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Sunday, 11 May 2014

Project Communication / Information Specialist - Minsk

·      Design and ensure successful implementation of information and communication strategies to publicize and visualize messages, findings and events resulting from project activities at the local, national, and international levels.

·      Plan, organize, manage and evaluate public communication campaigns at the local, national and international levels that promote public understanding of the project activities, events and views.

·      Provide respective logistics and procurement and organize result dissemination, capacity building and public activities, such as workshops, round-tables, seminars, conferences, festivals, exhibitions, contests, trainings and other relevant events carried out in the framework of the project.

·      Provide screening of forthcoming international, regional and local events relevant to the project thematic fields worth being attended by the project personnel, local experts and project national partners and brief the Project Team accordingly.

·      Contribute to the narrative reports to the UNDP and EU, as well as participate in reporting on the project achievements and findings to the National Implementing Agency and other stakeholders.

·      Act as a focal point on the project communication issues to ensure timely and accurate monitoring and reporting on major developments.

·      Provide support for the project staff and experts in their interaction with media, as well as inform and consult them on communication and media issues related to the project promotion and public visibility.

·      Ensure that the project information and communication activities and products fully comply with the UNDP and EU communication policies and procedures.

2.   Communication with mass media:

·      Prepare information materials (brochures, booklets, reports, backgrounders, various audio-visual advertising and promotion materials, press releases, briefs, media alerts, leaflets, articles, interviews, reviews, etc., as necessary) about the project implementation progress and disseminate them through printed and online media at the local, national and international levels.

·      Prepare, organize and manage informational and media coverage on projects priority areas and major project activities, such as workshops, round-tables, seminars, conferences, festivals, exhibitions, contests, trainings, media tours and other relevant activities carried out in the framework of the project.

·      Identify, collect and file project "good stories" and pictures for internal and external use.

·      Organize field trips on project activities, as required, with respective notification of local and national mass-media.

·      Keep up to date media contacts, monitor media requests and draft responses, follow up relevant media coverage and report to the Project Team on the impact of coverage.

3.   Development of communication products and publications:

·      Help develop content and design for brochures and leaflets and other materials, which are to be printed as per the project detailed work plan, and provide financial assessments, procurement plans, manage and oversee their production.

·      Conduct maintenance and ensure regular update of the project web site in the Russian and English languages.

·      Provide translation of project materials intended to be disseminated from/to English when necessary.

4.   Perform any other duties and actions related to the project implementation as may be assigned by Project Manager.

The main expected results are as follows:

·      It has been ensured that the UNDP/EU project has a clear communication strategy and associated work plan to support the project objectives.

·      The project has delivered the issues on energy efficiency in schools into the public domain enhancing thereby UNDP and EU credibility and brand in the focus areas.

·      Implementation of information and communications strategies has been successfully conducted that should positively highlight the project activities and increase knowledge and understanding of the issues of energy efficiency in schools among experts, general public and media.

·      It has been ensured that the project maintains and continually develops a contact list of journalists and media outlets covering all media formats (print, TV, radio, online, etc.) in order to communicate the project progress and achievements to a wider audience.

·      The project key achievement and findings have been widely covered by local, national and global mass media (printed, radio, TV web-based), increasing public awareness in Belarus and abroad on the major issues the project are focused on.

·      Refined process has been established with regard to communicating with governmental and public sector, media contacts, including public and media events as well as issuing of a wide range of information and advocacy materials and products.

·      Rapid and accurate information dissemination on the project activities to the participating UN agencies, National governmental bodies, media, public sector and other appropriate agencies have been ensured.

The project representatives and stakeholders have been provided with professional expertise and advice on all aspects of communication.

View the original article here

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