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Sunday 4 May 2014

National Consultant to Conduct Capacity Development for Gender Mainstreaming and PBA under the Project Titled Partnership for Gender Equity Phase III (2011-2015)

Currently MoWA is seeking the services of a team of Capacity Development Specialists (one national and one international) to: 1) consolidate capacity assessment finding within MoWA and her network, 2) support MoWA to articulate a common vision for gender equality and its mechanism across government using a participatory methodology, 3) develop an operational plan to Develop Capacity within MoWA to mainstream gender across government, starting with key government agencies, 4) strengthen MoWA’s capacity to implement the CD plan.

It is suggested that the CD plan include sub-plans with detailed application of methodology to the key NR4 programmes, as follows:

women’s economic empowerment
legal protection and gender based violence
leadership and decision-making, governance reforms
human development (education and health/HIV)

Each of these sub-plans will support MoWA’s efforts to strengthen capacity across key government agencies to mainstream gender in their national plans and policies.

The National Capacity Development Specialist is expected to facilitate capacity development and institution strengthening in MoWA, to advise on the development CD materials and methods for MoWA to use across government agencies for coordinating the implementation of the recommendations in the CGA/NR4 by the appropriate government counterparts. The CD Specialist/s will ensure that a core team of MoWA CD resource people are equipped with the skills to carry out gender mainstreaming CD objectives with their government counterparts. Core competencies that the CD Plan should aim to transfer to the MoWA team over the long term (2014-2015 and possibly beyond) include the following:

Advanced gender analysis, planning and monitoring skills, in specific thematic areas (see above).
Translating the findings and recommendations in CGA/NR4 into Line Ministry action plans (GMAPs) and working with GMAGs to integrate GMAPs into Line Ministry national plans and budgets (combination of gender planning and gender responsive budgeting).
Using Programme Based Approach to gender mainstreaming.
developing and implementing an M&E mechanism to monitor implementation of the above
collection and analysis of gender data, gender auditing, including institutional, policy and programme assessment, etc

Description of Responsibilities:

Under the overall supervision of UNDP Governance Team Leader and direct guidance of the National Project Director and UNDP, the National Capacity Development Specialist will work together with the International CD specialist and the PGE team, and will ensure a participatory and consultative process for the design, implementation and monitoring of capacity development activities, with key results contributing to the overall successful achievement and sustainability of the NR4.

The National Capacity Development Specialist has the following responsibilities, organised by key functions:

Policy advice, strategic technical guidance and leadership:

Initiate strategic engagement discussions and contribute to the common vision of where MoWA would like to be in 5-10 years time, and a common understanding of the approach to capacity development to reach that vision, for MoWA senior management and operational staff. This vision should be related to mainstreaming gender equality using the PBA.
Support the further sensitisation, ownership and implementation of the capacity development and PBA process by MoWA.
On the basis of the above and a review of existing capacity assessment reports, support and oversee the design and implementation of the MoWA Capacity Development Plan to achieve the milestones identified and address the identified capacity gaps.
Provide authoritative Capacity Development and Institution Strengthening advice and technical guidance on CDP implementation and delivery. (See Annex 1 for list of questions/issues for CD and Institutional Strengthening)
Advise MoWA on the direction, strategies and technical issues concerning capacity development and institutional strengthening and PBA. Drawing on lessons learned from other Cambodia experiences (NCDD, CDC, Trade SWAP, etc) as well as from other national machinery gender mainstreaming CD processes internationally.


Prepare in close collaboration with the International Consultant and the PGE team:
CD Plan proposals, methodology, materials, presentations and/or documents for internal and external strategic discussions, consideration, consensus building, and capacity development.
Project planning, implementation and monitoring and reporting:
Support the design of a system to monitor measurable capacity development indicators aligned to NR4.
Provide technical guidance and operational support to MoWA to enhance performance and quality assurance, share knowledge, and build capacity.
Support MoWA to supervise the implementation of the Capacity Development Plan and report on the outcomes every quarter, based on CDP milestones.
Together with PGE and the TGWGG, collaborate with development partners and other stakeholders to enable a harmonized approach and collaboration with the Capacity Development Plan.
Together with PGE and the TGWGG, establish dialogue with donors, partners and stakeholders to maintain effective working relationships, sustain interest, and increase cooperation.
Support the design and implementation of capacity development for Sub-Recipient(s) where needed, such as other key government agencies, the initial focus with be on the MAF/WEE programme and partners.

Capacity development and knowledge management:

Provide coaching and mentoring to key MoWA staff, to support the capacity development process.
Organize and implement training activities for MoWA and (possibly) for Sub-Recipient(s).
To recommend a set of indicators for monitoring, evaluating and reviewing progress in implementing the Capacity Development Strategy.


