Under the guidance and direct supervision of the DRR/Communications Specialist, the Communications Associate supports the formulation and implementation of the communications and advocacy strategies to increase the standing and awareness of UN with partners, the media and the public. The Communications Associate promotes a client-oriented approach in UN.
The Communications Associate works in close collaboration with the Management Support and Business Development, Programme and Operations teams in the CO, staff of other UN Agencies, UN HQs staff (Communications Office) and Regional Communications Advisor, Government officials, media, multilateral and bilateral donors and civil society. The Communications Associate may supervise support staff of the Communications Unit.
A communications strategy tightly linked to program priorities helps position the Country Office in key development markets as a leader in ways that boost demand for various service lines and increase overall business opportunities.
Functions / Key Results Expected Support to formulation and implementation of internal and external communications and advocacy strategies, support to business development; Support to elaboration and implementation of the publications strategy and plan; Maintenance of websites, databases and knowledge management systems; Facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing; Supports the formulation and implementation of internal and external communications and advocacy strategies, supports business development focusing on achievement of the following results: Preparation and conduct of communications needs assessments for CO (projects, country programme and corporate change initiatives, etc); Provision of information for elaboration of CO communications and outreach strategy based on the corporate communications strategy; Development of communication materials for marketing and awareness-raising campaigns, including briefing materials and press releases in coordination with the supervisor; Organization of roundtable discussions, press conferences, briefing sessions, interviews; Provision of inputs and researched information in programme formulations to integrate advocacy and communication strategies into all aspects of UN’s development programme; Review of reference materials, identification of reference materials for retention. Maintenance of information database and photo library; Organization and implementation of joint UN information campaigns (UN Day, World AIDS Day, etc.); Preparation of inputs for CCA, UNDAF, CPD and other documents; Provides support to the elaboration and implementation of the CO publications strategy and plan focusing on the achievement of the following results: Provision of inputs and information for elaboration of CO publications strategy and plan based on the corporate publications policy; Identification of storylines for publications and articles contributing to debates on key development issues; Technical supervision of translation/adaptation/rewriting of information received, printing and dissemination of publications and audio-visual materials. Contact with printers and other suppliers to ensure production; Supervision of publications dissemination;Ensures the design and maintenance of the UN web site, intranet, CO web-based knowledge management system focusing on achievement of the following results:
Assistance in the design and maintenance of the office web sites based on corporate requirements in cooperation with the ICT staff; Preparation/checking the content for the web sites to ensure consistency of the materials; Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and management focusing on achievement of the following results: Identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learned directly linked to programme country goals and activities; Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice including corporate communications repositories; Organization and conduct of training and workshops on communications for development as appropriate;The key results have an impact on creation of effective communications and dissemination of information on UN as UN’s global development network Accurate analysis and presentation of information enhances UN position as a strong development partner. The information provided facilitates decision making of the management.
Competencies and Critical Success FactorsFunctional Competencies:
Advocacy/Advancing a Policy-Oriented Agenda
Support the preparation of information for advocacy
Identifies relevant information for advocacy for a variety of audiences; Makes research of contacts in the media, government, private sector, donors, other agencies, civil society in other stakeholders for UN’s advocacy efforts; Building Strategic Partnerships
Maintaining information and databases
Analyzes general information and selects materials in support of partnership building initiatives; Maintains databases of donor information; Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing
Basic research and analysis
Researches best practices and poses new, more effective ways of doing things; Documents innovative strategies and new approaches; Identifies and communicates opportunities to promote learning and knowledge sharing; Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise
Fundamental knowledge of processes, methods and procedures
Understands the main processes and methods of work regarding to the position; Possesses basic knowledge of organizational policies and procedures relating to the position and applies them consistently in work tasks; Identifies new and better approaches to work processes and incorporates same in own work; Strives to keep job knowledge up-to-date through self-directed study and other means of learning; Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments; Creating Visibility for UN/Supporting UN’s Capacity to Advocate
Research and information gathering
Disseminate information and materials on UN’s development/humanitarian activities; Collects, and disseminates information on UN focus areas; Global Leadership and Advocacy for UN’s Goals
Research and analysis
Identifies relevant information for advocacy for UN’s goals for a variety of audiences; Maintains a network of contacts in the media and civil society, for use in UN’s advocacy efforts;
Conceptual Innovation in the Provision of Technical Expertise
Research and provision of information
Documents and tracks innovative strategies/best practices/new approaches; Trucks bottlenecks, problems and issues, and proposes solutions; Responds positively to new approaches; Client Orientation
Maintains effective client relationships
Reports to internal and external clients in a timely and appropriate fashion; Organizes and prioritizes work schedule to meet client needs and deadlines; Establishes, builds and sustains effective relationships within the work unit and with internal and external clients; Responds to client needs promptly; Core Competencies:
Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity;
Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment; Self-development, initiative-taking; Acting as a team player and facilitating team work; Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively; Creating synergies through self-control; Managing conflict; Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of others. Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member; Informed and transparent decision making;
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