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Tuesday 6 May 2014

Gender Specialist, UN Women

Summary of Key Functions:
* Provision of top quality advisory and programme development services
* Coordination, Programme and Technical support
* Management of programme and supervision of the Programme team
* Strategic partnerships and resource mobilization support
* Advocacy support and knowledge building and management 1. Provision of top quality advisory and programme development services
* Advise UNKT Common Development Plan [CDP] processes and similar exercises related to the UN system ensuring that gender concerns are clearly reflected and mainstreamed in process. Prepare substantive inputs to the CDP and other documents, thoroughly analyzing and researching the political, social and economic situation in Kosovo.
* Provide analysis and advice to the Development Coordinator and the UNKT on the gender dynamics and opportunities to support inclusive engagement of women in the development assistance provided by the UNKT
* Identify and advise on entry points for new initiatives for the UN to strengthen capacities for gender equality and to support the advancement of women’s empowerment and gender equality in the country
* At the request of the UN Women Bosnia and Herzegovina Representative and/or the UN Development Coordinator, represent UN Women and or the UN at inter-agency, intergovernmental, international, regional, etc. , conferences and meetings and advocate UN’s policy and initiatives in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment
* Substantive support in the identification of strategic programme areas of cooperation in Kosovo
* Provide strategic advice to the UN Women Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina in line with UN Women’s Strategic Plan (SP) regarding integration of UN Women programmes into socio-economic development processes at all levels including regional, through monitoring policy changes and preparing situational analysis reports that serve as the basis for UN Women’s programme formulation in Kosovo
2. Coordination, Programme and Technical support

* Advise and support joint programming and coordination around gender equality, including support in forging strategic partnerships in Kosovo to promote gender equality, women’s advancement and women’s representation
* Support UN system-wide inter-agency coordination on gender to contribute to strategic and policy discussion on gender equality, and women’s empowerment issues.
* Advise and support the UNKT and other partners, in the development and implementation of laws, plans, policies and budgets, in line with Kosovo’s commitments on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls; and in support of mainstreaming gender equality priorities into legal frameworks and government-led programmes
* Provide technical support to Government and non-governmental organizations targeted at building institutional capacities for the promotion of gender equality, and women’s rights, including through support to South-South learning and exchange
* Advise the UNKT on improved accountability tools and assets so as to ensure the UN’s commitments to gender equality and women’s empowerment are tracked and up-scaled as opportunities arise 3. Programme Management
* Design and formulation of programmes and projects in Kosovo, in line with UN Women’s SP and within the area of responsibility, translating UN Women priorities into local interventions
* Review and appraise proposals submitted, to ensure that they meet UN Women´s Strategic Plan requirements and provide capacity building support to counterparts in project formulation
* Ensure smooth implementation of UN Women activities and programme with the executing and implementing agencies
* Manage the portfolio of ongoing projects from the technical, operational, finance and administration sides
* Constantly monitor programme environment and manage programme and project staff with a view to ensuring the achievement of intended results
* Prepare analytical, progress and other reports on UN Women´s programme experiences and results in Kosovo to donors, UN Women’s ECA Regional Office and UN Women HQ, the RC, the UNKT and others as requested
* Design/implement required research for formulating appropriate interventions, preparing TORs, identifying consultants and giving them appropriate guidance for project identification, formulation, monitoring, and evaluation missions
* Set-up and ensure the proper application of a monitoring system to track and report progress on programme results and indicators
* Manage and implement the application of UN Women’s Evaluation Policy in Kosovo
* Assume responsibility for the smooth functioning of all operational activities of UN Women in Kosovo 4. Strategic partnerships and resource mobilization support
* Develop and implement partnerships and resource mobilization strategies to achieve programme outcomes in Kosovo
* Liaise with key stakeholders from Government, academia, civil society, the private sector and key international actors to build and strengthen strategic alliances and partnerships on women’s rights and gender equality initiatives
* Create and coordinate partnerships with UN Agencies, government institutions, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector, civil society, etc. , on women’s issues to enhance collaboration, resource mobilization and share and influence agenda and priority setting
* Determine programmatic areas of cooperation, based on strategic goals of UN Women, Kosovo’s needs and donors’ priorities
* Analysis and research of information on donors, preparation of substantive briefs on possible areas of cooperation and identification of opportunities for cost-sharing
* Follow-up on resource mobilization activities for fund raising for new projects in coordination with the UN Women Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina 5. Advocacy support and facilitation of knowledge building and management
* Support gender equality advocates, both within government and non-governmental organizations, to have a stronger voice in decision-making processes that shape lives of women, including those relating to reconciliation and humanitarian support
* Support the establishment of advocacy networks in Kosovo and linkages to international networks related to the sectoral, thematic areas assigned
* Proactively and substantively support and implement relevant, high-impact advocacy activities and campaigns with key partners Identification of sources of information related to policy-driven issues
* Identify and synthesise best practices and lessons learned directly linked to Kosovo’s policy goals in the sectoral/thematic areas assigned
* Organize trainings on gender-related issues and priorities
* Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice


Corporate Competencies:
* Integrity: Demonstrate consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct.
* Professionalism: Demonstrate professional competence and expert knowledge of the pertinent substantive areas of work.
* Cultural sensitivity and valuing diversity: Demonstrate an appreciation of the multicultural nature of the organization and the diversity of its staff. Demonstrate an international outlook, appreciating difference in values and learning from cultural diversity. Core Competencies:
* Ethics and Values: Demonstrate and safeguard ethics and integrity
* Organizational Awareness: Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment
* Development and Innovation: Take charge of self-development and take initiative
* Work in teams: Demonstrate ability to work in a multicultural, multi ethnic environment and to maintain effective working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
* Communicating and Information Sharing: Facilitate and encourage open communication and strive for effective communication
* Self-management and Emotional Intelligence: Stay composed and positive even in difficult moments, handle tense situations with diplomacy and tact, and have a consistent behavior towards others
* Conflict Management: Surface conflicts and address them proactively acknowledging different feelings and views and directing energy towards a mutually acceptable solution.
* Continuous Learning and Knowledge Sharing: Encourage learning and sharing of knowledge
* Appropriate and Transparent Decision Making: Demonstrate informed and transparent decision making
Functional Competences

* Ability to lead formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes and projects and mobilize resources
* Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting
* Ability to formulate and manage budgets, manage contributions and investments, manage transactions, conduct financial analysis, reporting and cost-recovery
* Ability to implement new systems and effect staff behavioral/attitudinal change
* Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and results for the client and responds positively to feedback
* Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
* Ability to advocate and provide policy advice
* Leads teams effectively and shows conflict resolution skills
* Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills

How to apply: read the vacancy details shown aboveif you feel that this vacancy is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" buttonfollow the instructions shown in that new pagePlease note that each vacancy has its own eligibility requirements and method to apply.
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