressing specific MOH requests for support/technical assistance.

Performance Indicators for evaluation of results:
• Relevant outputs of the project annual work plan are fully and timely implemented;
• Project results indicated in annual work plans achieved, relevant project outputs delivered.

Required Competencies:

Integrity/Commitment to mandate
Acts in accordance with UN/UNFPA values and holds himself/herself accountable for actions taken. Demonstrates personal commitment to UNFPA’s mandate and to the organizational vision.
Knowledge sharing/Continuous learning
Takes responsibility for personal learning and career development and actively seeks opportunities to learn through formal and informal means. Learns from others inside and outside the organization adopting best practices created by others. Actively produces and disseminates new knowledge.
Valuing diversity
Demonstrates an international outlook, appreciates differences in values and learns from cultural diversity. Takes actions appropriate to the religious and cultural context and shows respect, tact and consideration for cultural differences. Observes and inquires to understand the perspectives of others and continually examines his/her own biases and behaviors.
Managing Relationships
Working in teams
Works collaboratively with colleagues inside and outside of UNFPA to allow the achievement of common goals and shared objectives. Actively seeks resolution of disagreements and supports the decisions of the team.
Communicating information and ideas
Delivers oral and written information in a timely, effective and easily understood manner. Participates in meetings and group discussions actively listening and sharing information. Frankly expresses ideas with the intent to resolve issues, considers what others have to say and responds appropriately to criticism.
Conflict and self-management
Manages personal reactions by remaining calm, composed and patient even when under stress or during a crisis and avoids engaging in unproductive conflict. Expresses disagreement in constructive ways that focus on the issue not the person. Tolerates conditions of uncertainty or ambiguity and continues to work productively.
Working with people
Empowerment/Developing people/Performance management
Integrates himself/herself into the work unit seeking opportunities to originate action and actively contributing to achieving results with other members of the team. Knows his/her limitations and strength, welcomes constructive criticism and feedback and gives honest and contractive feedback to colleagues and supervisors. Seeks new challenges and assignments and exhibits a desire to learn. Accepts responsibility for personal performance participating in individual work planning and objective setting seeking feedback and acting to continuously improve performance.

Personal Leadership and Effectiveness

Analytical and strategic thinking
Uses appropriate analytical tools and logic to gather, define and analyze information, situations and problems and draws logical conclusions from data. Demonstrates an ability to set clear and appropriate priorities focusing on tasks and activities which have a strategic impact on results. Anticipates and meets information needs of the team and other stakeholders.
Results orientation/Commitment to excellence
Strives to achieve high personal standard of excellence. Takes action that goes beyond responding to the obvious needs of the situation and persists until successful outcomes are achieved.
Appropriate and transparent decision making
Makes timely and appropriate decisions taking into consideration various and complex issues and takes responsibility for the impact of decisions. Inquiries to understand the perspectives of others and continually examines his/her own biases and behaviors.

Functional Competencies:

• Results-based programme development and management – Contributes to the achievement of results through primary research and analysis and effective monitoring of programme/ project implementation. Uses analytical skills to identify opportunities for project development and participates in formulation of proposals ensuring substantive rigour in the design and application of proven successful approaches.
• Innovation and marketing of new approaches – Enhances existing processes and products. Documents and analyzes innovative strategies, best practices and new approaches. Adapts quickly to change.
• Leveraging the resources of partners/ building strategic alliances and partnerships – Establishes, maintains and utilizes a broad network of contacts to keep abreast of developments and share information. Analyzes selected materials for strengthening strategic alliances with partners and stakeholders.
• Advocacy/ advancing a policy oriented agenda – Prepares and communicates relevant information for evidence-based advocacy. Maintains a functioning network of contacts in the media and civil society to support advocacy efforts, and takes opportunities to advocate UNFPA’s mandate.
• Resource mobilization – Provides inputs to resource mobilization strategies, analyzing and maintaining information and databases on donors and developing database of project profiles for presentation to donors.

Advanced University degree in medicine, public health or related discipline
Knowledge and Experience:
• At least five years of professional experience in the field of reproductive health, family planning, RHCS;
• Experience in the area of contraceptives market, work with pharmaceutical industry would be a strong asset;
• Proven successful experience in developing of an evidence based publications, reports, advocacy materials;
• Proven experience in substantial organization of workshops, seminars, conferences, involving national and regional stakeholders;
• Working contacts within health sector, including regional health care authorities and NGO’s.
Fluency in English, Ukrainian and Russian required.
Other Desirable Skills:
• Strong analytical orientation and sound judgment.
• Proactivity, resourcefulness, punctuality, responsibility.
• Excellent administrative/management skills.
• Excellent presentation, communication and negotiations skills.
• Solid understanding of the social, economic and political context of Ukraine.
• Dedication to the United Nations principles and demonstrated ability to work harmoniously with persons of different national and cultural backgrounds
Computer skills
• Proficiency in current office software applications. Ability to use office machinery.

Application Instructions:

Click on the "Apply now" button.Input your information in the appropriate Sections: personal information, language proficiency, education, resume and motivation. You can type in or paste your Resume into the last box.Upon completion of the first page, please hit "submit application" tab at the end of the page. On the next page, you will be asked to upload your Resume. Instead of uploading your Resume, please submit a fully completed and signed UNDP Personal History Form (P-11). When completing the Form and, even though not currently requested, please include email addresses for your Supervisors.Without the completed and signed P11 your application will not be considered. The UNDP Personal History Form can be downloaded at English version. Failure to disclose prior employment or making false representations on this form will be grounds for withdrawal of further consideration of his/her application or termination, where the appointment or contract has been issued.Only short-listed candidates will be contacted and please ensure that copies of your educational qualifications are available when contacted.
This is a locally recruited position and no expatriation benefits will apply.


UNDP will use a transparent and competitive screening process, though will only contact those applicants in whom there is further interest. Applications may only be submitted for specific vacancy. Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

View the original article here

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