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Thursday 22 May 2014

How Determine Your Personality

Edited by Als1618, Ben Rubenstein, Tj20x, Martyn P and 16 others
Have you ever wondered why you don't get along with some people? It may well be because you have a different personality than them. There are four personality types. Below you will find out which you are.

Method 1 of 3: Introvert or Extrovert

  1. 1
    Make your choices. Find out whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. In this section read the lists of the traits of extroverts and introverts. Analyze your choices for each trait and so how does either one fit you?
Extroverts are more likely: Introverts are more likely:
1. Energized in a group: "I create fun at a party!" Drained by a group: "I'd talk to a friend."
2. Forward! "I'm assertive and aggressive!" Recessive. "I'm less assertive, non-aggressive.
3. Driven under stressful emotion by anger Reverting under stress to be cautious.
4. Ready to communicate; "I think on my feet." Deliberate communicating; "I plan ahead."
5. Talk first "I'll talk; then I'll summarize." Talk later, "I'll clarify it; you summarize."
6. Talkative pace of speech, "Pressing on!" Slower pace of speech, "I'm thorough..."
7. Rapidly moving on, "Let's go!" Deliberately moving, "Let's prepare."
8. Share opinions easily, "I'm confident!" Reserves opinions, "I'm figuring it out first."
9. Confrontational -- "I'm rather decisive!" Non-confrontational, "I'll decide thoughtfully."
10. Impatient listener, "I'll interject this!" Patient, attentive listener "You finish."

Method 2 of 3: Task or Relationship Oriented

  1. Determine Your Personality Step 1.jpg
    Find out which you are: task oriented or relationship oriented. In this section you will find a list of the traits of task oriented people,and relationship oriented people. If you have more task oriented traits you are task oriented. If you have more relationship oriented traits you are relationship oriented.
  2. Determine Your Personality Step 2.jpg
    Task oriented people dress more formally, their topics of speech are current issues and tasks at hand,their body posture is more rigid, their facial expression is more controlled, their general attitude is more to the serious side, they have controlled and guarded emotions, they are filled with facts and data. They are less interested in small talk, their decisions are fact based,they are disciplined about time, they are strict and disciplined about rules, they are harder to get to know and seem preoccupied.
  3. Determine Your Personality Step 3.jpg
    Relationship oriented people dress more informally,their topics of speech are people and stories, their body posture is more relaxed,their facial expression is more relaxed, their general attitude is more to the playful side, they are free to share their emotions,they are more interested in small talk, decisions are gut based,they are less disciplined about time, they are more lenient about rules, they are easy to get to know and are more carefree.

Method 3 of 3: Determine your social style.

  1. Determine Your Personality Step 4.jpg
    Are you Melancholy? If you are an introvert and are more task oriented, you are a Melancholy. Melancholies are technique specialists. They are deep and thoughtful, they are the genius prone people. They are driven by a forceful work ethic,and play does not come naturally for them. They tend to be perfectionists and are very organised. They are sensitive to others and are self sacrificing. They are faithful and devoted friends and have a deep concern for others.
  2. Determine Your Personality Step 5.jpg
    Are you Choleric? If you are an extrovert and more task oriented,you are a Choleric. Cholerics are control specialists. They are born leaders they are dynamic and active and have a compulsive need for change.They take pleasure in almost any kind of work because it involves activity. They desire to control and master everything they do.They are independent and seem to be able to run anything.They are usually right and excel in emergencies.
  3. Determine Your Personality Step 6.jpg
    Are you Phlegmatic? If you are an introvert and are more relationship oriented you are a Phlegmatic. Phlegmatics are support specialists. They are very likable people who support others. They have a low key personality and are easygoing and relaxed. They keep their emotions hidden and are patient and well-balanced. They are sympathetic and kind and promote harmony. They are easy to get along with and are pleasant and enjoyable. They have a dry sense of humor so it is very fun to be around them. They are peaceful and agreeable.
  4. Determine Your Personality Step 7.jpg
    Are you Sanguine? If you are an extrovert and are more relationship oriented you are a Sanguine. Sanguines are social specialists. Sanguines are the ideal people person, because they love to be around people and talk to them. They are very impulsive people who love to socialize. They like to try new and different things. They like to live for the here and now they are friendly, giving, and easygoing. They are the life of the party and have a good sense of humor. They are very curious and never seem to grow up. They make friends easily, and are very fun to be around.


