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Wednesday 7 May 2014

International Consultant LED-ART, Value Chain Expert - Home-based (with field missions)

Home-based (with field missions)Starting Date :
(date when the selected candidate is expected to start)Duration of Initial Contract :Expected Duration of Assignment :Launched in 2005 and currently active in over 20 countries, the UNDP ART Global Initiative (Articulation aux Réseux Territoriaux et Thematique de Dévelopment Humain – Articulation of Territorial and Thematic Networks for Human Development Cooperation) is an entry point for all international cooperation actors interested in harmonizing their respective actions in support of national policies for sustainable and local human development. Within an evolving development landscape ART capitalizes on the complementarities of actors at the local level and puts in place multi-level governance systems for sustainable human development. It does so by promoting a programmatic, operational and administrative framework for coordination and institution building. ART’s objective is to enhance the capacities of national and local institutions and actors working in a complementary way at the local level, thereby achieving the Millennium Development Goals and attaining inclusive, resilient and sustainable development.Moreover, through the ART Initiative, UNDP promotes Local Economic Development (LED) in territories where considered a priority by the territorial stakeholders. And a wide network of international centers of excellence (e.g. organizations, associations, universities, research institutes, etc.) and local governments articulate their support to LED processes through Initiative and its framework programmes in partner countries. The integrated approach to human development ART flagships through Local Economic Development Agencies (LEDAs) integrates the economic, social and environmental components of sustainable development inter alia. LEDAs are also part of a multi-tier governance system for the promotion of LED under the leadership of local governments and in cooperation with the private sector and the civil society. LEDAs enhance organized local networks in partnership with universities, research centers and institutions promoting territorial development; and encourage continuous collective/interactive learning, both among territorial stakeholders and with international (decentralized) cooperation partners.The ART GOLD Program is operating in Lebanon since 2007, with the aim of supporting local actors in 4 areas (Southern Suburbs of Beirut, Bekaa, North Lebanon, and South Lebanon) in promoting and implementing territorial economic strategies, based on the valorization of the local resources, and organizing correspondent value chains.The LEDAs (Local Economic Development Agencies) will offer the organization of the value chains in terms of business support, creation of new businesses proposals, inclusion of the most advantaged people, creation of decent jobs, establishment of micro and small enterprise networks.
During 2007-2008 the ART GOLD Program realized a first survey on the economic actual and potentially competitive resources in the 4 areas, and shared a preliminary strategy for their development.
In 2013 three LEDAs commenced their operations, and one of the tasks is to update the above mentioned survey and the correspondent strategies for at least two prioritized value chains.
The objective of the contract is to support the work process of the LEDAs in Lebanon in the framework of the ART GOLD programme (AGL) with particular reference to strengthening the value chains development process in the 4 areas of the programme, through realizing assessment and designing perspectives.
Main activities/responsibilities
:Technical assistance for identifying each value chain ( not more than two for each area )  a competitive advantages, sustainability factors, marketing positioning, obstacles and main strategic actions for short, medium, and long term.
A document for each value chain (at least 2 value chains for each area), including:Main valuable existing activities, and actors; Competitive advantages; Sustainability (economic, social, environmental); Main obstacles to the value chain valorization; Market positioning.Main strategic actions for the value chain development and new business opportunities, at short, medium, and long term;2 mission reports, at the end of the 2 planned missions. The consultant shall in each area:Accompany the LEDA technical staff and realise focus groups for each value chain for discussing the above mentioned factors, analysing the value chain condition and performances; Realize field visits, initial and final d-briefing with the AGL ATP, staff, and area managers; Transfer the knowledge to the LEDAs; Deliver mission reports.
The consultancy will include  2 field missions in Lebanon and desk work for a total of 40 working days.For field visits, preparatory work and desk research will be carried out at the consultant’s home-base, and in regular communication with the ART team and local parties in Lebanon via skype, email or telephone.  The consultant will work under the supervision of the Chief Technical Advisors of the Framework Programme in Lebanon and ART Programme Specialist.  UNDP will provide guidance and feedback at all stages of the process and the resulting products and documents will be subject to an internal review process. The ART framework programme In Lebanon will provide all logistical and organizational support to the consultant such as transport, organizations of meetings and translation if required.Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN's values and ethical standards; Displays cultural, gender, religion, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability; Ability to structure a task in terms of the analytic/investigative process and to produce a well-structured output; Ability to work in a team; In-depth practical knowledge of inter-disciplinary development issues including gender equality and empowerment issues, as well as a good knowledge of the inter linkages between the social, economic, environmental and cultural dimensions of sustainable development; Strong interpersonal skills, communication and diplomatic skills; Openness to change and ability to receive / integrate feedback; Ability to work under pressure and stressful situations; Excellent writing skills; Seeks and applies knowledge, information, and best practices from within and outside of UNDP; Good understanding of UNDP programming modalities. Advance degree in a relevant discipline, such as Economics, public administration and/or closely related field studies. At least 7 years in supporting national and local actors for local economic development processes;Significant experience in local economic development processes in developing and transitional countries;Proven record of reports/publications on the subject; IT literacy. Fluency in spoken and written English.
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work; Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work; Financial proposal (Only applications that include financial proposal will be considered); Personal CV including past experience in similar projects. Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the following methodologies:            
The award of the contract should be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as: Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation; Technical Criteria weight; [70%]; Financial Criteria weight; [30%]. Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 51 point would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

View the original article here

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