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Thursday 8 May 2014

Senior Technical Adviser (Disaster Risk Management) - Kuala Lumpur

Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)Duration of Initial Contract :Expected Duration of Assignment :At the request of the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) at the Prime Minister’s Department and in line with the Country Programme Action Plan 2013-2015 between Government of Malaysia and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UNDP Malaysia is providing technical and policy advisory support to the 11th Malaysia Plan 2016-2020 (11MP). The 11th Malaysia Plan will form the last phase of the 5 year development plans for the country to achieve its aspirations of an advanced and high income economy by 2020.

To achieve this development aspiration, the framework of the 11MP encompasses 6 thrusts:
Thrust 1: Re-engineering economic growth;Thrust 2: Strengthening growth enablers;Thrust 3: Harnessing talent;Thrust 4: Mainstreaming environment and resources management;Thrust 5: Enhancing inclusivity;Thrust 6: Improving well-being.The 11MP document will consist of two (2) documents: i) Main Document; and ii) Strategy Papers for the 6 thrusts. The main document will outline the macro overview of the policy framework towards a high-income advanced nation as well as the gist of the six thrusts that build the 11MP document. The second set of the 11MP document namely the strategy papers, will discuss in detail the sectors and elements for each of the thrust.

Thrust 4 – Mainstreaming Environmental Management and Natural Resources will focus mainly on achieving the country’s agenda to protect and conserve natural resources including biodiversity and ecosystems for a better quality of life for the people, while at the same time harnessing socio-economic value from its sustainable use and consumption. Thrust 4 will entail five key sectors and the specific issues for these sectors will be discussed and addressed in 12 strategy papers, which also include the Technical Paper on Disaster Risk Management.

In recent years, Malaysia’s exposure to a range of natural or climate change induced disasters have intensified. Each year hundreds of people are affected in floods or landslides. 11MP recognises the importance of disaster risk management in the sustainability of national policies and development plans and strategies across the sectors as it needs to be fully integrated and managed in a holistic and comprehensive manner.

Building on the lessons learnt from past and existing initiatives, the strategy paper provides policy guidance for key implementing agencies to adopt and implement strategies and plans that will ensure a nation that is safe for its people and resilient to the impact of disasters. The strategy paper will address key elements such as policy, legislation, institutional frameworks, financing, capacity building, technology, communication, education and public awareness that lead towards an integrated and comprehensive disaster risk management approach among various agencies, local governments, communities, NGOs and private sector in Malaysia. The strategy paper will be used as a basis to design disaster mitigation and adaptation measures and also to contribute to Malaysia’s positioning on international conventions related to disaster risk reduction.

Scope of work:

The purpose of this assignment is to engage a Senior Technical Adviser to provide specific technical inputs to the preparation of Strategy Paper on Disaster Risk Management from the national perspective.

The Senior Technical Adviser will work under the guidance of 11MP Thrust 4 Secretariat led by the Director of Environment and Natural Resource Economics Section in EPU and UNDP Malaysia. He/she will undertake the following tasks:

Stocktaking exercise and situation analysis:
Review national disaster management policies and strategies, legislation and institutional framework to identify issues, gaps and challenges in the implementation, which includes: (i) Coherence amongst relevant policies strategies and action plans at national level, (ii) Missing links/synergies/coordination in existing legislation and institutional framework at national and state level, (iii) Sustainability of policies, strategies and action plans, and institutional framework;Gather and catalogue all past and existing initiatives and catalogue, and evaluate its progress and outcome achievements. This includes: (i) Missing links/synergies in existing initiatives, (ii) Absence of under-representation of important initiatives or measures, (iii) Sustainability of the initiatives or measures;Analyse national best practices in disaster risk management;Highlight best practices and lessons learnt that can be applied in Malaysia’s context to integrate and implement disaster risk management;Participate and provide technical inputs in all the 11MP Thrust 4 Inter-agency Planning Group and Technical Working Group meetings;Prepare the framework for Strategy Paper on Disaster Risk Management;Prepare the situation analysis report;Provision of expertise and knowledge in the preparation of Draft Strategy Paper on Disaster Risk Management:
Facilitate and provide technical inputs in the multiple stakeholders workshop or write shop on Strategy Paper on Disaster Risk Management;Propose way forward to advance a holistic, integrated and coordinated disaster risk management in Malaysia;Prepare technical paper for the preparation of the Strategy Paper on Disaster Risk Management based on the format provided by the 11MP Thrust 4 Secretariat;Provision of cross-sectoral advisory service and expert knowledge into other strategy papers under 11MP Thrust 4:
Provide inputs to 11MP Thrust 4 and its integration into other Thrusts through participation in Coordination Committee headed by 11MP Thrust 4 Secretariat, relevant Technical Working Groups and Focus Groups such as climate change, green growth, environmental management, etc.Prepare relevant technical papers as per the detailed work plan agreed by UNDP and 11MP Thrust 4 Secretariat.Methodology:

The consultant will employ a number of investigative, analytical and consultative methods and tools to complete his/her tasks:
Data collection from public domains and official documents including policies and plans, reports, etc.Desktop research;Interviews with key stakeholders (ministries/departments/agencies, owner and beneficiaries of initiatives/programmes); Stakeholder consultations through focus group or ad-hoc meetings, and 11MP consultation mechanism which is Inter-agency Planning Group (IAPG) and Technical Working Group (TWG) for Disaster Risk Management meetings;Facilitate workshop or write shop for focus group or TWG to prepare the strategy paper.Handling of Data, Information and Documents

All data, information and documents obtained under this assignment is the property of the Government of Malaysia and be treated as strictly confidential.

No such information shall be used by the Senior Technical Adviser for any other purpose other than the preparation of Technical Paper on Disaster Risk Management in Malaysia.

All soft and hard copies of the data, information and documents must be returned to the Environment and Natural Resource Economics Section of the Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Department upon completion of this assignment.   


The assignment will require 3 working months (= 66 working-days) starting from 12 May to 15 August 2014.

Deliverables and Timeline:

Stocktaking exercise and situation analysis:
Framework for the strategy paper (By 30 May 2014);
Situation analysis report covering the following: (i) Current status and progress of national policies, strategies and action plans, and outcome achievements, (ii) Analysis of gaps, issues and challenges in the implementation of disaster risk management in Malaysia, (iii) Comparative analysis of national best practices and lessons learnt. (By 30 May 2014);
Focus group meeting/workshop. (12 May - 30 June 2014).Provision of expertise and knowledge in the preparation of Strategy Paper on Disaster Risk Management:
Way forward for a holistic, integrated and coordinated disaster risk management in Malaysia (by 9 June 2014);
First draft technical paper to the strategy paper (By 9 June 2014);
Multiple stakeholders workshop or write shop report on Strategy Paper on Disaster Risk Management. (1-13 June 2014);
Final draft technical paper to the strategy paper. (By 27 June 2014);    Provision of cross-sectoral advisory service and expert knowledge into other strategy papers under 11MP Thrust 4:
Technical papers to other strategy papers. (12 May – 15 August 2014);
Terms of Payment:
40% upon submission and acceptance by the IAPG of the framework for Strategy Paper on Disaster Risk Management and Situation Analysis Report;30% upon submission and acceptance by the IAPG of the first draft Strategy Paper on Disaster Risk Management;30% upon submission and acceptance by the IAPG of the final draft Strategy Paper on Disaster Risk Management. Documents to be included when submitting proposals:

Interested individual applicants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
Proposal on how your qualifications and experience can lead towards the successful deliverable of this assignment within the required timeframe, and provide a brief methodology on how you will approach and conduct the assignment;Financial Proposal should specify a total lump sum amount including a breakdown of working days, travel and relevant costs using the financial proposal template in Annex I which is available at:;
Personal CV including areas of expertise and past experience in similar projects and at least three (3) references in the format of UN Personal History Form (P11 form). The UN Personal History Form (P11) is available at:
Corporate Competencies:
Demonstrates high moral integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards; Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability Treats all people fairly without favouritism; Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment. Functional competencies:
Substantive knowledge and research experience in disaster risk management;Substantive knowledge in Malaysia’s enabling environment (policy, legislation and institutional framework) and operational issues for disaster risk management;Good analytical skills and ability to work independently;Ability to synthesise inputs from a range of disciplines related to disaster risk management;Ability to plan and produce quality results within short timeframe;Excellent communication, interpersonal and networking skills. Education:
An advanced degree, Ph.D or equivalent in disciplines such as crisis or disaster management, environmental management, meteorology or climate science, urban and regional planning.Experience:
Minimum 15 years of working experience in crisis or disaster management, crisis prevention and recovery, climate change risk reduction, and early warning system for natural disasters;At least 10 years of working experience with Government of Malaysia and UNDP supported programmes or projects;Excellent knowledge of policy, legislations and institutions relevant to disaster risk management in Malaysia;Prior experience in disaster risk research, either through involvement in the National Communication for UNFCCC process or similar, is an advantage. Language:
Excellent command of English and Malay.

Open to Malaysian Nationals only.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

View the original article here

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