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Friday 2 May 2014

Nutrition Survey Consultant

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein, the IRC offers lifesaving care and life-changing assistance to refugees forced to flee from war or disaster. At work today in over 40 countries and 22 U.S. cities, we restore safety, dignity and hope to millions who are uprooted and struggling to endure. The IRC leads the way from harm to home.

The Republic of South Sudan (RSS) came into existence on 9 July 2011. Decades of conflict causing erosion of physical and social infrastructure and death and displacement of millions of people have made South Sudan one of the most underdeveloped regions in the world. Poverty is widespread. Just over half (51%) of the 8.3 million South Sudanese live below the national consumption poverty line, most in rural areas (92.5%). Of the 1.4 million people who live in urban areas 24% are below the national consumption poverty line.

The Republic of South Sudan has 10 states among these NBeG and Unity states are part of states in RSS.  Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, are situated along the contentious border area between Sudan and South Sudan. Between January 2012 and April 2013, NBeG state received 14,024 returnees, representing nearly 15% of all returnees in the country. During the same period, Unity State received 15,198 returnees representing 18% of total returnees (IOM, May 2013). In 2014, it is estimated that an additional 16,585 returnees are anticipated in NBeG and Unity States (South Sudan CAP Planning Figures, 2014). Returnees are a particularly vulnerable group, often living in temporary settlements far from existing health facilities and in food insecure locations, exposing them to serious health risks and malnutrition.

The major drivers of malnutrition in South Sudan include continued high food insecurity due to droughts and poor farming practices, infection, suboptimal infant and young child feeding practices, floods and population displacement due to inter-tribal conflicts and a small proportion of returnees.

A recent 2013 pre-harvest nutrition surveyconducted in selected counties of the country showed global acute malnutrition surpassing the emergency threshold (>15%) and very high severe acute malnutrition ranging between 3% to 7%. Without interventions targeted at vulnerable groups in the population, high mortality is expected, especially among children under five.

In Aweil South, the 2012 SMART Survey conducted by Action Against Hunger (ACF USA) found that Aweil South is characterized by high global (18.7%) and severe acute malnutrition rates (2.7%). There has not been a standard nutrition survey conducted in Panyijar county of Unity State.  

The International Rescue Committee is one of the partners providing Community Case Management for three major illnesses (Malaria, Diarrhea, and pneumonia) through Community interventions to tackle child survival and support Primary Health Care services.

The IRC has recognized the need for an integrated package of illnesses and nutrition services in order to improve health outcomes and decrease mortality of U5; and the IRC is currently one of the nutrition partners in Panyijar and Aweil South Counties of Unity and NBeG States respectively.

Aim of Consultancy

Overall Objectives

To determine the baseline nutritional status of children< 5 years and pregnant and lactating women in Panyijar and Aweil South counties of Unity and NBeG States respectively.

Specific Objectives

To evaluate the nutritional status of children aged 6-59 months and pregnant and lactating womenTo estimate the mortality rates through a retrospective survey in the County. To determine the morbidity and health seeking behaviours in the County.To estimate Vitamin A and iron folate  supplementation ratesTo establish recommendations on actions to be taken to address the situation.To present recommendations based on the survey result for planning and decision making.

Key Responsibilities:

Present the Survey Methodology, Objective, and Plan to the IRC team, Nutrition Cluster and SMOH.Be responsible for preparation for the surveys in line with SMART methodology including review of population statistics, calculation of  the sample size with appropriate precision, cluster selection, a survey training and data collection plan, etcShare the Survey full plan with the Global Nutrition Advisor, Nutrition Manager and iCCM Coordinator, and Juba senior staff per each county for review before data collection begins.Train the enumerator and data entry clerk, (including pre-testing questionnaire).Supervise data collection, entry and assure data entry quality. Ensure anthropometric data is entered each night and analyzed for errors. Feedback given to team on daily basis in order to ensure validity and reliability of results.Responsible for overseeing data quality and analysis using anthropometric software (ENA) for the core anthropometric and Mortality and others e.g EPINFO, SPSS on the other indicators accordingly.Conduct a one day Preliminary result sharing with the SMOH and IRC teams.Ensure recommendations are put forth by IRC teams after the presentation of resultsPrepare and submit preliminary results in 5 days on completion of the survey field work.Write and submit full report within one week on returning from the field, the report should be as guided by the cluster guidance.

Expected Outputs

Implementation of survey and production of survey results, including global acute malnutrition and severe acute malnutrition in Panyijar and Aweil South Counties of Unity and NBeG States.The consultant will produce and analyze the survey results. The report will be distributed to Global Nutrition Advisor, Nutrition Manager, iCCM Coordinator, CCM Mangers at county level and senior staff at Juba level.

Work plan and Timetable

The survey, including all related preparations – selection of enumerators, staff training, data collection etc. - is planned for 4weeks per County, starting in end of January, 2013  


The payment amount will be negotiated before the signing of contractA further 40% of the advance of the final consultancy fee will be paid on submission of a satisfactory draft of the final report; and the final 60% will be paid on satisfactory completion of the assignmentTravel to and from the survey site as well as accommodation will be covered by the IRC South Sudan program.IRC South Sudan will incur all costs for  conducting the survey.


The copyright of the draft and final versions of the report is the property of the IRC and donor supporting the baseline survey. The document, or any publication linked to the baseline survey, will not be shared before the IRC validation and delivery of the final reports to the donor.

Terms and Conditions

The consultant is bound by the principles and conditions of the IRC Code of Conduct (This includes Fraud and Dishonesty Policy, Anti-Terrorism, Anti-Corruption, Sexual harassment).A contract will be signed by the consultant before commencement of the action. The contract will detail terms and conditions of service, aspects on inputs and deliverables.

Application Process

Requirements: All expressions of interest should include:Cover letter and updated copy of your CVs (maximum three pages) addressing the consultancy criteria.Technical Proposal: brief explanation about the Consultant with particular emphasis on the previous experience in this kind of work attaching the last two surveys led by the consultant; profile of the Consultant, understanding of the TOR, methodology, the task to be accomplished as well as baseline analysis framework and plan.Financial Proposal: The financial proposal should provide cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees excluding: accommodation and transport cost; stationeries, and supplies needed for trainings and costs related to the participants during the exercise.

View the original article here

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