The consultant will employ the following principles and approaches during the assignment:

Locate the Capacity Development work in the appropriate external setting, in particular the current national machinery (MoWA and network, including GMAGs), MoWA’s aid management structure, but also including the overall public service reform agenda (e. g. SNDD, Public Administration Reform and Public Financial Management Reform);
Adopt a broad and participatory approach that engages all relevant MoWA staff – and other RGC Ministries and agencies, and other stakeholders, as appropriate - so that appropriate needs are identified/confirmed and that relevant approaches to organisational strengthening and individual capacity development are identified;
Ensure that an appropriate focus is placed on organisational capacity issues, including inter-Departmental as well inter-Ministerial (GMAGs and TWGs) collaboration and modalities that will ensure that the efforts of individuals and Departments aggregate up to an effective overall performance of the organisation; Promote programme base approach to managing relationships with partners
Ensure linkages between MoWA technical staff and relevant Line Ministries
Identify current strengths so that capacity may be developed by building on existing foundations and practices to the fullest extent possible. The consultants are to identify where continuity is feasible and where change may be required;
While recognising that capacity development is necessarily a long-term process, the consultants are requested to identify quick-win approaches where they are deemed to be feasible;
The consultants must pay due attention to the sequencing and prioritising of capacity development activities, recognising the inter-dependence of many tasks and functions; and having a longer term vision;
Identified capacity development activities should, as far as possible, be associated with measurable indicators that will allow progress to be monitored and evaluated.

Final Products or Deliverables/Outputs:

The consultant shall manage to deliver the following outputs:

Review previous reports, hold initial consultations, produce and present inception report with detailed workplan
Develop set of CD needs, tools and materials around one thematic sector (MAF/WEE) and organise pilot workshop session in MoWA w/MAF partners in LM, DPs, etc
Develop one set of CD needs, tools for strengthening a robust PBA Secretariat related to regulations and systems on effective and efficient operations, and management, pilot PBA CD with MAF/WEE stakeholders
Final report of CDP: activities and results, recommendations for followup in 2015

Institutional Arrangement:

The consultant will work on a daily basis with the PBE team, in particular the Senior Policy Adviser, and the Aid Coordination Specialist, and under the overall guidance of the National Project Director. S/he will be an experienced international calibre professional well-versed in gender mainstreaming and the principles of capacity development.
The consultant work in coordination with an International consultant, experienced in human resources development, organisational management, developing training programmes in Cambodia and internationally, and in leading a participatory assessment and capacity diagnostics exercise.
The consultant will be engaged for a period of 60 Days, during which time they will be asked to present their draft findings in the form of an inception report and to facilitate all aspects of the work that will inform the Capacity Development Plan. The Aid Coordination Specialist under PGE is assigned to support the work of the consultants. '
MoWA will make available the time of the PBA Committee and or its Capacity Building Unit (to be established under PBA Secretariat). However, MoWA will assign a senior official from the General Department of Gender Equality and Economic Development to guide the work of the consultants, as well as to provide substantive inputs. Relevant MoWA staff, in particular the Heads of General Directorates and Line Departments, will be available throughout the duration of the assignment. The Senior Policy Adviser, PGE will work closely with the consultants throughout the assignment, and the PGE programme staff will also provide substantive and logistical support as may be required.

Duration of the work:

Based in MoWA, for 60 working days over 6 months from June/July 2014 to mid-December 2014 (contract to be renewed annually based on performance and demand from MoWA) – details of specific workplan with timing and deliverables to be discussed and agreed with MoWA/PGE at the start of the contract. If the contract is extended into 2015 it will be for approximately 60-80 working days spread over the calendar year, and the outputs would be to extend the gender mainstreaming training to other sectors and line ministries and to sub-national level (in collaboration with NCDD).

Duty station:

The incumbent is required to be in the country for the duration of the contract. He/she will be based in the MoWA.


Corporate Competencies:

Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values.
Exerts strict adherence to corporate rules, regulations and procedures.
Familiarity with the internal control framework and results-based management tools is a must.
Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Functional Competencies:

Knowledge Management and Learning
Ability to synthesise and adapt lessons learned from best practice in other contexts
Shares knowledge and experience.
Development and Operational Effectiveness
Ability to perform specialized tasks related to Organisational Change Management, Capacity Development and Institutional Strengthening in the area of gender mainstreaming; including support to design, planning and implementation of programme, managing data, reporting.
Ability to apply and use different capacity development methods.
Ability to provide inputs to business processes, re-engineering, implementation of new systems, including new IT-based systems.
Ability to establish and maintain contacts with senior-level officials of the host government required.
Excellent interpersonal skills are essential, to negotiate between different positions and view points, and facilitate consensus building and conflict resolution.
Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, is required to influence policy-making, and to obtain, evaluate and interpret factual data and to prepare accurate and complete reports and other documents.
Leadership and Self-Management
Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback.
Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.
Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure,
Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities.

Required Skills and Experience


Master’s degree in Gender, Organisational Development, Business, Economics, Public Administration or any development related field.


Minimum of 7 years professional experience in Capacity Development and Institution/Organisation Strengthening, .
Experience and understanding of gender mainstreaming in public policy.
Solid experience in the participatory management of people from Senior to Operational level, consultative processes and systems in high-pressure environments.
Strong communication and capacity development skills in a range of methods (training, mentoring, coaching, advocacy, consensus building, and facilitation).
Experience of UN or UNDP gender policies highly desirable.

Language Requirements:

English/Khmer language fluency and strong writing skills required.

How to apply: read the vacancy details shown aboveif you feel that this vacancy is suitable for you read the full details by clicking "View Full Details" buttonfollow the instructions shown in that new pagePlease note that each vacancy has its own eligibility requirements and method to apply.

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